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I know it's typically a Welsh male name, but there was a female character on my favorite show named Idris, and I quite like it. So, thoughts on Idris for a girl?
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It's also an Arabic man's name. I can't really see it on a girl, sorry!
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I could see thatIt's like Iris with a D in there. And "iss" sounds are pretty feminine in English names. It sounds like the name of an alien princess.
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NahIt's really masculine to me. It's a family name, it was my great-great-grandfather's name, his father's middle name, and it's been used for some great uncles, too, so I also have a personal connection to it. I would be sad to see a unique boy's name used on a girl.
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Could I ask how your family pronounces it? Is it "EE-dris" or "I-driss" (short i) or something else? Just curious. Neat family name.
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EE-drisIt's possible that my great-great-grandfather spelled it Edris because that's what I've seen recorded. But I'm not sure if that's true or if it was misspelled when they came to the US. His father's name was spelled Idris, so I've always assumed Edris was incorrect.Actually, plus my great-great-grandfather's first name was possibly Edward. I've seen Edward Edris and Edris Edward. We know he was called "Idris" but no idea which is his actual legal name.

This message was edited 5/16/2011, 2:52 PM

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*sigh*This is how we lose male names. Someone buys a babyname book or goes online looking for a unique baby name. They see something that is traditionally male, but they personally have never seen before. So they think they'll be unique and use it for their girl. But they're not unique. More parents follow suit and voila, another traditionally male name is lost to potential parents of little boys. I wouldn't mind so much if it went the other way. But it seems to be a one way street, at least at the moment. With so many fabulous names for girls, I wish parents would keep the already small pool of boy names alone. I'd be afraid to name a son anything other than John or Richard, for fear it would be "turned" into a girls name in the near future. Sexist? Yes. Can I do anything about it? No. I can't make parents start using Ava for a boy. Just my take. Oh, I love Idris too, but only for a boy.
Disclaimer: I'm speaking of my own country. Other countries may be able to handle gender bending better than mine. A "two-way-street" culture would be nice to find.
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I completely understand where you're coming from, but I don't like Idris for a girl because it's "unique". I legitimately like this name for a girl. I also love the name River for a girl, not to be unique, but because I really do love the name. You can't make assumptions about one person based on something that you think is happening. Could it be that people who first used Morgan and Ashley on girls just loved the names? I'm not usually one for male names on girls. There are only a few exceptions, and all of them are because there were female characters with the names on TV shows or movies. But I am all for people using names they love, and that's all that really matters.
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I understand. And I get that Idris *sounds* girly to some. It's why I've given up on keeping Ainsley for a boy. That rock is too hard to roll up hill. And I'm sure there are as many reasons why people choose names as there are people. It's just something I've noticed as a general proposition in doing these boards and watching name trends for (literally) decades.
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Yes, I'm sure that's the case for a lot of the time. And I suppose I'm a tad hypocritical, because there are a lot of names that I love (Rory, Sasha, etc.) that are used on girls, and it irks me a little. And for what it's worth, I do really like Idris on a boy as well. :)
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I should start a "hypocritical thread" of my own because I have a secret liking for Meredith on a girl. and there are others. Shshshshshs. Don't tell anyone.

This message was edited 5/16/2011, 12:41 PM

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You'd probably get a lot of responses! I think everyone is at least a little hypocritical. I think it'd actually be a fun thread!
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I like Idris. I know it's boy's name but it didn't bug me watching a female character with the name in DW so I guess I don't have a problem with it. I can see it annoying a Welsh person though in the same way girls call Rory annoy me.I'd use it as a unisex name.
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Idris is not a Welsh male name , It's an Arabic male name , they use it a lot there in the Arabic countries.Idris for a girl will be ugly ... :)
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It's been on my list of possible-son names forever: Cadair Idris ( is my favourite mountain, and it's a family name. So my thoughts on it for a girl are basically GRRRR NO. :p
I had to look up Idris Elba because I've never heard of him, and apparently his real name is Idrissa. Now that looks a lot girlier than Idris!
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Idrissa is super girly! I would go by Idris if I were him too!
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It's OK. I didn't know it was a boys name, and I assumed it was for a girl because it's so similar to Iris.I think I prefer Iris.
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*swoons* I LOVE it. I think it would be pretty on a girl, absolutely. However, being the purest that I am, I would leave it to the boys. Idris on a boy to me screams cool, handsome and slightly sensitive - my favorite type of name:)
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I love it for a man because Idris Elba is pretty good looking! ;-)
I did know a woman named Cedrice after her father Cedric. It was pronounced seh-drees
I always thought it was pretty.

This message was edited 5/15/2011, 9:24 PM

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*WHOVIAN ALERT*I really like it on a boy, but the character was great, so I'm warming up to it as a girl's name.
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To be perfectly honestly when I first read it I thought girl, so I like it. I can see how it could be very handsome, but it does feel right for a girl as well.
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lol did you just watch the new episode of Doctor Who? I don't think the TARDIS is necessarily female :PAnyway, I like it. I'm American though, so aside from Idris Elba, the name is entirely unfamiliar to me and I don't associate it strongly with either gender. I think it sounds like a unisex name imo - it has both a masculine and feminine sound. So when I was watching Doctor Who and house called the TARDIS Idris, I wasn't all, "but that's a girl's name!"I'm not sure how it would be taken in the UK... it'd probably seem weirder there, especially in Wales, seeing how Idris Elba is much more well known over there?
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Ha. I just watched this for the first time through the miracle of iPlayer, and it was definitely the woman's name beforehand and not the TARDIS'... for the same reasons as some others have said, and besides, there's a bit where he asks if the TARDIS has a name and Idris is most definitely not mentioned. I am suuuuuuch a geekAnyway, I liked the character and by association can picture it on a woman. I think it has a bit of a too much of a fantasy/sci-fi vibe to be without it's problems if anyone were to actually use it (and besides the fact that if someone were to have a daughter right off the back of the episode and name her Idris, regardless of it being because they liked the name, people are going to find it funny that it looks like someone named their child after a Who character. In a couple of months time, eh, nobody'd notice, but...) but it is pretty and does have a bit of a unisex feel to it. Must say, though, that when I first heard the name I seriously thought they said Iblis and was like O___O. That might be because I'm a wee bit deaf, haha. And really, there's loads of boy names now popular on girls, and this one is actually nice compared to 80% of currently used ones, so I'm not gonna complain and I'm not sure how big a deal it would be...
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Yes, Doctor Who! While the TARDIS isn't necessarily female, the body it was in definitely was, and wasn't the woman's name before she became the TARDIS, Idris? Or did I misunderstand? And I'm American too, although I'm moving to the UK in the near future. :)
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I don't remember... the only time I distinctly remember her being called Idris was near the end when house yelled at her. Did they call her that in the beginning too? I'll have to rewatch.
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She was a woman called Idris before she had the Tardis matrix put into her and her own personality/soul/mind wiped. The Tardis thought her own name was Sexy since that is what the Doctor calls her!
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I thought so, but I could be wrong. The people in the room with me were loud in the beginning of the episode, and I haven't been able to rewatch it yet! edit: Yes, that's what I thought, especially because she thought her name was sexy. Thanks!

This message was edited 5/16/2011, 11:31 AM

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I think of it as male because of Idris Elba, but I wouldn't think it outlandish for a girl.
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I know of Idris Elba and I now see the name as male but maybe if I saw it on a girl it would be different. I really like Idriya, I think it is refreshing. But I wouldn't mind seeing a female Idris.
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