Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Words can't express how handsome I find this name. If you're considering it for your son, go for it; it's classy, short, and snappy!
*yawn* boring name.
Paul is a wonderful name! Yes, it's simple, but simple names are good! Paul is a strong name, and Saint Paul was a very strong man, and I'd love to name one of my kids after him! Anyone with this name is blessed more than they know it!
(yawn) Such a boring name.
I like this name because of Paul McCartney.
Addressed to anyone that goes by the name Paul, I would say to ignore the ageist comment below mine. Putting that aside, I find the name Paul as having a near universal appeal that very few names retain in their own right.
While I may not be inclined towards liking this name outwardly, I cannot, however, deride such a moniker as being either elderly or youthful. A name is simply a name that accompanies one throughout the many stages of life. Paul, despite me not being an avid fan of it, may fit that role quite well for anyone who either chooses it for their progeny or has it as their personal reference.
Very old man name, old old OLD!
Strong and versatile. Ages well on a man.
Paul is a solid and studious name.
Paul is a simple classic, very nice indeed. I associate it with the wonderful songwriters Paul Simon and Paul McCartney.
A timeless classic. Paul is strong and masculine.
Parents please drop Jayden and go with this or a similar classic.
It's a fine name but I prefer the international variations such as Pablo and Paulo. They just have more of a kick to them.
Timeless. Enduring. Confident. It’s associated with painters, saints, shaggy hair guys who sing “I want to hold your hand,” and Fast and Furious.
I have never liked the name Paul. When said with most American accents, I find the sound atrocious - and it's only mildly better when Brits say it (usually sounds a bit like "pole," so still not one of my favorites). My guess is that mob movies are what ruined this name for me, since so many mobsters were apparently named Paul, and they also all went by Paulie, so the sound gives me this image of an overly tanned wise guy straight out of "Goodfellas" or "The Sopranos," and not somebody I'd really want to associate with. (Even though Paul is such a common name that it belongs to way more people than what fit this mold, the mold still very much exists.) DJ Pauly D off of "The Jersey Shore" didn't exactly help, either.Oddly enough, I wonder if there could be a resurgence of this name due to the recent film adaptation of "Dune," since the main character, Paul Atreides, is absolutely nothing like the above stereotype.
I don’t like it anymore, Jake Paul literally ruined the name.
I think Paul is a nice name. It's short and sweet yet strong at the same time. Also, St. Paul is one of the most (if not the most) respected Christian missionaries of all time. So I think it would be beautiful to give a child this name in honor of him. It also goes to show how God can change the life of anyone for the better.
In its simplicity, "Paul" really is a strong, masculine name. It suits any boy/man regardless of his age.
I am seriously thinking of changing my name to Paul. Only then can I live free of my inferiority complex I have with everyone I work with, the police, social security...
It's a strong name. It's not that special, but it's a respectable name choice.
A simple, yet super strong, handsome masculine name. Whoever has the name Paul should feel super lucky!
Paul is a classic name in my opinion. By the way, it can be used as a surname too... like Logan Paul? It looks like more of a given name to me, so do Owen, Ryan, Thomas, James, etc. If I met someone with the surname Paul or anything like that, I would assume they don't have a family name.
Not my favorite but it's fine.
Three of my exes were named Paul. They were all horrible and they treated me so badly. I cringe whenever I hear that name. Thankfully it's going out of style and it's now considered an old man's name.
Just a simple name. Nothing much about it. Just a simple name.
Very common here in England with men aged in late 30s to 50s - it's a decent name, nothing bad about it, but it's just very dated here.
Very strong, masculine, and classic.
St. Paul, one of the greatest people to have lived (we all know who really is the greatest), and a classic name. Don’t get why this isn’t common anymore.
I like the sound of it although it is very dated where I am from (England) and most Paul's are over 35, so I wouldn't use it. I prefer it to Peter.
Woah. Some beyond negative comments regarding the name Paul. It is not my favorite biblical name but I believe those who have named their child Paul influenced by the Paul in the Bible picked one of the greatest persons in biblical history. Paul was once a killer of Christians but turned his life around. Maybe this is why a previous commenter believes Paul is an evil man in the Muslim religion...because he stopped killing Christians. I am unsure as the commenter did not elaborate. Paul is one of many persons in the Bible that shows no one is beyond God’s redemption. I know of five Paul’s I grew up with that were born in the 70’s. I think once the 80’s hit, it dropped in popularity.
