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I've really started to like the name Bruce. So much that I added it to my PNL and I was wondering what y'all thought about it. Do you think it works for a little boy or only an adult? and any combo ideas? I was thinking Bruce Nathanael or Aaron Bruce.
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I love this name as it is my dad's name. I have always thought it was strong and handsome. There are a lot of great Bruces-Springsteen, Lee, Willis, Jenner, etc...My friend has a 16 year old son Bruce! It was definitely an out of date name when she used it (he was named after his father who also was young to have the name)but it suits him well and he is a cool, athletic guy. I would love to see Bruce come back around!
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Bruce is very dated to me, but Bruce Nathanael is nice.
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I don't really like it that much... it's always reminded me of bruise. Bruce Nathanael really works, though. When I hear it, I'm starting to think less of bruise these days and more of Robert the Bruce.
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Bruce Nathanael is adorable! I think Bruce would be so cute on a little boy and would definitely work as he got older. Yay for Bruce! I like it.
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I think first of Bruce Springsteen who is amazing.
Then I think of Bruce Wayne/Batman who is very cool.I give this name a thumbs up.The name itself is quite handsome and an added bonus is its underused.
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The name Bruce makes me laugh for three reasons:
1) I (or a friend, I can't remember) used to have doll with this name. A girl doll. It must have been me that had the doll because I'm pretty sure that it was my friend that told me that Bruce was actually a boys' name. This was the only Bruce I've ever encountered, so the name will always remind me of this doll, with black frizzy pigtails and a green cardigan.
2) Bruce is a stereotypical name for an Australian to NZers. Any joke about Australians will involve someone called either Bruce, Blue, or Sheila.
3) A few years ago a NZ band had a song called Bruce. It basically went on about how Bruce is not a name for a baby or small child.
So I really can't get down with the name Bruce! My perspective has possibly been skewed by the song lol, but I just cannot see it on anyone younger than 50. If you're really attached to it, I'd suggest that you use it as a mn. I think Nathanael Bruce would work well; Aaron Bruce is a little short and stilted.
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I definitely understand your reasoning, most of what you mentioned won't be a problem for me as I'm in the US. Anyhow this is all theory. I won't be having kids for years and who knows how I will feel about the name then. But thanks for telling me about how it fits into Australian / New Zealand culture. I'll have to take it under consideration.Now that I think about it I think I've seen a Monty Python skit to that effect.
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Hmmmm. I think of Bruce as sort of dated, and faux masculine. But that might just be close-minded judgement on my part. I like both of your combos enough. Nathanael Bruce sort of updates the name.
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Not one of my favorite names. I wouldn't use it as a first name, but it would be okay as a mn. Aaron Bruce is nice. A couple of others might be Dominic Bruce or Donovan Bruce.
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it's ok, but it makes me think of batman and the fat boy on matilda who ate the chocolate cake
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Honestly, I've never been able to warm up to Bruce. It reminds me of the word "bruise." I really want to because I love Scottish history and the name "Robert the Bruce" always intrigued me. (Does anyone know why Bruce is being used as a noun in that name?)But it is a classic and I'm all for seeing those rise in popularity. And I love trying to find *the* perfect combination. Bruce Nathanael is very handsome sounding, although I prefer Nathaniel. Aaron Bruce works too. Very rugged.Bruce Callum
Bruce Cameron
Bruce Malcolm
Bruce Garrett / Garrick
Bruce Patrick
Bruce Cormac
Bruce Morgan
Bruce Edmund
Bruce Victor
Bruce Gideon
Bruce MatthewWell?
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Bruce Cameron and Bruce Morgan are great! Thanks
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