Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The comments under “urban” names disgust me. You can dislike a name and be respectful. Shelena is not a name I adore, but it’s definitely not as hideous as people are making it out to be.
I don't get why so many people dislike the name, it looks pretty cute. Maybe it's pronounced Sheh-lena and not She-lena?
It looks nice.
It sounds Irish.
Looks like "she Lena".
Pretty bad name.
Sounds cheap and tacky and sounds like SHE LENA, it also reminds me of a big hairy ape with lice.
Is sounds like "she lena", as if you are introducing someone named Lena with wrong grammar. It also sounds modern and classless. Selene, Helen, Ellen, Elena, Helena, and Lena, are good names... but Shelena?
Very urban, but I still love it.
Maybe this name is a mixture of the names Selena and Helena?
I agree that this name has a trashy/uneducated feel to it. Maybe Britney Spears will name her next child this if it's a girl.
Whose bright idea was it to create this shoddy name? Its sound is low-class to me.

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