Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My sister's name is Bridget and she thinks that her name is beautiful and unique.
Bridget is strong and no-nonsense. I like that Saint Bridget is the patroness of poets, and Bridie makes a fetching nickname.
The perfect name if you’re a Bridgerton fan….
I quite like this name especially with Birdie as a nickname. I think strong sounding names paired with ‘cutesy’ nicknames is so darn cute! I also don’t mind the nickname Biddy, at least when she’s a baby.
Bridget is a timeless name that could take you over the bridge of life (haha. I’ll take my leave now…).
Pretty weird name if you ask me.
The meaning is beautiful, and the history and the goddess just makes it even more beautiful. Bridget is a good name.
Don't like it at all, very harsh sounding.
I like this name mainly for the mythology of this name, I find Irish Mythology fascinating. Bridget is a good strong name and rare too and as I said before I like rare names.
This name is just sooo cute with any spelling.
I personally think this name is OK, but it kind of sounds weird for someone these days to me. It sounds like a bridge too, but still hot.
Really really ugly.
I hated being named Bridget when I was younger. Being short, I was dubbed "Bridget the Midget". When I became a teenager, I began to like it a little more. As an adult, I began studying word origins which led to name origins as well. That is when I learned of Brigid, the goddess of pre-Christian Ireland as well as St. Bridget of Kildare. The history game me a greater appreciation of my name, and now I am thankful for having a less common, meaningful first name. Brigid--goddess of fire and poetry, two things I've always loved.
I don't like this name at all. It sounds old, rough and boring...the history behind it is very interesting though.
Cute, but I don't think it could suit an adult well...
I like this name! I think it is beautiful and youthful. Brigid and Bridget could be twins!
This name has a deep beauty that not many people can see or recognize. It's feminine, strong, and sweet. This is a name that I relate to Ingrid, and I think that Bridget Elise and Ingrid Rosalie would make a wonderful sib-set for twin girls.
I love this name, I wrote a story once with a girl named Bridget Josephine Maria. I also have a huge crush on Brigit Bardot so that plays into my love of the name.
Don’t like it. It reminds me of the word Bridge, and it doesn’t have any nice sound in it.
One of the few names I don’t like.
I've never had a problem with this name, in fact I've always thought it was prestigious and beautiful. ❤️.
Strong sound, strong looking, just a great feminine name! Has class and elegance! Bridget is wonderful!
One of my favorites.
I guess it's okay. However, it is very harsh-sounding.
It’s nice and all, but I don’t find anything too special about it. It’s still nice.
My name is Bridget and growing up I hated it and I got nicknamed quite a few things through the years and through school so I gave myself the nickname 'Brie' (pronounced as 'bree') but to be honest I've grown to really like my name.
Bridget is a beautiful name, the goddess connection is cool because she seems to be an amazing figure. Meaning has great message for a person, especially for a young girl. I quite fancy this name, the combination I personally think is beautiful is Bridget Faith; sounds delightful and airy. It's perfect for someone who cares about Ireland and wants a name that sounds good for all ages. My favorite connection to this name was Bridget Jones, always love those movies and think Renee was amazing in those roles.
My former band director at my old school was named Bridget. I absolutely love the name, I think it's a good name for all parents to use for their little newborn girls! It's such a beautiful name! :)
My name is Bridget. I’ll be honest, I hated it so much as a kid. I used to be embarrassed of it because it was different and people called me Bridget the Midget. As I get older, I love my name, and I also get many compliments on it. It looks beautiful when written in cursive. Men really like this name in my experience, it sets me apart from another Emily or Sarah. I haven’t met a lot of other Bridgets but the ones I have known are unique, fashionable but a little offbeat and “alternative” yet beautiful. It’s definitely underrated but I hope it doesn’t become too popular and remains a rare gem!
My name is Bridget. I used to hate it because of how no one else was named Bridget. I enjoy my name now though, it's classy, elegant and reminds me of my ancestral roots back to Ireland and Scotland.
