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male form of eve?
is there a male form of eve? i like the name yves. but it means yew. that is nice but is there something similar that means eve. i like the meaning of eve alot for my son. like yevve? of evve? are those even names?
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Eve means "to breathe" in Hebrew. Abel is the Hebrew word for "breath" and Pran is the Sanskrit word for "breath" both Abel and Pran are used ase male names. I don't know of any name intended to be the masculine form of Eve. Hope this helps you :)
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thank you. i really like the meaning to breathe. these names are beautiful. i like abel most. could i maybe change it to avel? i like the way that sounds alot. thanks for all who helped me... liza girl thank you, your suggestions were not useless at all!
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NO problem :)Since the original form of Abel is Hevel I don't see why you can't. I tend to prefer "v"s over "b"s (ie. Gavriel, Avigail, etc.) so I might be biased.
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thank you. i really like the v sound of over bs as well. interesting that hevel was the original of abel. thank you again for sharing this information.
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You're welcome :) If you want to know anything else about the names you can click on the blue highlighted names to read comments, see popularity data, and see others' comments.
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thank you.
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Evo and ChaimMaybe Evo - like the name of the Bolivian President?The Hebrew form of Eve is either Chava or Chawwah. Chaim or Chayyim would be masculine forms that are related to Chava/Chawwah.
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Idea: Name him Evan, only pronounce it "Even".
Idea: Name him Steven and nickname him "Eve".
Idea: Name him Ivan, and pronounce it like the Russians, "ee-VAHN".
Idea: Name him Adam?Sorry about the lousy ideas. I'm much better at feminizing masculine names.
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SorrySorry about that...I guess my message is terribly useless.
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