Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Elegant and pretty like Sophia, but with its own cute and charming personality.
Literally the sweetest name for the best person. Ngl my favorite type of person.
Better than Sophia.
My sister's name is Sophie she gets called Soppy a lot :((((
I get called Soapy a lot :(
Just gorgeous!
This is my middle name. It goes well with my first name, Lily. Absolutely beautiful.
A gentle, wholesome and quietly elegant name.
Better version than Sophia in my opinion. I love it!
Absolutely sophisticated name!
It's such a beautiful name. Everyone is haters they are just jelly because they don't have that name.
Beautiful and sweet 🫶🏽.
Sophie is modern and historical all at the same time 💕.
This is my name, given to me by my older brother after watching 'The BFG' (1989), the little girl in that movie is called Sophie. I have always liked my name, and even though I identify as non-binary now, I still can't help but love it despite it being feminine. It means wisdom, and is used as a suffix in the word 'philoSOPHY', so it has an element of mystery and discovery to it.
🫶🏽 I love Sophie, stunning 🫶🏽.
This is on my baby name list! So simple and gorgeous 💗.
It's a very nice name, one that you can naturally remember without having to think too hard.
Lay off people! Sophie is such a beautiful and elegant name plus, it's so mature, my bestie's name is Sophie, and she is so nice and you need to go scroll through the comments under your name!
My name is Sophie, and I'm upset to see that so many people dislike this lovely French name. Sophie is the French form of the Greek name, 'Sophia' - it is not a nickname, nor a rip-off!
Although my best friend's name is Sophie, I much prefer Sophia, Sophie is a rip off of the name Sophia, and it sounds like soapy, yeah I don't like it.
Sophie can sound both informal and sweet, and elegant and mature. It’s a versatile name. One of my favourites!
I like even Sophia. It's such a cute and pretty name in my opinion.
I think of Sophie Fergi every time I hear this name.
Huh - I've had a lot of mean nicknames and Soapy has never been one of them. Some of you are harsh lol. I love my name, especially as a Philosophy student. Also I am so glad I'm actually a Sophie and not Sophia. I've never understood why name a kind something but have them consistently go by something else. I was always the only Sophie in my class (born 2002). Also my mum and coaches will sometimes call me Soph, but given that I'm more of a tom boy I've never minded the harsher sound.
I think Sophie is a pretty cute name. It could easily suit many different personalities, in my opinion, which is helpful in a name, of course.
Sophie; sophisticated; sophistication.
Sophie's all soapy.
Lovely. Beautiful, wise, sweet. Timeless.
A very nice and sweet name. It never crossed my mind, before looking it up here, that it sounds like “soapy”. But I mean, who cares? You could probably find something like that for just about any name. I’m sure there are names with far worse quirks than “sounds like soapy”.Just use it if you want to. It’s a fine name.
Adorable, reminds me of Sophia the First.
Sophie is a gorgeous French name. It DOESN'T sound like "Soapy", it sounds French which is what it is.
Pretty, but I've never met anyone with this name.
It's an extremely sweet name, I don't understand the negativity at all.
So tacky. It sounds like "soapy".
Very unattractive I don't see the appeal at all all! Just ugly!
Very sweet sounding name. Reminds me of cupcakes.
This Sophia Sofia and Sofie are all HORRID- DON’T do this to your daughter what did she ever do to you? NOTHING Don’t give your innocent daughter such a horrible name especially a name that sounds like Soapy.
I hate this name because it sounds like soapy.
This is my name! I used to not really like it, but now I think I've grown into it. I'm especially attached to the nickname Soph.
I love the sound, but I do prefer the Sofie spelling. I think it looks a little more mature. :)
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what a nasty name- who would name an innocent baby this awful name? That sounds like "soapy".
A horrible name!
Very unattractive.
Sophie makes me think of brownies, petits fours glacés, Belgian waffles, lemon tarts, muffins, cookies, chocolate bars, Ring Pops, Pixy Stix, gingerbread, and all kinds of sweet things, and summer days, and smiles, and holding hands. And pirates. It's a very pretty name.
Ooooh, this name is adorable!
Nice name but it doesn’t age well.
