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Love, Like, Eh, Lose
This game is similar to "love, like, lose," except I have added another category for more names. The rules are simple: I give you a list of sixteen names, and the poster will select four names they love, four names they like, four names they don't entirely care for (eh), and four names they want to get rid of (lose). The names in 'lose' are dropped from the list, and the poster adds four new names to the list. It continues as long as people still play.Original list: Eliott, Amelia, Angela, Emil, Cristina, Isabel, Finlay, Noelle, Pamela, Finnian, Linus, Sophia, Moritz, Stephanie, Nioclás, Oliver,
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Love: Amelia, Marina, Cristina, Gustav
Like: Isabel, Noelle, Rosemary, Sophia
Eh: Angela, Peter, Sunny, Joshua
Lose: Oliver, Stellan, Finlay, AquaAmelia, Marina, Cristina, Gustav, Isabel, Noelle, Rosemary, Sophia, Angela, Peter, Sunny, Joshua, Louisa, Calanthe, Preston, Thomas
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Love: Juliet, Thomas, Vincent, Elodie
Like: Liam, Lucia, Carter, Rhys
Eh: Victoria, Matthew, Sarah, Nicole
Lose: Alexia, Emmanuel, Stefan, GwendolenCarter, Elodie, Juliet, Liam, Lucia, Matthew, Nicole, Rhys, Sarah, Thomas, Victoria, Vincent, Augusta, Eamon, Jago, Tamsin
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Love: Seraphina, Elodie, Caterina, Liam
Like: Victoria, Evan, Rhys, Thomas
Meh: Ruby, Nicanor, Sabina, Sarah
Lose: Matthew, Nicole, Benedict, EmilianoSeraphina, Elodie, Caterina, Liam, Victoria, Evan, Rhys, Thomas, Ruby, Nicanor, Sabina, Sarah, Emilia, Asher, Quinn, Charlie
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Love: Miriam, Henry, Magnus, Phoebe
Like: Dominic, Jasper, Charlotte, Elodie
Eh: Caroline, Caterina, Andre, Victoria
Lose: Sarah, Kaida, Merle, LouiseMiriam, Henry, Magnus, Phoebe, Dominic, Jasper, Charlotte, Elodie, Caroline, Caterina, Andre, Victoria, Léonie, Constantine, Ludmila, Rowan
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