I hate this name with a passion.1. I met a girl with this name who was super gross
2. Bridge, as in the architectural structure
3. Bridget Jones movies: They portray women as hysterical bimbos who can’t function without a man
4. It’s in league with Greta, Gertrude, Petra, Ingrid, and Helga, it’s an ugly/pretty name
5. Nicknames “Bridge” and “B”.
I like my name BRIDGET and am so proud of myself. Whatever I have gone through reflects the meaning of my name- the exalted one. I am proud to be called BRIDGET.
My name is Bridget. I love how different people say my name. Bridget Marie.
My name is Bridget and I love my name. I was named for my late grandmother. My middle name is grace and I believe that it is a beautiful name. ~Bridget Grace.
My sister's name is Bridget. I've always been a little jealous of her name, to be honest. It's got a very girl-next-door vibe. This is the name that fits a friendly, modest, humorous, one-of-a-kind sorta gal.
I prefer this spelling over Bridgette.
My name is Bridget. I've always liked my name. And people have always told me how much they love my name or how I'm the only Bridget they know. I've met two other Bridget's. They spelled it Bridgette. I've always liked Bridget better because it just seems more simple, plus my last name starts with a B and is 7 letters so personally it works for me. I've gotten the Bridget midget, bridge jokes, and crazy misspellings. I don't really care or get offended by any of that. Only kind of annoyed when people accidentally call me Brittany, but usually when that happens I just answer to Brittany haha. Truly the only thing that has ever bothered me is when people say "When I think of Bridget I think of a blonde" because one: I'm brunette, and two: the only other Bridget's I've ever met were also brunette. And it's kind of rude to tell someone they don't fit their name because that's part of their identity. Growing up there weren't many key chains with my name but I didn't care. I felt like that meant it was original enough. Although lately the name has picked up. I've heard it more on movies and tv in the past few years. Not including Sisterhood and Bridget Jones.I see how someone could say it sounds harsh compared to something like Emily. But I like it because it's not super girly of a name and when I get older I won't have a name that sounds too sweet if I manage people at work. Got on here to see what my name sounds like to others.
This is the name of my boss. I personally wouldn't use this because it would make me think of her and she isn't always very nice. It's a nice name though.
I always thought of this name as being a name for the older generation until the character Bridget Jones. I love the way Hugh Grant says her name and nicknames her Bridge. It doesn't sound like he's referring to an actual bridge at all! And on that, I like bridges. I live in a city famous for its being the largest suspension bridge in the UK. And bridges bring two sides together. Bridges are considered good things, and to metaphorically burn one is considered a bad thing. I can now totally see this name on a girl, as I saw the TV show Medium and the youngest daughter is named Bridget. This was the first time I could see it as a young person's name. I especially like the nicknames like Bee, Bridy, Birdy, but I don't like Biddy as a biddy has a different meaning where I live. An old lady generally. I have Irish and Scottish heritage so in considering this name for a daughter I like the nickname 'Bonnie Bridget'! I am quite taken with this name.
I absolutely love this stunning, classy name! Bridget is one gem of a name. ^_^ This name makes me think of Bridgit Mendler and Brigitte Bardot.
This is a beautiful name that ages well. A classic! I wish it didn't rhyme with midget.
I'm a Bridgette, and I'm quite tall with long blonde hair. Never gotten called "Midget" or any other funny nickname, although older folks sometimes bring up the TV character Gidget (played by Sally Field). Actually, many people compliment me on my name after we're introduced. It's a distinctive name, familiar but not common. I only grew to appreciate it as an adult. It's full of harsh consonants, which I am not a fan. Plus, I always need to spell it out, and that seems odd since we all know how to spell "bridge", right? I have often gotten the pronunciations of "Bri-JET" and sometimes "Bri-SHEET", which is always fun!
I love this name. I have only met one person named Bridget in my life, born in the mid-sixties. I don't think it's harsh sounding at all. It may not be girly and flowy, but it's a strong name with a lot of dignity and history. Also, it's never been very popular so if you name your daughter Bridget, it's unlikely that people will be rolling their eyes and thinking 'another one?' Bridgette and Brigid are beautiful as well. Highly recommend this name.
I used to not like my name (Bridget) so much as a child. Mostly because I could like never buy cool stuff from the store that had my name on it (like pencils or those little bike license plates), also I hated when people would rhyme it with midget (despite me being tall). Now I love my name. I've only met two other people named Bridget. It's original, beautiful, and has a interesting history/meaning!
