Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Horrible. I can definitely see why no one uses this awful name anymore. It’s so ugly.
Although it's not one of my favorites, I must admit that Ludwig has an irresistible classy charm about it, as it is a strong name that has stood the test of time.
This is now one of my favorite names because of Ludwig von Koopa from Super Mario Bros and Germany from Hetalia.
I absolutely LOVE this name. I’m from an English-speaking country, so I had never heard of this name until I studied music composition and learned German. Ludwig van Beethoven is one of my favorite composers. It’s such a pretty name when pronounced properly! I have lots of German ancestry so I will use the names of my ancestors to honor them. My first son will be named Ludwig, the other will be called Johann. It may seem a little weird in an English-speaking country (but then again, lots of names seem weird today), but since I plan on moving to Austria in the future, it will seem more in place.
A strong nobleman name. Not very common nowadays.
I love Beethoven, I’ve learnt one of his songs, Fur Elise, on the piano!
I don’t like it in the English language but I love it for German people.
I love Ludwig Van Beethoven, I’m using his middle name as my future son's middle name.
Surnamey but not surnamey. Maybe just out of use.
Way better than Logan.
This name is actually a guilty pleasure of mine. It looks so weird, but at the same time it's so awesome! It also reminds me of Ludwig Von Beethoven, the talented yet strange composer, and Ludwig Von Koopa from the Super Mario games.
One of the most bizarre names I've ever heard.
I really like this name. It's rare, old fashioned but has some great history attached to it.
When pronounced correctly, Ludwig is a gorgeous name.
When I first saw it I thought it was funny but now that I know the real pronunciation I think its actually quite a beautiful name. Very unique.
I think its an adorable name for boy, and that it would work well for an child or an adult.
I think Ludwig is often overlooked because it is such an astounding name! I plan on naming my first-born son Ludwig, and family names hyphenated as his middle names.
Rare, old-fashioned, great associations, what a GREAT name!
In my opinion, Ludwig is one of the worst names ever! I can see why it is uncommon now.
This name is very rare, and your child will stand alone in his class of Haydens, Kadens, and Aidans if he bears this name. Plus everyone will think you named him after Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the greatest composers of all times.

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