My birth name is Sophie-Juliette though I've been referred to simply as 'Sophie' my whole life. While I understand the original appeal of this lovely name, it's now so overused and common it's nearly lost its specialness it probably once possessed. I can't say there was ever a time I was content with my name though I love names beginning with S since I think they're soft sounding. The nickname 'Soph' which tends to be used in the UK has always reminded me of an indolent lazy person and not someone elegant or somewhat graceful. However, there has to be tons of variations and spellings of this which are more unusual. I do think the 'Ph' makes the name prettier and more refined.
It’s not the worst name and sounds nice, but it’s getting pretty boring to me now, but maybe it’s because I know a lot of Sophies.
Ugly! There is nothing appealing about this!
I like it! I think it sounds very intelligent and natural.
Very beautiful name, too bad that it is much overused now.
I’ve never liked this name and don’t see the appeal at all. So many prettier names out there!
I think Sophia sounds a lot better. Sophie feels somehow incomplete, maybe even boring. Sweet name, but really nothing great.
I LOVE the name Sophie, but it's so overused! :( To me it has the same feeling as Lily: where I feel like it should have become stale and boring already but it's still gorgeous, sweet, and strong. I like long names with nicknames but Sophie doesn't really have a long name, other than Sophia, which isn't my favourite for some reason. I really like Sylvia, though - it's my mum's name, and she actually gets called Sophie sometimes - also I like the nickname Via.
Strongly dislike!
In my opinion, Sophie makes a pretty nickname, but isn't so good as a legal name. It just has that nickname-y kind of sound. I suggest you name your child Sophia and use Sophie as a nickname.
Gorgeous, soft, pretty!
Just ugly!
Everyone I know is called Sophie.
I know 153 Sophie’s and I’m not joking.
Sophie is very delicate and soft and is my favorite of the Sophia-related names, although it is somewhat common. I'm not sure why people think it sounds childish.
Hella overused.
Sophie is a very sweet sounding name. I prefer it to Sophia, which is nice, but VERY overused. I’ve met a ton of Sophias, while I’ve only met one Sophie.
My name is Sophie and I love being a Sophie! I would never and never will change my name!
Please don’t do this to a poor child. I would absolutely hate being stuck with this name!
I really love the name Sophie.
I'm a Sophie and I love being a Sophie.
Pretty, soft, and elegant, yet somewhat overused. I do like it as a short form of Sophronia, however. I also prefer it over Sophia, Sofie, and Sofia.
I prefer this over Sophia, it gives a softer vibe to it.
Really nice name.
I absolutely love the name Sophie. It is beautiful sounding, so incredibly soft, gentle and feminine. As a transgender woman, choosing a name that felt comfortable and right was incredibly hard. Sophie was always my favourite, but I did struggle with the self consciousness that Sophie could make others think I am trying too hard to be feminine, and it is just so beautiful and soft, that it would make me stand out.
I have decided to disregard fears of what others may think, and to go with what feels right for me, and that is Sophie. I am now Sophie, or Soph for short, and I could not feel better or happier about my name.
I am a teacher in an international school in HK and I have a kid in my class named Sophie, she's mixed race, her father is American and her mother is Chinese. Honestly, I think this name suits her perfectly, she is such an angel, with her blonde hair and green eyes. She is the top of the class, got an excellent ssat in seventh grade and went to the John Hopkin's camp for gifted last summer.
Beautiful soft name. It's quite common, but still lovely. Two of my childhood best friends where called Sophie so it's quite special.
My name is Sophie too and it was my birth name and people in my school call me Sophia the first- it is so annoying.
Sounds nice, but extremely common.
I love this name! So delicate and precious, also ages quite well! For sure I need to name my daughter this. Possibly one of my favorite names.
My name is Sophie. I was born a Sophie and still a Sophie.I love my name so much! There was never a time where someone made fun of me. There’s no teasing, ever. Although it may happen a few times where you need to correct them that’s it’s not Sophia, it still is an awesome name to have! What a great time I’ve had so far with this name. Way prettier than Sophia.
Sorry guys, but I'm in the minority. To me, Sophie has always been a little bit boring and childish.
While Sophia is more exotic and adventurous, Sophie is simpler and to the point, in some way. Sophy is a bit more unusual, though.
It's a nice name. One interesting nickname I've heard for it is 'Soap', which was a bit fun, I thought. It was in a story set during the 1800s, so it's probably gone considerably out of use by now.
This is my name, and I don’t think it ages well. I’m twelve. When I turn twenty-five I want to change my name to Sophia.
This variant of Sophia is cute. Just like Julia and Julie. Sophia and Sophie make a good twin name pair.
