Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Brandon is a very handsome and cool name.
My husband’s name is Brandon. I have always loved this name, it’s classy, timeless, and strong. I very much prefer Brandon over Brendon and Brendan. Those look like the misspelled version of Brandon.
This is my brother's name and it suits him well. My parents were originally going to call him Xander, but thank goodness they ended up naming him Brandon, I honestly can't imagine him being a Xander or any other name for that matter, he is a Brandon. Therefore, this is a good and strong name for your son. Also, if you have a son and daughter, a great name pair up is Brandon and Charlotte, as I think both those names flow really well together, these are my brother and I's names after all, so I would know. Honestly, Brandon can be paired up with a lot of names, which is what makes it a well-rounded and really good name. Plus, it's way better than the more popular name, Brendan.
Brandon is a very handsome name. I’ve always loved how it sounds.
I'm actually a boy that is named Brandon and having the name Brandon is cool and it's really handsome and a cute name.
Sounds worse than Brando.
I honestly kind of like that this name is falling out of favor since it just sounds like the name of a “bad kid” to me.
Why on earth would anyone name their daughter Brandon? That's just wrong. Definitely a boy's name.
In the US there is a political chant that unfortunately uses this name as of 2021. Perhaps it will quickly die off, but if it does have lasting power, it could mean less popularity for this name in the near future. If I were to have a boy today, I would honestly think twice about it, but a few years from now maybe not a big deal.
A very handsome name! The meaning is a bit confusing, but still. I like the nicknames Brand/Brando/Bran.
The name honestly isn’t bad. Really handsome. I much prefer it on a boy though. I had no idea Brandon was even used on girls. I don’t see what’s wrong with giving your daughter a regular feminine name. It doesn’t even need to be frilly or anything.
Although I've met someone named Brandon who is nice, I don't like this name in general. I also hate when people name their daughters this; it sounds too masculine for a girl name.
I like it, and don't think it's lower class.
I personally think this is a lower class name compared to a name such as Oliver and I'd name my child Oliver rather than Brandon.
I HATE this name, it reminds me of Brandon James from Scream.
My name is Brandon and I am a woman. I have had a struggle all my life with this name because EVERYONE thinks it is a man's name. I have even had health insurance deny me birth control because they thought I was male. I would love to meet other women named Brandon, I thought I was the only one!
Prefer Brenden.
I've never met a Brandon that I liked. I've met a handful of Brandon's and they've all been little brats. Brandens on the other hand are okay.
To be honest, this is another one of those names where it's kind of a mixed bag for me. I went through different phases where I liked and hated this name. Right now, I'm kind of okay with this name. Right now my sister is dating a Brandon who's had a really tough life.
A very dull name. Glad it is not popular at all anymore.
I really like this name because it is so good.
Cool name!
My older brother's name is Brandon Leigh (or Lee just spelled weird) he was named after the actor and martial artist Brandon Lee. Honestly I think it's a great name and it represents him completely!
I've never met a Brandon, but I can imagine it on a nice person.
My Angel has this name... fly high boo... mommy loves and misses you. His name is strong and demands attention when saying it. Love it!
Brandon is a very cool name.
My name is Brandon and I am female. I haven't met another female with my name but lots of guys. And they all, for the most part, have a cool demeaner too. I would love to come across another female Brandon as I believe the name pretty much has a small affect on each day I live.
Brandon is a strong, handsome name for a boy. It's becoming less and less popular with time however, hitting its peak in the mid 90's, due in large part to Actor Jason Priestley's character Brandon Walsh on the extremely popular TV series Beverly Hills, 90210. Most recently it has been popularized by Actor Jesse Hempstead Wright's character Brandon Stark on the hit HBO series Game of Thrones. Some other celebrities who bear the name are The Killers frontman Brandon Flowers, Incubus frontman Brandon Boyd, Actor Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee's son), Actor Brandon Routh, and NFL star Wide Receiver Brandon Marshall. Weird side note: Every Brandon I know or have ever met has had dark hair and dark features. Doesn't sound right for a guy with blonde or red hair.
Brandon is my name.
If I hear the name Brandon, I just imagine the guy is handsome and free spirited. Even if I met one who was not handsome, I would still assume the next Brandon I met would be. It makes me think of California beaches and skater culture. He probably has a friend named Chad.
Brandon sounds like one of those mediocre names like Aaron. I definitely prefer Brendan, this name seems to be poor quality.
I like this name even though it's so common, it has a cool sound to it and sounds so chill.
I think Brandon is a cool name. It reminds me of a skater dude, which I also find pretty cool.
I wouldn't use it, but I do like it. And I know of a few Brandons.
Brandon is a nice name, but I prefer Brendan.
I hate this name with a passion. It tries way too hard to be oh-so-ruggedly handsome and masculine. It just hits you over the head with it. "Hello, my name is Brandon. I'm just riding into town on my prancing and pawing stallion from a long day of rounding up the dogies. I have rugged chiseled features, a few days' growth of beard, a cigarette rakishly hanging out of my mouth, a body hardened by hours in the saddle, and my cowboy hat dangling over my eyes in an intriguing fashion. Just gonna swing myself down from the saddle now. Stand back, ladies! My name is Brandon!"I hate this name.
My older brother's name is Brandon. I think this is a good name for a boy. Very stable, responsible, but loves life. I think it's a good name.
Although I didn't grow up with anyone with this name, in my step family there are two guys named Brandon (and two named Ryan), and at my church, every other boy is either Brandon or William. (I'm serious.) I like how Brandon sounds, but I think it's way too common for me to use.
This name is played-out. I knew enough of them all throughout school.
I rather like the name, even though it's hideously overused and common. It's one of those names that don't sound infantile on adults, and it's got a pleasant-enough sound to it. This name has always made me picture some good-looking young guy with dark brown hair and dark eyes, but who isn't tanned or foreign-looking. Somehow I don't see this name on blond guys, and especially not red-haired guys.
I really like his name. It's so sweet sounding and it reminds me of a bouncing baby boy. I would definitely recommmend this name for anyone to use for their son. Maybe even for their daughter. I think it would be just fine to use it for a girl baby too, but she might be teased a lot through out her life.
A very ugly name for any child.
I know so many Brandons, but I could meet more and more and still love the name. My cousins think I'm crazy for planning to name my son this, but it makes perfect sense to me. The two men who mean the most to me have the name, so why not? I really love it, though. It's my boyfriend's name and he just means everything to me. He's intelligent and sweet. Funny, but not overbearing. And the same goes for my other Brandon - my closest cousin. Brandon Joel. That'll be my son's name. ^__^
My best friend is named Brandon (he is a boy). I love his name because it suits him perfectly --- he is strong, comedic, rough, and has a great sense of who he is. I absolutely love his name!
Brandon is a very nice name for a boy. It sounds smart and handsome. I have only known one boy named Brandon, spelled Branden, and he is 15 now.

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