Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword message.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Angelia f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀγγελία (angelia) meaning "message, tidings, news", related to ἄγγελος (angelos) "messenger". In Greek mythology Angelia was a daughter of the messenger god Hermes and the spirit (daimona) of messages, tidings, and proclamations.
Arpârte m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "messenger". From Greenlandic arpappoq meaning "runs" (arpaartoq meaning "runs from house to house to give a message").
Aurboða f Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Derived from aur "again; water; sand" and boð "message". In Norse mythology this is the name of both a jotunn, the wife of Gymir and the mother of Gerðr, and one of Menglǫð's maids.
Botric m Anglo-Saxon
From Old English bot "remedy, help; improvement" and ric "king, ruler", an older form of Boteric... [more]
Fekau m Tongan
Means "order, message" in Tongan.
Mizgîn f Kurdish
Means "happy message" in Kurdish.
Ozichi f & m Igbo, African
The name originates from Eastern part of Nigeria from the Igbo speaking states. Predominatly from Imo state.... [more]
Peyam m & f Kurdish
Means "message" in Kurdish.
Ruiko f Japanese
From Japanese 潤 (rui) meaning "wet, be watered, profit by, receive benefits, favor, charm, steep", 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit", 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 塁 (rui) meaning "baseball", 涙 (rui) meaning "tears, sympathy", 累 (rui) meaning "accumulate, involvement, trouble, tie up, continually", 類 (rui) meaning "sort, kind, variety, class, genus", 路 (ru) meaning "path, route, road, distance", 壘 (ru) meaning "baseball", 泪 (rui) meaning "tears, weep, cry" or 誄 (rui) meaning "condolence message", 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 以 (i) meaning "by means of, because, in view of, compared with", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing", 壱 (i) meaning "one", 偉 (i) meaning "admirable, greatness, remarkable, conceited, famous, excellent" or 易 (i) meaning "easy, ready to, simple, fortune-telling, divination" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child" or 琴 (ko), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp... [more]
Tilioĸ m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "friend", "companion", deriving from Greenlandic tilivaa meaning "sends him on an errand" or "sends him a message through another person".
Udant m Odia
Means "the correct message" in Odia.