My name is Sophia, but I use Sophie as a nickname! I love both names, but I like to use Sophie, as it’s shorter and (in my opinion) more casual than Sophia. Sophia sounds very formal and elegant. Both names are very sweet and pretty.
I am a Sophie myself, and I love it! For a while, some of my friends thought my name was actually Sophia. It does get a little tedious, repeating that your name is not Sophia, but it is in fact Sophie and you can check my birth certificate and oh my gosh. But I wouldn't trade my name for anything else!
This is my birth name but I don't use this any more and have changed my name. I didn't ever really grow to like my name. From a young age, I always wanted to be called something different and would often ask my mother to call me Zoey. I didn't ever really like the ph in it to start with as a lot of countries in Europe replace ph with f. I can't remember ever thinking this name was pretty, and I always wished to have a much more feminine, softer name - I suppose, to reflect my personality as I am very feminine and a gentle person. I could never relate to it or become used to it and I don't really like its meaning "wise" as well. You always end up being called Soph as a nickname. This is very personal though, and I know the beauty of anything including names is subjective and there are others who are very content with this name.
I love Sophie, it sounds sweet and ladylike! Much better than Sofie in my opinion.
Sophie is a classy, elegant name! This name has historic European heritage going back centuries!
Strong and intelligent sounding, with a somewhat nice ring to it.
Sweet, beautiful and feminine. There isn't much in it, but I tend to slightly prefer Sophie to Sophia. Both are lovely names, though.
Of all the variations, I prefer Sophie. I think it's sweeter and melodious.
I like the name Sophie. If a have a daughter one day I might name her this. I would call her Soph for sort or if she doesn't like Soph I would call her Fee.
I have a sister named Sophie born in 1996. My mom named her this because it was uncommon. But now this name is blowing up! Wow, she never thought that would happen.
My baby cousin is named Sophie, and it suits her well! She's 3 now, full of sass, and very Sophie. None of us liked the name when she was born, but what can I say? Nothing else would suit her better! I personally like the name Sofia better than the shortened form (with an -f, not a -ph). To each their own!
Pretty, soft sounding name, but a little too popular for my taste. Although, it does seem it's slowly becoming less common. It's less common than Sophia, but keep in mind that a lot of Sophia's will go by Sophie as a nickname. If you love the name then use it, but don't be surprised if your child shares their name with several others.
Sounds so childish.
Sophie really is one of my favourite baby names ever! I am jealous of all you Sophie's out there, be proud of your name, it's absolutely wonderful!
I named my daughter Sophie. Her being half Japanese and Vietnamese, I wanted a name that would not be hard for our relatives back home to call and recognizable in the English speaking world (so that she would not have to spell it out too often) yet not too common, hopefully. Sophia was also considered and choosing between the names was pretty hard :)
This name is beautiful and I love it, but it's so overused in England!
I am an American Sophie who is 50 years old. When I was growing up with it, only French girls, Jewish/European old ladies, and dogs (hundreds!) shared my name. It stuns me how popular it has become in 2 decades. It took me years to grow into it, but now I think it's pretty sharp!
Before you pick this name for your baby, ask yourself: does the world really need another one? It is so, so overused, and every other Sophia goes by Sophie too. Your Sophie had better like her last initial, because she'll need it to distinguish herself from the dozens of others she'll encounter during her school years.
It's a pretty name, and sounds very cute on a baby/little girl, and I do prefer it to the overused Sophia.
I've only met 2 Sophie's in my whole life. I didn't think it was that popular. By the way, love this name!
So Beautiful.. Fit for a baby princess.
I think Sophie is a cute name. We have an outdoor black cat named Sophie.
Sophie is an amazing name! Love it :)
It's funny though how all the Sophie's I've met HATE their name & think it's common and boring. XD Tbh, I personally think Sophia is waayyy prettier!
Sophie is a PERFECT name. That's why it's popular.
Being elegant and modern, I will choose this name for my little girl.
Do you remember the children at school with uncommon names and how difficult it was for others to pronounce them, purely because they are unheard of. Sophie's of the playground will not have that problem.
They will easily find their name at stationary shops :)
Which little girls love to do.
Although Sophie is a lovely name, and I can't argue with that, I think it is so common. There are seven sophies in my year at school and there are so many people outside of my school who are also called Sophie. I can understand why parents would like to name their daughter Sophie, but I would never name one of my future children Sophie.