I'm happy to be named after this saint, but it seems I can't find a spelling similar to my own. It is written 'Bridgid' on my birth certificate. I also write it funny. A fada is placed over the first 'i', but not on the second, or even a dot on the second for that matter.
I think this is great!
Bridget is so cute for a baby girl, it's a very cute name.
I love this name, but I despise the misspellings.
I had a childhood friend named this, only her name was spelled with two t's--Bridgett. She *hated* her name growing up, because it was often misspelled (people either forgot the other 't' at the end of her name, or added another 'e' to make it Bridgette), and she thought it sounded really harsh. I mean, think about the suburban second grade roll call: Ashley, Emily, Sarah, Lauren. BRIDGETT. I mean, Bridgett sounds ten times harsher than the other names mentioned. I haven't seen her since primary school, so I have no idea if she grew into her name, changed it, or what! :-) But me, I think it's all right. I definitely think it needs another 't' at the end, but an -ette ending is obnoxious in my opinion. I still wouldn't use the name, though. I can't get passed the fact that it has the word "bridge" in it.
I think this is a really nice, usable name for any age, although I think I prefer the spelling Bridgette, but this spelling is lovely as well. :)
This is my name, and I personally like it. I love the meaning of the name, "exalted one." Another thing that I like about this name is that it doesn't so so "girly" (you know what I mean- Jessica, Jennifer, Tiffany, etc) and it doesn't sound so masculine either (Hentrietta, names like that). I also like it because it has an Irish and Irish Mythology origin and I am Irish. Originally, my mother was going to name me Belinda Rose after my great aunt who died when she (Belinda Rose) was only seventeen. I am so happy that my mother picked this name instead because I hate the sound of that name. Say it, you will know what I mean.In all, I am happy I have such a great name as Bridget.
I think it's one of those rare 'good but not often used' names.
My name is pronounced the same way, but it is spelled Bridgette. I like it spelled better this way, because it looks more complete. Also I think it works good for people with red hair, I think it just sounds like it fits them.
This is one of my favorite names, one I wish I had instead of too-common Brittany. It has a beautiful meaning and can be paired with many different middle names, or it can be a middle name itself.
To the (anonymous) person who remarked it sounded like a tall, blond, athletic girl, my name is Bridget. I'm a short brunette who hates P.E., and I think the name suits me.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that I'm small for my age, people still call me "Bridget the midget", for which reason I used to hate my name. I like it a lot more now, and I've only met one other Bridget in my life, and she spelled it the French way (Brigitte). It also goes pretty well with my middle name, Joan.
I think Bridget is a wonderful and captivating name.
My name is Bridget. I don't necessarily like my name, but, y'know. One reason is that most people make fun of my name and say that I should build 'bridges' when I grow up.
I've always liked Bridget. It sounds youthful, but dignified enough. I've always thought the spelling looked attractive, and it's a really great name.
It's the name of Bridget from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and that gives me a really good impression of it, a tall, athletic, outgoing girl.
My local church (in Devon, England) is dedicated to St Bridget. I like the name, but I can easily imagine that if you're a short person (like me) being called Bridget would lend itself well to schoolyard rhymes.
I like the name Bridget, I kind of like it spelled Bridgette, but I don't know. I don't know if I would use it for a first name but probably a middle name. I like it because it could be Bridge for short, not too found of Biddy or Bee.
This name is pretty and I know very few people with this name.
Bridget is one of my favourite names, as is the alternative spelling of Bridgett. I don't know, I'm just in love with it and I think you really can't go wrong with Bridget. I quite like it paired with Emily or Viola. Bridget Emily, Bridget Viola.
I love the name Bridget. It reminds me of a tall athletic girl. This is probably because of my friend Bridget from soccer camp and Bridget from the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
I personally do not like this name, it reminds me of someone who is a complete nerd.
This name would sound nice if it would be pronounced Bri-shet with a French accent.
Bridget reminds me of a very preppy cheerleaderish type person.
This name seems to be getting very popular.
I adore this name. I know one person with this name and she's alright, I don't know her personally, but this name has definitely grown on me.
I kind of like this name and think it could grow on me. I don't know of any one named Bridget personally.

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