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Unusual virtue names
Please comment on these virtue (I use the term loosely) names from the extended girls' SSA:Esperanza
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I probably wouldn't use any of these in real life, but I do actually like some of them (just in general or for characters). Verity and Clarity have such a similar sounds that I kind of have the same impression of them. I like them both! Levity is not one I've thought about, but I'm kind of enjoying the idea of it. Esperanza and Reverie both have an artsy feel to me. I don't really like any of the others; probably wouldn't use them.
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Esperanza - nice, pretty in an exotic way
Verity - nice, friendly. I prefer Vera.
Clarity - I like it better in theory than in execution. Mental clarity is a nice virtue concept, but adds for things like "Claritin clear" are what come to mind.
Reverie - It is more a word name than a virtue. It can refer to being pleasantly lost in a daydream or refer to a fanciful or impractical idea or theory. If it isn't a brand of marijuana, then it should be.
Darling - No. Just no. Terms of endearment like Sugar, Honey, Precious, Sweetums, etc... do not make nice names.
Holiday - Whether it is referencing a vacation, holy day, or Doc Holiday, it isn't a virtue.
Anthem - It is nicer than Canticle, marginally better than Hymn, but worse than Psalm or Carol. I sort of dig Dirge for a member of the Addams Family.
Levity - not a virtue just a joke or a bad attempt at humor.
Beloved - Make me think of the dead girl haunting her mother in Toni Morrison's novel of the same name.

This message was edited 2/14/2023, 1:59 PM

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Let me start by saying that I adore Esperanza. I always have. If I married into a Latino family I would seriously consider using it (though from what I understand, it's perceived as just a little bit old fashioned).That said... can't say I care for any of the other names. Beloved 100% makes me think of Toni Morrison's Beloved, and while that's one of my favorite books, the title character isn't exactly who you'd want to name your daughter after. And Felicity is probably the only -ity name I enjoy. (Verity also makes me think of "severity" rather than the truth.) Darling, Holiday, and Anthem don't even sound like names.Reverie is a name I've seen pop up a couple times on these boards. I think it's interesting in print, though I'm not as fond of it said aloud.
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Esperanza- makes me think of the book Esperanza Rising. I find it kind of cool how much longer it is than its English version.
Verity- maybe as a middle name, but it kind of sounds like a horse.
Clarity- sounds even more like a horse to me. Maybe even a stripper.
Reverie- if it were more normalized, I would use it. It’s really pretty.
Darling- overly sweet and almost kind of gross. I met a woman named Darling once and I felt terrible for her.
Holiday- I would be very annoyed if I had this name. Especially around Christmas. Imagine the horrible puns people would come up with.
Anthem- I would assume this person’s parents are raging redneck patriots.
Levity- idk what this means and it sounds ugly.
Beloved- even worse than Darling.
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Esperanza - idk, it's a normal enough seeming Spanish name; comes across as fancier or more formal than Hope does to me (yet I prefer Hope). 6/10Verity - there's something simultaneously too cold and too peppy about it; I like Vera and Charity more, or even Veritas. 4/10Clarity - refreshing, one of my fav unusual word names; the vibe's kinda like Clare meets Serenity. It also reminds me vaguely stylewise of Cassidy, Ember, Claribel, Allegra, Destiny. 6/10Reverie - I think this is pretty but in a way that's sad/nostalgic/frustrated, kinda like Halcyon; my strongest but off-the-wall association is Orpheus and Eurydice because of "revert" / "looking back" / illusory imagery. I get a less melancholic feeling from Dream or Renaissance. 5/10Darling - ...less dated than Darlene and less poetic than Starling; acceptable if Honey is (I could go either way but generally think it's awkward). 2/10Holiday - I prefer it to days of the week as names, at least, and it'd be more lowkey than Loveday. There's an actress named Holliday Grainger. 6/10Anthem - this reminds me of bugs (because...? ants? antenna? I dunno) and phlegm and people being weirdly patriotic; it's an ugly word IMO. 2/10Levity - aww. I think this is cool. Better than popular Legacy. Less preppy and/or dated than Hilary. FYI, I also like Lev, plus I like Gravity and Sollemnia as GPs. 6/10Beloved - I don't hate it; seems less awkward than Darling or Precious would to me and more like Cherish and Blessing. Also I think it's got an antique vibe similar to Pansy or Beulah but more idyllic. I think of ephemera. 3/10