The name Sophie was actually given to 5 baby BOYS born in the US in 2012. I hope they made a mistake.
You think Sophie is common and boring but Sophia isn't?! Well that's interesting since Sophia has been #1 for the last few years in the US... So I would say you're incorrect on that one.
I don't really like it. It is very common and boring. I prefer Sophia.
One of my favorite names. I also like Sophia, but the name Sophie, I don't know... it just appeals to me more. Pairs well with many middle names, works on all ages, and a lot of good historical figures and book characters to give it a good connotation.
I like this more than the overused Sophia (unless you're Italian, don't name your daughter Sophia! It's ridiculous!) it was popular in the late 1800's-early 1900's, and then it was off the top 1000 for a long time, which I find interesting. It's gaining again popularity now, probably why most people named Sophie are either little girls or old women. Overall, it's a cute name, and although it sounds childish, it's been around for ages and hasn't just been "thought up" recently like a lot of names... So it can suit any age :)
My dog's name is Sophie. I named her that because at the time of meeting her, I was into both philosophy and the French language. She has many nicknames including Soapy, Sopapilla, Sloppy, and Shol'va. Instead of commanding her to heel, I say "Shol'va, kree!"
This is my favourite name even though it is so popular.
Sophie is adorable! Very sweet and delicate :)
This is the most beautiful name in the world.
This is the best name ever sweet and classic. I LOVE it. Nicknames Sosie, Soph, Fifi, Fi and Soss.
I LOVE the name Sophie for a girl. It's spunky, fun, old fashioned yet modern feeling, and works on all personality types. It's one of my favorite names. I prefer this to Sophia. Not sure why I just can't bring myself to liking that name more than Sophie.
Sophie is an absolutely precious, beautiful, adorable name with a great meaning. I'm planning on using it for my second daughter. It has been kind of overused recently, but for good reason (unlike, say, Nevaeh)! I actually like it a bit more than Sophia, not sure why.
Much earlier on this thread, I wrote that I wished this were my own name. Later that year (not too much later, actually, now that I think of it) I did legally change my name to Sophya, but I am called Sophie by almost everyone. I have found it to be a wonderful choice despite its popularity - I actually like my name now, which, y'know, is always a plus...
I'm not too fond of Sophie as a real, full name. It sounds kind of ditzy. And while I can picture it on a young girl and an elderly woman, I can't really picture it on a middle aged woman. I would prefer to name my daughter Sophia and nickname her Sophie, so she has a regal, elegant name to fall back on when she gets older, with the cute nickname Sophie. Sophie by itself just does not seem very sophisticated.
My name is Sophie. It's a comfy generic name and you wont be teased for it however it is super popular and I think it's gonna stay super popular by the looks of it! Overall it's OK but not very unique. Probably if I hadn't gone through school as Sophie. H for 15 years I would like it better.
This name is lovely! If it wasn't so popular, I'd definitely use it. I recently met a lovely Sophie, she's the sweetest person!
S is for Sweet
O is for old fashioned
P is for pretty
H is for happy
I is for intelligent
E is for elegant
One of my best friend's is called Sophie and it suits her perfectly. She lives up to its meaning as she is very wise! It's a very soft, sweet name, but maybe it's a bit too popular at the moment.
Sophie is an increasingly popular name for dogs, especially, for some reason, Labrador retrievers. Something to consider before you give it to your baby (or your puppy!)
My parents named me Sophie because my dad went to the Sophia University (no idea why they didn't name me Sophia) and because Sophie means "wisdom". I like my name, and I am the only person in my grade with this name. However, it is becoming increasingly popular, and I like to be unique.
This name has an innocent tone to it. When pronounced, I just picture some joyful girl growing up into a nice life. It's a name you give your daughter in hopes of her achieving the best in life. At least I would think so.I like this name a lot and am very much considering naming my future daughter this.
When said with a French or German accent, I don't mind it. When said in English, it's all poodle, airy and insubstantial. Sophie is strictly a canine name to me.
This is one of my favourite girl's names ever. Pretty, sweet but still traditional and strong. I love it.
The name Sophie is ok, but it sounds like soapy.
I find this name tacky, overused and boring.
The word sophisticated springs to mind when I hear this name. Yes, I like it. It has an upperclass sort of sound to it without being too pretentious. I like it better than Sophia as it sounds more English. Sophia is a bit "try hard" and faddish at the moment. Sophie to me is the classic original.
