Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword grandson.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aiyy Sien m Yakut (Rare)
Means "grandson of Aiyy" from Yakut сиэн (sien) meaning "grandson" combined with the name of the Yakut Aiyy deities.
Aysen m Yakut
Derived from the name of the god Aiyy and Yakut сиэн (sien) meaning "grandson".
Magoichi m & f Japanese
Means "grandson city/grandson of the city".
Nepotianus m Late Roman, History
This Roman cognomen is derived from the Roman nomen gentile Nepotius, which itself was derived from the Latin word nepos meaning "grandson, nephew, descendant". A bearer of this name was the 4th-century Roman usurper Nepotianus, a nephew of Constantine the Great (via Nepotianus' mother, Eutropia).
Sun m & f Chinese (Rare)
From Chinese 孙 (sūn) meaning "grandson/descendant", 笋 (sǔn) meaning "bamboo shoot", 隼 (sǔn) meaning "falcon", 荪 (sūn) meaning "fragrant grass" or any other Chinese character with the same pronunciation.... [more]