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Esther, Enid, Ethel
Do you like any? Which one of the three is your favorite, if you had to choose one? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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I've always had a soft spot for Esther. Ethel doesn't do it for me, but Enid is adorable!
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I love all three!!My favorite is probably Enid, followed closely by Esther, and then Ethel.
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I love the name Enid! Ethel is okay. I dislike Esther.
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Esther!Being realistic, Ester (this is my prefered spelling) would most likely be the name I would go for if I were to name a baby. Here in the Czech Republic, naming is much more conservative and we also have quite strict naming laws, so other favorites of mine like Cosima and Cosmina wouldn't really work.Ester has a long history of usage but was never popular to the point that it would be associated with one generation. Ester's name day here is Dec 19, which is an important date to me. I also like the sound of the name - it feels strong and would stand out among currently popular vowel heavy names.Enid could work here as well but will probably be considered fancy / hipster-ish. I like it if pronounced EN-nid. EE-nid, not so much.Ethel would not work here. I like it for English speaking people, though. It has medieval charm to it. I prefer it as a NN for longer names like Etheldred and Etheldreda.
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I like Enid, don't mind Esther and I very much dislike Ethel.
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I like Esther alright. I don't think I'd use it though. For some reason I always think of Esther and Edith as a pair, and I really prefer Edith and would consider using it for a daughter.
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Esther is not bad at all. It's got a brisk, down-to-earth feel to it.
Enid and Ethel are just too hideous to consider.
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I love them all! If I had to use one of them, it would be Esther (though preferably as Ester which was my great-grandmother's middle name).
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I adore Enid and Ethel and like Esther. Enid is my favorite, but on a different day, I might choose Ethel.For the record, I adore Hester and strongly prefer it to Esther.
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I adore Esther, and I like Enid's association with Enid Blyton.

This message was edited 6/13/2019, 6:05 AM

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Enid. If I had to choose.
I would be ok being named Enid.
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I like Enid, but not enough to use. If a friend hadn't married an Enid, I would probably not have ever given it a thought.Esther is better than Hester by a country mile, but not as good as Stella.I find it impossible to be polite about Ethel. Vintage BBC radio comedy fans of the Glums will remember Ron's girlfriend Eth with affection - I can do a good Eth impersonation, if I do say so - but it's not enough. I even know a Gillian, in her 60s, whose mn is Ethel for family reasons: she's the youngest, and her sisters' mns are Ann and Joan, so she's felt resentful all her life! And the name has not been passed on.
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I just love Enid, it's in my top 10 girl's list. Esther has surprisingly grown on me recently, I wouldn't mind seeing it rise in popularity. I don't like Ethel at all; it's not even a bad name per se, it just sounds completely dated to me (something I might've thought about Esther before) and should just be left in the past in my opinion.
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Hi Billina !!!Esther 9/10
Ethel 8/10
Enid 4/10My favourite form is Ester (the Italian form). Esther is lovely too.Ethel is nice but seems quite weak and shy.Enid has a bad sound. I much prefer Edna / Enya / Eithne. I prefer other Welsh names.
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I like all three, though I'm not sure I'd use any. I really like the sounds of Esther and Ethel, and Enid was my great grand-mother's name. But I don't like Enid or Ethel enough to counter how un-usable they seem, and Esther is too religious for me. If I did have to choose a favourite it would probably be Esther.
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Enid is my favorite, I like it quite a lot. Needs more love imo. I won't ever use it myself though because it's very similar in sound to my favorite girls' name, Edith. But I'd love to see it more. I like Esther well enough.I don't like Ethel. It feels stuck in the past for me, though I do like a lot of other 'old fashioned' names. I just don't really like the sound of it.
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Esther by far
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I'd easily choose Enid, as I somewhat like it. Many here like Esther, but I don't. Nor can I warm to Ethel. Funny how at one time Ethel was popular. I have tried to understand what people saw in it, without success.
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I love a lot of E names for girls. Esther is definitely my fave of the 3, it's a great name. I have a niece with this name actually and love the Biblical story. Enid is alright, though not a fave. Ethel is ok too, but I wouldn't use it for a DD of mine. There are plenty more E names I would choose over these.
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