Sophie is the kind of name a child gets when her parents want something tritely pretty and are too uncreative to think of anything better. Somehow it's like the fat, stupid version of Sophia.
Whatever! This name is gorgeous! It's so much better than Sophia I think. Really feminine and pretty. Not to mention sweet and sophisticated as well! I love Sophie!
Sophie is my full name, and I think it's so pretty. However, I get a little annoyed when people assume my real name is Sophia, or call me Sophia. I also hate it when people have the same name as me, so I wish it was more uncommon. But otherwise I love it!
I prefer Sophia. Sophie sounds like a nickname more than a whole name.
I LOVE this name, probably my favorite ever! It sounds classic, yet modern, delicate, yet strong. It can fit everyone and it's so beautiful. Perfect name for a girl.
I think Sophie is absolutely adorable, but it's also sophisticated. Great name!
This name is GREAT! I think this is much better than the similar name Sophia. A cute nickname would be FiFi
It's okay but I like Sophia or Sofia more.
I love this name! It's perfectly adorable, although I probably wouldn't name my child this because it sounds almost a tad too feminine for me. But I recommend it just the same! =]
I absolutely adore the name Sophie. I think it's beautiful in every way. Its simplicity is enchanting enough to forget about its over-bearing popularity all over the world. I imagine a girl with a wondeful creative talent and an extraordinary personality. I really hope this will be one of my daughter's names one day! =D.
I don't like "Sophie". It sounds so soft and girly in a way I hate it. Like 'Mia'. I think Sophia or Sofia is better, because it sounds whole.
Nevermind, I think Sophie is pretty.
Sophie is such a feminine name. It makes me think of a cute woman who is confident yet able to be girlish.
Sophie is a cute and very beautiful name.
My name is Sophie and I love being a Sophie. I wouldn't give it to my child because it's mine, but I'm happy being a Sophie because it makes me feel cheerful, sweet, dainty, friend and funny to my friends. Trouble is, there are too many Sophies in the world now!
I really like this name. To me, this name is better than Sophia.
I think Sophie is too popular, especially in my school. Anyways, I don't like the name very much.
Sophie is too popular and too ugly. The -PHEE at the end makes it sound ugly.
I think Sophie is an ugly, unfeminine name. It is something I would name my dog, not my child. I can’t believe that this name is becoming so popular given how unattractive it is. I am not a big fan of Sophia either, although I do feel that it’s a nicer, more feminine name than Sophie. Sophie without the “a” at the end just sounds incomplete. Sophie also sounds very young and childish, like Carrie or Katie. I can’t image a mature grown women, especially a professional women, wanting to be named Sophie.
Sophie is such a beautiful, feminine, delicate name. It reminds me of a small, soft-spoken woman. But one with dignity.
Sophie is a pretty name and very soft.
I named my daughter Sophie Abbigail. I love what Sophie means, and I think that it is a very classy name. I like Sophie better then Sophia. What is interesting is I did not know ANYONE named Sophie, and I had no clue that Sophie and Sophia were becoming very popular again.
I adore this name. It's dainty but powerful at the same time. It makes me think of some tall, brooding and thoughtful medieval lady. It's also the name of my dog. *cough*
I know a Sophie. I adore her name, and it fits her perfectly. Short, cute, smart, creative, one of the sweetest girls I know.
I think the name Sophie is very cute. Dainty and elegant.
My name is Sophie and I love it! It's sweet and cute, but also feminine and sophisticated. My friends call me Soph, or Phie Phie, which I don't mind. :)
I'm called Sophie. It is such a pretty name and well I'm very proud to be a Sophie! My mates call me Soph which is ok but I like the name Sophie!
I'm a Sophie and proud of it. Not only do people see me as a lady-like, intellegent, friendly and kind, but it's also made me feel more attractive than I probably am. I love being a Sophie. (My close friends call me Soph, which I think is fine).
Being a Sophie myself, I do like the name but too many people these days are called Sophie! Over 200 in my school year alone! Also as a short form I get called Soss or Sossy, which is much better than Soph.
I like the name Sophie, but I think I like Sophia best.
I like the name Sophie. It's cute, dainty, sophisticated and lady-like. Its meaning is very strong, and I like names that mean 'faithful' or 'peaceful'. They have good meanings.
I think it's a lovely name although it's hard to shorten it to something nice! It's origin is wisdom which is a beautiful meaning, much better than 'faithful' or 'peace bearer'!

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