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Do you agree with me?
This is not an unpopular opinion but celebrity kids' names are ridiculously tacky, it's not creative what the heck is North and Kulture?

This message was edited 9/16/2023, 10:20 PM

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I've actually met a guy named North. He was born around 1970 or so. It's unusual, but not ridiculous, imo. I think the pun with the surname West is cute.Kulture is something else. It's interesting ... imagine what kind of outlook on life and self-concept you'd have to have, to literally name your baby Kulture, knowing that it would be published and commented about widely. An actual baby human. Or to name a baby Moon Unit, for that matter. I don't think tacky is the right word. I might say it's bizarre, distorted, maybe alienated, instead. Tacky, to me, is naming a baby Peaches or Blade. It's relatable enough that I can register it as "tacky" - I'm preferring to alienate myself, for reasons of my own, instead of thinking the names are fun / cool.
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Nah, North is tame. It only seemed gimmicky because the surname is West.
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Agree, 1000%
These types of names are beyond ridiculous. Some, (not all), but some do it for attention, I'm absolutely certain of that. It's not hard to figure out why. But, in any case these loopy names are one of reasons for why I don't usually follow celebrity baby news, even for celebs that I do like.

This message was edited 9/17/2023, 9:21 AM

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If I were a celebrity, I'd choose their public name to be an outlandish choice, but their real, private name would be something more my style I wouldn't want my real kids names known at all if I were a celebrity and I hope this is the case for many real celebrities
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Are you familiar with the board, at all?
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I agree, but I don’t think any less of them for it; it wasn’t my child to name. However, some celebrities go for more commonplace choices; I can think of Chris Pratt, with Jack, Lyla, and Eloise.
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More sensible and commonplace choices among celebrities are so refreshing. Then on the other hand you have someone like George Foreman who named all his sons George. 😂
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I think a lot of people agree, but at this point celebs have their own subculture as names go.
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Just awful
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