Surnames Kinne/Kinney/Kenney also Keine possibly
These names are linked to Kings Lyn, England Sir Thomas Kinne(y)/Kenney in the 1600's. Arrival in the new world from his lineage was in 1630 Henry Kenney and later one of his sons changed the spelling to Kinney, then the y was dropped later. Problem is that this surname was from Ireland initially and Gaelic language, so in ships manifestos it was transcribed phonetically by English speakers. Kinne dutch link is not correct. Henry Kinney emigrated to Holland area when the Mayflower left with cousins for the New World. Puritans by religion and fleeing the religious persecution. Follow history and these are known as the Lost Pilgrims residing there approximately another 9 years before the next ship to the New World was ready. Some of the relatives with with Henry and family members did stay in that area and reside. Henry Kinney has a tainted past with 2nd wife Anne Putnam. Henry being the local peace officer and a dispute among the Putnam's vs. Nurse family over land. The Kinne(y)/Kenney family kept detailed records.
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Surnames Kinne/Kinney/Kenney also Keine possibly  ·  Lisa  ·  8/11/2019, 3:35 PM
Re: Surnames Kinne/Kinney/Kenney also Keine possibly  ·  Lisa  ·  8/11/2019, 3:35 PM