I used to hate this name. Now whenever I hear it I think of Paul Walker. I really liked him in the Fast and Furious. He is one of my favorite actors of all time. Your impressions of a name can change over time.
I was sadly named Paul 41 years ago. I was named after my uncle, which I thought was cool until I got into grade school and found out there were no other Paul's. If there was another Paul at school, he was faculty; and therefore, an adult. I always associated the name Paul with old men. And now that I am middle aged, those old men are now very old men. When I was in 5th grade this boy, Ryan (a very normal, late 1970s, early 1980s name) had a book of names. He asked me if I knew what my name meant. I figured it was like warrior or something. Nope. Paul means small and humble... ugh. I have only met 4 other Paul's close to my age. Upon meeting one, I laughed and told him that his parents must have had a sense of humour as well. I have actually been using my middle name for a while now and it makes me so much happier. Paul is not common or popular for a reason; though there are far worse names.
I am impressed having this name Paul. Whatever is wrong in the sights of human is not wrong in that of God's eyes. The name Paul means little but in the book of the bible, Paul did a great work compared to that of the Apostles. Nice name.
It's nice and short.
Best of the -aul names.
Whether you like the name or not, you shouldn't really post such comments as I see here about the name that you maybe don't like that much. There are probably many Pauls out there reading all these negative comments and feeling hurt about seeing people calling it a terrible name. Think about it. Please stop. If your name is Paul, don't take those comments seriously. Paul is a good name with rich history, and it doesn't matter what others think.
My name is Paul and I think it is very rude how you think about my name!
The Pauls I know are strong, wise, and witty. It has an impact on my personal impression of the name.
Paul is a classic and simple name and I love it. It sounds strong and it is timeless.
I can’t say I particularly like this name. It sounds quite ugly, fitting of all the Pauls I’ve ever known, who’ve all been either annoying, bullies or straight up criminals. It also makes me think of one half of the two little dickie birds sitting on a wall (the other was called Peter).
Boring and overused. The name also has an ugly sound to it when spoken. It seems to have declined in popularity in recent years, which I am grateful for.
Whenever I hear this name, it always reminds me of puke.
I have never liked this name because it sounds like you're gagging or it's what you say when a dentist examines your mouth. I never met a Paul I liked. Most of the Pauls I've known were either troublemakers or social lepers.
I am a Paul, and for my birthday one year I was given a plaque that shows my name "Paul" and it says the name means "Little but wise" it also goes on to say that people with this name are very loyal, honest, kind and passionate. I noted that the first time it was used to name a newborn male child in the USA was Sept. 9th. I was born Sept. 4th.
There is also the rare word paultry, meaning 'rubbish item'. That puts me off a bit, and the name really just sounds like pool or pull.
In 1973 I named my son Paul. He was named after The Biblical Paul. I also grew up liking Paul McCartney from the Beatles. Paul used to be quite common, now it is not. It reflects masculinity, strength and courage to me. Also it is a simple and classic name.
More people should be called Paul. It's an excellent, classic name, and what's more, it would look great on a CV or official document. It's just one of those names that looks authoritative and a name you can trust. Brilliant.
I really enjoy this name. It's strong and straight forward though I don't much care for the biblical association.
My opinion on Paul has changed since then (I now quite like it), but why do you care what I believe? If I let my religion form my opinion, THAT'S MY OPINION.
Sounds a bit like your mouth is hurt when you say it.
I hate this name. One reason is, in Islam we believe Paul to be an evil man. We believe that Early Christianity was a perfect religion of God, but Paul then corrupted and bastardized the religion and destroying God's word, thus God calling upon Muhammad to restore his true word with the Quran. Even then, I just find this name to be ugly, and the Arabic version "Boulos" is even worse. The one good thing I can say is that it's Bono's real name (I'm a fan of U2).
Paul is a really handsome, sophisticated, classic name that ages very well! •ᴗ•Just want to add: I don't know what the hell the user Ali Hassan it talking about as the majority of Muslims don't hold a grudge over this name at all!(°o°;)The religion Islam encourages Muslims to use names that have good meanings (which doesn't HAVE to be of Arabic origin; all origins are accepted). The name Paul doesn't have a bad meaning (it means "small" or "humble") so there's nothing wrong for a Muslim to like or use this name. (#⌒∇⌒#)ゞ @Ali Hassan You should be aware that Islam teaches you to respect other religions. So please stop making Muslims look bad. (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ You don't have to believe in Saint Paul's message to like or use this name. And stop acting that because you're a Muslim, your opinion over the name Paul represents what all Muslims think. ಠ╭╮ಠ.