This message was edited 2/12/2023, 7:48 PM

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Esperanza - I love this. The sound is much nicer to me than Hope.Verity - My first thought is the main character's mother from The Letdown. My second thought is that I don't particularly like it as a name.Clarity - It isn't bad. I like plenty of names that are pretty word-y, but in this case I think Clara and Claire are nice enough that I wouldn't go with Clarity.Reverie - It's growing on me. I prefer it as a middle name.Darling - Not a fan. The person would have to go through life with random people calling them something that implies a great deal of closeness.Holiday - I'm not into it, but it isn't awful.Anthem - This has zero appeal to me. Levity - Better than Anthem and Darling, I guess, but worse than Holiday.Beloved - See Darling
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Esperanza - Rich, elegant, and lovely, especially for a Spanish-speaking girl/woman.
Verity - Nice sound and meaning, but reminds me of a little good-as-gold Pollyanna... Something about "truth" as a meaning just feels more pretentious than hope, joy, etc. I do like it though.
Clarity - I prefer Clara but Clarity is also sweet and a bit more unusual.
Reverie - Only as a middle name, but it's a guilty pleasure for me.
Darling - Dreadful. This is a term of endearment, not a name.
Holiday - She'd probably end up going by Holly. I think of Holiday only as a last name.
Anthem - I don't like it. Too heavy, dramatic, and patriotic.
Levity - Not great, doesn't really work as a name.
Beloved - Too much, see Darling.ETA: Other unusual virtue names I like for girls include: Blessing (middle name) and Bliss (either standalone or short for Beatrice / Beatrix).

This message was edited 2/12/2023, 7:31 AM

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Esperanza: Esperanza Rising (One of my fav childhood books), and House on Mango Street. Beautiful name that’s raspy while still being feminine. The z really gives it that oomph of allure.Verity: I find this name to be pretty, but I would just use Vera, which I find vastly better. Verity reminds me of purity, and virginity? For some reason??? But either how decent name I just wouldn’t use it.Clarity: This is a word to me, hardly a name, but then again I like a whole bunch of word names. I would prefer Claire, but then again I do like how Clarity has that luminescent look and feels like fresh clean water on your tongue. I can imagine it on a grandma or a child.Reverie: I never really paid this name any attention until a while ago, but I like the meaning and the sound is kinda cool. It sounds like it has some sort of position of authority, like Scout almost, but it’s actually soft. I can imagine Scout and Reverie as sisters. Anyway, I think Reverie is really calm and serene. But it has that protruding sound at the end that makes it pop, stand out.Darling: This would be OK as a middle name, but as a first name somebody would really need to be able to pull it off. Darlene would be a better option. Also Tegan would be so cute and then you call her “darling”. Holiday: I think of Billie Holiday, which isn’t at all a bad association. That said, it has a gentle but impactful sound, so it’s not at all a bad name. I’d rather Holiday can Halloween. But once again, more of a middle name.Anthem: Nope.Levity: It has a nice meaning, but I don’t actually like it as a name. It is quite humorous.Beloved: You have Esme, Amy, Cara, Carina, Jedidah, with any variant spelling of those names or variant name. Hell you can even use Love if you want. Why Beloved?
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Esperanza: I like this a lot. I like Hope, but Esperanza has a much prettier, less abrupt sound.
Verity: Prissy English-cozy-mystery type name.
Clarity: Sounds like a hearing-aid company.
Reverie: This is an "intimate moisturizer" that I'm hearing ads for all the time.
Darling: About as dumb as naming a kid Honey or Sweetheart. Lame.
Holiday: Yeah, it's a last name, but it just doesn't sound right for a first name.
Anthem: Hate the sound of it, and it's not even a virtue name. If you want to be patriotic name her Liberty or Star or America.
Levity: I like laughter, but I wouldn't want to be named after it.
Beloved: About like Darling, only even more self-conscious.
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Love: Darling (it’s a gp)Like: Reverie & ClarityNeutral: Verity & EsperanzaI don’t like the rest.
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In order of preference:Esperanza - lovely, would like to see this used more often
Verity - prefer this to Vera, similar to Felicity
Clarity - prefer Clara but this is a quirky alternative
Reverie - ok but I wouldn’t use it
Anthem - I find this masculine and more of a horse name than a human name
Holiday - ok on someone else’s child
Darling - more of a term of endearment than a virtue, not good name material
Levity - not really usable imo
Beloved - ditto
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