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Rank the “Al-“ Girl Names
Put these names in order of how much you like them:
Alana, Alberta, Alessia, Alexandra, Alicia, Allison, Alma, Alondra, Althea, Alyssa

This message was edited 4/9/2024, 9:13 AM

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1. Althea
2. Allison
(These are the only two I really love, the rest I ranked according to the ones I disliked the least)3. Alicia
4. Alyssa
5. Alana
6. Alexandra
7. Alessia
8. Alma
9. Alberta
10. Alondra
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Alana, Alyssa, Allison, Alessia, Alicia, Alondra, Alexandra, Althea, Alma, Alberta.
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AlbertaI'm not really a fan of any of these names, but if I had to rank them, I would put them like this
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I like these (listed in order of how much)Alma
Alberta (family name with a special fondness)
Alana (prefer Alanna)Ambivalent about, and cannot orderAlessia, Alexandra, Alondra, Allison, AlyssaDislikeAlicia
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Favorite: Alexandra (I would use this in a heartbreak a middle name but my childhood crush of several years had been an Alexander so people would think it was weird...) Like: Allison, Alyssa, Alicia, Alessia Dislike: Althea, Alana, Alma, Alondra Hate: Alberta. It's just unattractive to me. PLUS: the only girl I knew with it was in my social work undergrad program. She told us openly in class several times that when she gets her license, she was going to tell all her gay, muslim, trans, jewish etc. clients they were living in sin, and they needed to convert to Christianity to save themselves. She was going to "change them" to "save them from damnation by teaching them of their evil ways." God bless America 🫠 Luckily, the department got wind of this and told her if she didn't follow the ethical standards of social work (meaning honoring other people's beliefs, and not forcing your own) they weren’t going to graduate her or allow her to get a social work license. So their IS justice in this world 😄 but yeah... Alberta and Albert by extension are ruined for me for the rest of my life!

This message was edited 4/9/2024, 12:55 PM

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I don't think you have to give up Alexandra because of the childhood crush thing! Nobody would think it was weird, I'm sure. I bet they wouldn't even draw those conclusions! But it's hard to get away from that "invisible audience" in our minds, I feel you.
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Tbh I don’t think that story belongs on this site…

This message was edited 4/9/2024, 3:37 PM

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Sometimes there is a person reason for disliking a name and sometimes we share it. If you don't like that, don't use the site 🙂🤷‍♀️
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Tbh this site is about names and name opinions. There is a back story as to Why I hate the name Alberta so I shared. Tbh I think you are being rude 🙂
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All you had to say is that you met an Alberta you didn’t like. You didn’t have to share the details and doing so doesn’t promote inclusivity nor respect here. Thus you are the only one being rude here. I’m just calling you out but whatever, be known as rude. God bless.

This message was edited 4/10/2024, 6:07 PM

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God bless? Gotcha, you're only offended because I brought up toxic Christianity. Understood. And I forgive you for being rude to me ❤️
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Well okay then… I’ve let the mods know about your message since it does break the site rules and I’m asking you to not message me again per those same rules. Either way, God bless.
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If you identify with the girl I described enough to be offended, I think that says a whole lot more about you than it does me. That's all I'm saying.
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On the site we share why we dislike a name, like I said before if you have a problem with that, get off 🙂
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I forgive you for bullying and harassing me 🙂 because that's what a good person does.
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This is really none of my business, but...I hate to step in where I shouldn't, but you're being horrendous. This person is not bullying or harassing you: you shared a story that is not appropriate on this site, then made her replies about you being the better person. You are not morally superior here, as a matter of fact, you are behaving in a truly vile manner. You have no place telling someone to leave the site when they have done nothing wrong. I sincerely apologize if this hurts you in any way -- please, just try to consider the feelings of others.
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There wasn’t actually anything inappropriate about the original story.
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Why should I consider the feelings of others when I am the one being bullied? How strange...
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Sigh... you're being difficult.Nobody is identifying with extremists, you are not being harassed here, and you have already been reported. Take this information and stop messaging on this thread.
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Obviously she did or else she wouldn't have been offended by the story.
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You called me "truly vile" if that's not bullying I honestly don't know what is?
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Please stop messaging me now, I'm getting angry. I never called you "truly vile," I was referring to your behavior. The condescension you display here is pitiful, but, for your sake, I will not post further. The last thing I want is to feel like I'm hurting you, but that doesn't mean I condone your behavior. I sincerely apologize for any hurt I've caused.
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No, you aren't apologetic 🤣 if you want me to stop messaging you then Stop Messaging Me hateful comments. Period.
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If you didn't want engagement then you shouldn't have instigated to begin with 🤷‍♀️
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Then stop harassing me and I will
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If a person identifies enough with an extremist to be offended by the story, which again, was pertinent to why I dislike the name, that speaks way more to their own character then mine. I stand by that.
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"I hate to step where I shouldn't" ... then don't? :)
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I have, she was being rude to me. If you didn't notice that I feel empathetic with your lack of an ability to properly assess a situation. and Yes, I forgive you too :)
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1-10 ranking, best to worst
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Alana > Alexandra > Alma > Alessia > Alicia > Allison > Alyssa > Althea > Alberta > AlondraTho if Alice was on the list, it would be first. 💯
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Althea > Alma > Alberta > Alondra > Alessia > Alicia > Alexandra > Allison > Alana > Alyssa
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1. Alondra - the cadence and meaning of the name are lovely
2. Alexandra- a tried and true winner
3. Alessia - would love to see this one more
4. Alana - I like this one but I can’t decide between this spelling or Alannah
5. Allison - another classic, although somewhat lackluster
6. Althea - regal but gives me old woman vibes
7. Alicia - cute!
8. Alma - wish I liked this
9. Alyssa - dated and common
10. Alberta - hate this. Albert is terrible as a masculine name. Let’s not afflict some poor girl.
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Alison (one l); Alana; Alexandra; Alicia (Alice would have been 1); Althea; Alma; Alyssa; Alberta; Alessia; Alondra
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Alexandra > Alessia > Alicia > Alondra > Alana > Althea > Alyssa > Alberta > Alma
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