Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love this name! All I can think of is Julius Jr. That show is a big part of my childhood!
I absolutely adore this name. It is unique but well known, easy to pronounce and just so nice.
I really love this name because it's handsome, timeless, and easy to pronounce.
Very cool name.
My name is Julius. I was named after my grandfather Julius. His nickname was Jolts which I adored. I’m proud of my name and get many positive comments on it. Thanks.
I think this is a fantastic name. It makes me picture a handsome, intelligent and a mysterious kind of guy. I have only met one other person with this name and he was very handsome and carried himself very well. Another good thing about this name is that it's not overused and will age well on the bearer. I also love the classic feel of this name.
This is currently my favorite boy's name because it is so strong sounding but not very common. Everyone knows this name but I have never met someone with this name. When I hear this it reminds me of Julius Caesar and Orange Julius. The most common nickname is Jules which is cute for a little boy and hot for an adult or teen (I am a teen).
A cheap and stupid form of Julia/Julian. Also it's the name of the monkey created by the brand Paul Frank.
I know people don't like this name, but I have always loved it for some reason. Better than Julian.
Julius is a great name. Though as someone already commented, Orange Julius. But an association shouldn't stop one from using a name.
I like the name but I wouldn't name a person it.
I don't hate this name by any means, but I don't love it either. If someone asked me if I liked it I'd say yes but it's not on my favorites list. It's nice though, and very classic. If you hear of someone called Julius you wouldn't automatically imagine them to be a certain age. It's also a nice alternative to the very popular and trendy Julian.
This was my great grandfather's name and I adore it. To me, the name Julius is so strong and masculine. Julian sounds too feminine ("gay" if you will).
I certainly would favor "Julius" over "Jayden" any day. Having said that... while I am positive popular thought would assume I enjoy this name, it is not a favorite. It does not necessarily belong on my "Hated List," it simply for not belong with my "Favorites." The flow seems off to me, for one. Second, I find it more visually pleasing (written), than pleasurable to the ear (spoken sound).
Really cool name.
I like this name, but there aren't many good nicknames. I suppose you wouldn't want to call a boy Julie?
Love this name! We chose it for our first son. It feels dignified yet jubilant, and I think it perfectly suits an adult or child. I also like that it's familiar to everyone but hardly ever used anymore.
'Julius' is a very intelligent-sounding name, not as pompous as other "-us" names. It also reminds me of Julius Henry Marx.
Of the names ending with "-us", this is one that I'd find easier to use. It doesn't sound nearly as pompous and out of place. Unfortunately, images of an Orange Julius are slowly creeping into my mind. Julius is much less tired than Julian, but it still has some cheerful quality.
What a great name! I am very fond of it. I also like the name Julian. I think Julius is a nice alternative to Julian.
Although it is well known from Julius Caesar (after whom the month of July was named), I'm not a particular fan of this name. It otherwise makes me think of some wise old professor or historian somewhere in the United States (if nowhere else).It was also the first name of Ethel Rosenberg's husband, who was executed with her for espionage in 1953.
This is one of my favorite masculine names ever.
This is my fiance's name, so I think it's wonderful, and that it has a much nicer sound to it then Julian.
Not a bad name but I do prefer Julian.
I love this name! It's so classy, unique and heroic. It's not so popular but so strong and simply beautiful. I think it's one of the greatest names ever. It reminds me of a smart, mysterious guy who has something attractive that other people don't have or can't have. And I prefer YOO-lee-us to JOO-lee-us. It sounds much more unique, I guess.
I adore *Julius*. It's timeless and very masculine.

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