Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Well... I don't think this should be a name at all! If anything it's the name of a country for goodness sake! Please don't give you kid this name. If I were an admin of this site, I think I'd even get this name removed form the first name database because it's so bad as a given name! somehow this name is used as a both a Masculine name and a Feminine name. How?!
For goodness sake, this is a country! I really hope that people don't start mispronouncing it because for a second, I was confused about how it is a variant of a country.
I came here from sorting by bad names, to give names that I don't think deserve to be here a thumbs up. But this... this is actually terrible.
Just use Kyle instead. Most people will mispronounce and misspell this.
This is a variation of KYLE? Everyone will pronounce it like the country.
Very weird.
Chile is a country name, not person name. I hate country and city names used as human names. By the way, how is this variant of Kyle? The spelling does not sound like "Kyle" to me.
Stick with Kyle. Chile’s a country.
Chile is a country. Period.
What the heck? It's the name of a country.
What the hell?
Chile is a country though...
How is this a variant of Kyle? And even if it wasn't, country names are just plain tacky.
I’m neutral about the name Chile. Potential variant of Kyle, I don’t know. All I know is that it sounds too close to “child” so I can’t imagine this on anyone over the age 11. This name is definitely “chilish”. No puns intended. Doesn’t mean I hate the name :)
Kid's either going to be called Chili or Cheelay.
Hang on a minute... Chile is a country! Go with Kyle.
How does this sound like Kyle?
How in blazes is this supposed to be pronounced like Kyle? And I thought the weirdest alternate spelling I'd ever seen was Kiel. This reminds me of the girl I knew whose name was spelt Chloe but pronounced Shiloh. It's extremely confusing for people who encounter the name and will constantly pronounce it like the name of the country. It also flies in the face of any sort of logical phonetics.
If people can see this as an alternative to Kyle then good for them. Me on the other hand, I can only see it pronounced as the pepper and country that have the same spelling.
How the hell is this a spelling of Kyle? Don't make things up. This is a dumb, obnoxious misspelling anyway.
I do agree that it is a very beautiful and interesting spelling of the name Kyle, I could never meet someone with this name without laughing. I'm not Hispanic but I have been exposed to a lot of Mexican culture so I would be calling them CHEE-leh, like the food. XD.
Do not name your kid this unless you want to pronounce it like "chilly". Just stick to Kyle.
Chile not only reminds me of the country. It reminds me of the food also.
In my opinion, the name "Kyle" should only be spelt "Kyle". Not Kile and certainly not Chile!

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