Re: Is Anabel a Spanish name?
Because Isabel is the spanish form of Elizabeth or a semitic name that means "daughter of BAAL" which makes a lot of sence because in spanish "hija de Baal" sounds a lot like Isabel (hijabaal).
As for Anabel... does not come from anything else but Annabel which is the proper spelling of a name that is NOT Spanish. Even when you take it appart. Ana is a name but Bel is not a sufix of any kind and Bel is not a name on its own. The word Bell standing on its own means nothing in spanish.BUT.... If all of the above is wrong, then I would have to say that Anabel is a compound name that comes from Ana and Isabel, just as Maribel is a compound name that comes from Maria and Isabel.
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Is Anabel a Spanish name?  ·  Cristina  ·  2/26/2003, 7:20 PM
Re: Is Anabel a Spanish name?  ·  Anneza  ·  2/27/2003, 4:33 AM
Re: Is Anabel a Spanish name?  ·  Magia  ·  2/27/2003, 9:41 AM
Re: Is Ana a Spanish name?  ·  Ana  ·  4/17/2003, 1:16 PM
Re: Is Anabel a Spanish name?  ·  Magia  ·  2/26/2003, 7:50 PM
Re: Is Anabel a Spanish name?  ·  Nancy_DownUnder  ·  2/27/2003, 5:40 AM