I have tried and tried, but I cannot find anything I like about this name, it's short, bland, boring and ugly to me. I would never name my son it. I guess the only reason I don't HATE it is because it is a timeless name, but I still don't like it.
It's steeped in history, it's traditional and strong, it's really nice.
American Idol contestant current series Paul McDonald is a good ad for this name - so cute, talented and handsome!
Paul is a strong simple name for a guy.
Sorry, unlike! Avoid! It is regrettably my husband's name and though I am completely used to it and mostly desensitised to it for everyday usage, I kinda always thought it was awful before I met him. He's amazing and well, this is so common and plain and nothingy and safe! It's so short. Why would you choose it? It doesn't mean anything much. And if you don't like it, there is nothing nicknamey to be done about it. It sounds horrible to enunciate (especially with a south London accent), it's either like barking or stretched-out whining... if I ever have to call out to him in public I instantly realise I sound like a screeching fishwife and get really embarrassed!
I think Paul is a very young, soft name, and gives an impression of kindness. It sounds appropriate for all ages and is, as previously stated, absolutely timeless.
My boyfriend's name is Paul and I love him to death but it is such a boring blah name.
I used to like this name, but now I have stopped liking it. Paul sounds boring and old-fashioned, even though it's still in common use. What also puts me off to this name is the fact that Paul is Bono's real name. I dislike Bono and find him very stuck-up.
Since the trends seem to indicate more and more parents are using exotic or artistic sounding names for their kids, simple classic names like Paul actually are beginning to stand out to me. That is one of the reasons I named my son Paul, and it is a family name, used often for a middle name, but no one in my family until my son was born went by Paul. Nevertheless, I must admit Paul wasn't my first choice, but my husband vetoed the more quirky Linus. My son's only 4 weeks old, but the name feels more and more appropriate for him each day. And Linus, which seems unique at the moment, will probably get discovered and become trendy soon.
"The British are coming!" "The British are coming!" Seriously though, This is the name of one of my friends. Just your average overused boy name.
Makes me think of an old man. This name should stay in the past.
I've grown very fond of my name, thank you. It's plain but strong, timeless--not trendy, and I've passed it on to my eldest son.
I love this name for the same reason I love the girl's name Claire - it is so clear, clean, classic and timeless. And many of the Pauls I've known have been so handsome. For those who think it's short and boring, consider Paulinus, not on this database but the name of Roman generals and missionaries, including a governor of Roman Britain and the first Archbishop of York.
I've always liked the name Paul. It's short and simple, yet very nice.
I love this name on a teenager. It makes me think of a creative music-loving person. The name doesn't work on a little boy, and I don't thik it works on a grown man. In my story, Paul is the lead singer of a band. He's based on Paul Hewson (Bono!) Great name I think.
The name's ok. But it's a pretty plain name.
Bland and boring.
It looks like 'Paul' is a good name for musicians! I like the Irish spelling "Pol" (with an accent on the 'o') also.
I think that the name is a nice name and when I hear it I think of someone from the bible.
It's ok. I find it sounds "flat", so to speak, but it could be great on the right person.
I like this name. It is fairly simple, but it is a good, strong name.
I think Paul is a wonderful name. I think the name is just like Luke. You're not going to like it when you're younger because it's so short and you don't really have a nickname. But this name is a classic. It is for all time.
I would have to agree that it is a timeless classic, look how long it has been in usage, it isn't a fad name that has faded out. I think Paul is a very nice name.
Uggh. I really despise this name. It makes such an ugly sound when said! I would take any other biblical name over this atrocity. There is nothing interesting, or attractive, to it. It's not timeless -- it's heinous! A boring, hideous name, in my opinion. Also, it reminds me of vomit for some reason. Please, don't name your sons this awful name!
I know a guy called 'Paul' and I don't really agree that it's timeless. I think that it is only good for adult guys, cause this guy I know, he is young, and it DOES NOT suit him. I think the name though, it's really nice.
P names for guys sound wussy.
I like the name Paul. It is a timeless classic.
Paul is a gross name, but it reminds me of doctors for some reason. A famous bearer is Paul Banks from the band Interpol.
*Paul* will never go out of style. It has special meaning for readers of the New Testament, but parents of any religious persuasion would do well to pick this one for their son. You simply cannot go wrong with this name.

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