I go to an International school and...
...I am really interested in the backgrounds of names. I'll post the name, gender and nationality of each person I'm interested in and if someone could give me some meanings, that would be really cool.Cedrik/male/German
In Hee/male/Korean
Jun Wun/male/Korean
Min Sung/male/Korean
Hasliza/female/MalaysianThat's it for the moment...
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Cedrik is a variation of Cedric. Click hyperlink.Yuki
Minh - Listed as a Vietnamese male name. Perhaps related, I'm not sure
AureliaClick hyperlinks.The site where I got the following links from, Oxygen.com's Babynamer, is not 100% accurate. However, it's still pretty good, and might provide you with the information you want.Hee: http://tools.oxygen.com/babynamer/Content.cfm?ContentTypeID=1000&NameID=18944&BabySiteID=9051186 (listed as a Chinese female name)
Jun: http://tools.oxygen.com/babynamer/TypeASearch.cfm?Gender=B&Unique=2&TellMeAbout=Jun (listed as Japanese)
Akihito: http://tools.oxygen.com/babynamer/Content.cfm?ContentTypeID=1000&NameID=803833&BabySiteID=9051186 (was Akhito a typo?)
Sung: http://tools.oxygen.com/babynamer/TypeASearch.cfm?Gender=B&Unique=7&TellMeAbout=Sung (listed as unisex)I don't know about the rest of the names, sorry.Miranda
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Thanks for that. I figured the asian names would be tricky, because that is their English spelling equivelent. Oh, and I can assure you that Akhito is not a typo.
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Concerning the Japanese names...What are the kanji for them? The combination of the kanji and the hiragana/katakana determines what the names mean (tidbit of information came from my japanese professor who is Japanese.)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Are you English by any chance?
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