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[Facts] Isis and Isaiah
How do you pronounce Isis? I thought it was iy-sis but I met a girl in France called Isis and she pronounced it Iss-iss.Also how do you pronounce Isaiah? Is it Iy-say-sah?Thanks,Kitty x
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No idea how they were pronounced when they were fresh and new ... but in English we'd usually say EYE-sis unless we were singing Mozart, in which case we'd use the continental version: EE-sis.Similarly, in English we'd say eye-ZI-a (that's the same vowel sound in the first two syllables, folks - wish this keyboard could do the IPA!) unless we were acting in Guys and Dolls, where it seems to be eye-ZEY-a with the stressed syllable rhyming with way and hey. I don't know if this is widespread in the USA!
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In French, Isis = ee-zis, and Isaiah = ee-za-ya. :)
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Usage: Egyptian Mythology (Hellenized)
Pronounced: IE-sisISAIAH m
Usage: English, Jewish, Biblical
Pronounced: ie-ZAY-a, ie-ZIE-aPerhaps Isis is pronounced differently, however, in French.Miranda
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