Comments (Personal Impression Only)

One of my top picks if I ever have a daughter! My only hold back is that I can’t imagine it on anyone other than a blonde or (especially cute) a redhead, but maybe that’s just me? (And I love that it’s a Lucy Maud Montgomery name ((Magic for Marigold))!)
Love love LOVE this name! Definitely one of my favourite name's for a girl - may be my favourite, I dunno.
I like the pronunciation but besides that it looks kinda ugly.
I think that "Marigold" would be truly lovely for a little girl. Personally I don't like using nicknames, so "Marigold" would be it! Finding a middle name for it though would be rather difficult, I think.
This name is lovely, and rolls off the tongue nicely.
I love this name. It's a real name, not made up trash like most names these days. It has a whimsical, yet aristocratic feel. It has positive connotations (sun, flowers, bright). It's at the top of my baby name list. I love that there are many nickname options for the child to choose to go by. It's uncommon but not in a horrible way.
Adorable, but I wouldn't use it on my child.
I like Marigold! It’s very unique, and I suppose you have a choice of pronunciations? Idk, but yes, I think Marigold isn’t a bad name— it’s pretty cool!
Marigold is a lovely and rare flower name. Mari would be a nice nickname, but I'm not a fan of Goldie as one.
I would never use it, but it’s honestly not bad.
Quite weird and ugly.
Imagine if someone was called gold in the future, “Marry Gold.”.
Changed my mind a bit, I still don’t like the name, but I like it better than before, I hate the gold bit in it.
Super cute!
Used to be my grandmother's favorite flower, but it's a crappy name. Please, do your child a favor and don't name her (or him if you're like that...) Marigold. Almost as dumb as Goldilocks or Goldie. No offense to anyone named Marigold, if you really like that name, go for it. I just don't like it.
Marigold makes me think of a stuck-up, rude mean girl. It is sappy and annoying to me. Nice sound, it just doesn't give a nice impression.
Marigold is a beautiful name.
What a beautiful, cheerful name. It is the flower of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A magical healing flower.
What an odd name for a person.
It's cute!
Marigold is a meh name to me.
I adore the name Marigold, it has timeless charm and fits a girl of any age. I associate it with aristocratic girls in English novels, and shimmering sunlight catching on water. It's unusual, but not outlandish, making it a good choice in all English-speaking countries.
Marigold is a lovely name! I like flower names.
I think this name is lovely. It is uncommon which makes it even better.
Oh, what a beautiful name this is! My best friend is called Marigold, but I call her 'Mari' for short. Yes, Mari with an 'i'. I think it's a nice, classy name and the rarest of names as well ^w^
Absolutely stunning!
Marigold is such a gorgeous name. This name is so underused.
I really love this name, and I think Goldie would be such a sweet nickname. Not sure if I would be daring enough to use it, but I still think it's beautiful.
Sound: 10/10. Pretty. Would suit a young girl or an old women.
Uniqueness: 9/10.
Spelling: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Beautiful name, beautiful flower, and I've never met a lady with this name.
Gorgeous name. Sounds original and pretty for me! I know a little girl called like that and she's just adorable.
The name Marigold leaves a good impression on me because of this book I read when I was seven. It was called 'Marigold in Godmother's House' it was the most sweetest book I have ever read!
Another beautiful flower name. :) This one isn't as pretty as the other flower names though.
Love the flowers but not as a name so much. There are worse names I guess.
I love the name, but I don't like the flowers at all.
One of the prettier and more interesting floral names.
Supremely gorgeous name.

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