Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Max is a good name but better for a pet.
The name is kinda mid, it's not the best, the Max I know is funny but not name your kid Max.
Max is such a hot name! UWU!
Simply lovely.
This is one of the only English names I like, also it can be female too.
Dog name or cat name.
I personally think of a dog when I hear this name, maybe because I had a dog named Max, but it's good for a little boy too I guess, not for an adult.
This is a dog name...
It's so simple, I love it.
I like this name, it's cute. You know, it's actually really rude to say that names sound good on a dog because its like saying "you have a dog's name".
Definitely not for a human but good for a dog.
Short, yet simple and cool name.
This is definitely one of my least favourite names. Max just seems like a dog's name, in my opinion.
Max is a cool name for a GIRL. I really don’t like it on a boy, it’s just boring and common. Seems like a thoughtless generic name for a boy but for a girl as a nickname for Maxine I totally dig it!
This is a good name. I think it would make a good middle name.
Not bad, but there are just too many Max's now.
Max is the best name in the world. If you hate it, you suck.
Looks interesting, unusual, but really simple and boring at the same time. Hard to say what I think about this name. Alright as a nickname for some other name, but as a full name it feels immature, boring.
Good nickname for either sex: Maxwell or Maxine.
Max is cool.
I love this name because it's rather modern, but it's also timeless. I think it suits all genders as well.
I love this name, I also named my cat Max so you can tell it's one of my favorites! Although when I hear it I think of Stranger Things and Camp Camp but please don't take that as an insult, both characters are amazing.
To be honest, I really like this as a nickname for both genders (for a boy Maxwell, girl Maxine). Anyone who says it shouldn't be used on females isn't worth the time to speak about; it's good either way. This name has no gender in my opinion.
The only name with X alphabet that I really like.
I prefer this name as nickname for a girl.
Very very classic. It’s basically a default name but it’s nice.
It could also be a shortened form of Maxine, as shown by the girl in 'Stranger Things'.
Max is not a name. It’s a nickname. It sounds like a dog’s name.
The name "Max" is one that we love in our family. First it was my grandfather's name, who came to our country as a young boy, worked his way up into a well known chemical company and obtained several patents for the company (Working for our gov't at that time) during WW 1, and contributed much beyond that. During the depression he gave work to a community of men who had been laid off and was generous. Although he already had degrees he was awarded another. Also, Max was my husband's oldest Uncle's name who also was an immigrant from Europe, and accomplished much during his lifetime. He had a beautiful voice and sang the 7 blessings at weddings, and was known for his voice, since his father was a chazzan, he knew so many beautiful melodies. Most important, both men were mensches, honorable men.
I don't really like this name, makes me think of a dog or some other pet.
This is one of those names that I have a mixed feeling about. One of the worst bullies I’ve ever had to deal with from my childhood was nicknamed this. (His full name was Maxim). Though I do actually like the sound of it and how it can be a shortened versioned of Maximus.
I like Max on a girl as a nickname for Maxima or Maxine. I don't like it as much for a boy as I do for a girl, and I like the nickname Maxie.
If I have a boy I want to name him Max.
Many baby names are used on animals rather then animal names, silly. Max has made a comeback anyway and is on the top 100 list for many English countries. I love it!
Awesome, tough boy name!
A nice strong male name!
I love this name! But only for a boy. For a girl it's awful.
It's too nicknamey for my taste, even though it is used as an independent name. Not a fan.
Max sounds feminine to me. I would never consider it masculine unless it is a nickname.
I am a girl, and I use this as a nickname for MacKenna. I find it cute.
I love the name Max. I am having my #3 baby in a few months and I have a daughter Lucy and a son Charlie and we are having another boy and his name will definitely be Max. It's such a handsome name but fits a little boy too. I know everyone says it's getting popular but I don't care. I love the name and would hate to let such an awesome name not be my sons name just because other people are named it and also everyone says it's a dog name, which I agree, but so are my other kids names. I think people should stop naming their dogs people names anyway. what ever happened to Poochie, Sparky, Snoopy etc those are dog names. anyway I think Max is a fabulous name and can't wait to meet my Max:)
An awesome, cool badass name! =D.
I think of the name Max as a tall, strong, protective man. Sometimes not the brightest of the bunch. When he has a girlfriend he'll most likely be protective and very supportive.
I like this name. It's short, sweet, and ages well. I had a classmate in middle school named Max and I always thought it was short for Maxwell or Maximillian but his name was just Max. I could imagine this name on a nerdy, handsome, business man for some reason.
My name is "Maximo" and everybody calls me Max... a lot of people tell me it is an awesome name.
I absolutely LOVE the name Max. Maxwell is my second favorite boy's name, and I want to name my son Maxwell "Max" Pierce! Well, first I want Connor Jacob, then Max ;)In a dream world...
This is such a badass name, on it's own or as a nickname for Maxwell or Maximillian, it just disappoints me that such a manly name is being used on girls, parents: if you name your girl Max than you should be shot.
I like it as a nickname for Maxwell or Maxine.
I like this name. It can be good for a girl name too. But I mostly like it for a boy. Maxxie! would be a cute nickname.
It's a cool name on its own, though I'd prefer to see it as a nickname for Maximilian or Maxwell.
I personally don't see the appeal for this as a full name- on a girl OR boy, but especially on a girl, it sounds silly and ugly. However, Max is an okay nickname.
I really love this name. My younger brother (who is now 11) is called Max and it suits him perfectly. I think it may be becoming a little bit too common now, but it is still one of my favourite names.
Max has been one of my favorite male names for many years, and it annoys me that it's now so overused and trendy, particularly among the yuppie set. Now it just seems rather devoid of creativity because little Maxes are everywhere. Full versions of the name, like Maxwell, Maxim, and Maximillian are also rather common, just so the parents can call the kid Max.
My name is Max and I've gotten a lot of crap over the years for it. IE Maxipad, Maxine. I still like it though because it's not relatively common in my area and when I meet another Max it's like an instant rapport.
I think it's a pity this name has become so associated with dogs! It's a great name for a guy; cute for a little boy, yet still strong for when he grows up!
Max is a great name, it's short, strong and sweet! It also means 'the greatest', you can't get better than that! My wee boy's called Max, he's 5 now, I'm not surprised it's got more popular now even with the celebs! Lol!
I don't exactly hate this name, but I am VERY sick of hearing it. I can't even count how many celebrities have used it on their sons, whether as a full name or a nickname. Can't they be a TINY bit more original? It's just empty after becoming overused in Hollywood.
I like the name Max. I think it's nice for a girl (short for Maxine) or a boy. It's simple sounding, but yet nice sounding. The name was used long before it became a name for a dog. And the name is making a comeback in England, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, and Australia. The name is on their top 100 names for boys. I believe it will make a comeback in the US as well.
I too think the name Max sounds like a dog.
I don't really care for Max as a person's name. I perfer it on a dog. Haha my dogs name is Max.
This name is so 1930's. Ha.
I do not particularily care for this name. I do not think it looks good and Maximillian is way too weird. Also, everyone I know named Max is too smart for their own good and wherever I hear this name it reminds me of a nerd.
I love this name and always wanted to name a son this, but WAY too many people are using it now. I personally know of 6 Max's all under the age of 5!
It's a bit too random.
Max is an awesome name for a boy.

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