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I have loved the name Lilith since I was a little girl. My husband and I are devout Christians, and meanings of names are important. I was devastated when I saw that the meaning of Lilith is : "Night monster. Storm goddess. In Jewish folklore, Lilith was a female demon and first wife of Adam" (from several sites) and "Derived from Assyrian lilitu meaning "of the night". This was the name of a demon in ancient Assyrian myths. In Jewish and Islamic tradition she was Adam's first wife, sent out of Eden and replaced by Eve because she would not submit to him. The offspring of Adam and Lilith were the evil spirits of the world." (from this site).I always knew I would name my daughter Lilith. What do I do? Should I still consider it? I always hated when people named their children Tristan because it is French for "extreme sadness" (although I have seen that many sites list it otherwise; my mom and her family are all from Paris and say that to name a child this is awful!).WDYT?
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Thank you all for your comments; I really appreciate it. By the way, Lilith is from Jewish, Assyrian, and Sumerian folklore, and it is not found anywhere in the Bible. The "not submitting to her husband" didn't bother me. I think it was more of the demon and succubus connotation. I really liked the suggestion from many of you for the name Liliana. That is really beautiful! I'll let you know what we decide! Thanks again!
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I was raised catholic, and its something that many are aware of, but its more like the pre-christian folklore kinda stuff.
I personally would use the name, but like many others on here, I'm not christian in any way.
Lilith has been associated with the succubus as well, which is a pretty negative connotation. My mother told me if I ever used this name, she'd call the child by its MN, so you would have to be pretty brave to use it in your chosen spiritual community.
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Well, it's up to you. If you really love it, go ahead and use it, in time it will come to mean "my daughter" to you rather than "night sorcress, demoness, etc." If the meaning on the other hand overrides your love of the name, then you might have to give it up. Lily could be an alternative then, at least it's assonant to Lilith.Personally, I'm not bothered by the religious implications since I'm not religious, but it's not a name I'd use it, it's interesting but a bit burdensome.
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I'd never saddle my daughter with the name of a perceived demon.
Lila or Lilah (ly-lah) is close but less contentious.
I know an Eliza whose nn is Lilie (ly-lee).

This message was edited 8/31/2008, 6:44 AM

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Well, "triste" is the French word for "sad" so of course Tristan doesn't sound very nice to a person who speaks French. I think it's okay, though.I love Lilith. It's one of my favorites. I wouldn't have a problem using it but if the meaning of a name is so important to you then maybe you should look for alternatives."...and replaced by Eve because she would not submit to him".- isn't that a good thing ? that she wouldn't submit to him, I mean. I consider that a good thing....okay so the "night demon" thing isn't that great but remember that your child won't become a demon just because she is named Lilith. I know many girls named Leah and they aren't wild cows or always tired either. The meaning of a name is just something someone made up or derived from some word a long long time ago...If the meaning really puts you off how about:Lillis
Lilia (love this)

This message was edited 8/31/2008, 3:47 AM

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I see this name as feminist and subversive. However, I am also an atheist.
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Well, I personally think it's a nice name, because I don't believe women should submit to men. I think that's a horrible message. But I'm an atheist. If you believe in the bible and believe that Lilith was evil for not submitting to her husband, as the bible tells you to believe, then no, I wouldn't use it.I'm also a tad puzzled as to how you're both 'devout Christians' and neither of you knew the story of Lilith until recently.
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Because it's not a Christian story. It's a Jewish and Arabic story. Is Lilith in the Christian bible? I'm not sure - I don't think she is.
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No, she isn't. I'm Christian and I'd never even heard of Lilith until I started coming across the name on name sites.
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For the matter, correct me if I'm wrong, but it's more Jewish folklore and apocryphal stuff, for the matter. Certainly there's no story about Lilith in the Genesis.
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Lilith is mentioned very briefly in the book of Isaiah.
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Alright, sorry, my mistake. Apologies to the OP.
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I would never use itUnfortunately, along with the name Seth (Egyptian God of Evil), I would never even consider using Lilith. I wouldn't wittingly use a name with any 'evil' connotation... you know, "just in case."I named my son Claude despite it's meaning, because although it wasn't a 'good' meaning, it wasn't nasty.I would suggest you use Lillian, or Liliana maybe, I would suggest Tanith, but again that has a not so nice side.
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...I would worry about it a bit. Or quite a lot, if meanings of names are important to you and both of you are Christians. Also if Tristan gets to you. Does your love of Lilith outshine the importance of meanings? That is a decision you will need to make.
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Quite sensible - I very much agree
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Actually, some people consider Lilith to be a strong female figure, and not evil. Lilith Fair was named after her because she refused to submit to Adam. And just because a woman refuses to submit to a man, it doesn't make her evil. I would take the Biblical association with a grain of salt, because the Bible often depicts strong, out-spoken women as wicked. Its a lovely name-use it anyway.
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I like Lilith too but I wouldn't use it because of the meaning. What about Lily or something similar?
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