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Hi everyone! I recently discovered the name Soleil and I immediately fell in love. What do you think about this name for an Italian-British baby?
Thank you for your help.
Have a great day
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The only instance when it is used in French is when combined with Marie. Marie-Soleil. But used by itself, the kids will probably prone to teasing if she lives amongst francophones. If you don't live in a French speaking country and don't plan to, it is an ok name.It isn't my type but it's fine.
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I can’t get past the fact this name literally means “sun” in French. I don’t think the background of the child really matters since it’s not used as a name in French-speaking areas.
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I like it as a word but not as a first name. I'd like it as a middle name in the right combo.When I was a kid I wanted to write a book under Morgan Dawn Soleil (or M. D. Soleil). Morgan was supposed to imply "morgen" in German, so it would be "Morning Dawn Sun". Adriana Soleil
Aurelia Soleil
Calista Soleil
Kamira Soleil
Anna Soleil
Cristina Soleil
Diana Soleil
Luna Soleil
Lyra Soleil
Lysandra Soleil
Federica Soleil
Anwen Soleil
Enya Soleil
Ebba Soleil
Mira Soleil
Ofelia Soleil
Oriana Soleil
Francesca Soleil
Isidora Soleil
Maria Soleil
Elena Soleil
Piera Soleil
Rosario Soleil
Viviana Soleil
Violet Soleil
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Hi!Here in Italy Soleil is increasing in popularity as well as all names regarding the sun "sole" (SOH-leh): Sole 88°, Mariasole 98°, Maria Sole 161° and also Marisol 162° and... Soleil 171°! 😀 This is your best chance to use it and be trendy too!
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That's the name of a shopping mall in my town. Either way, it sounds nice, maybe pair it with an Italian name too.
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I don't like it
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