Meaning & History
Diminutive of Jeremy, Jerome, Gerald, Geraldine and other names beginning with the same sound. Notable bearers include the American comedians Jerry Lewis (1926-2017) and Jerry Seinfeld (1954-), as well as the American football player Jerry Rice (1962-).
Related Names
VariantsGeri, Gerri, Gerry, Jem, Jemmy, Jere, Jeri, Jerri, Jerrie(English) Jez, Jezza(English (British))
Other Languages & CulturesErmias(Amharic) Hieronymos, Hieronymus(Ancient Greek) Jeremiah, Jeremy(Biblical) Ieremias(Biblical Greek) Yirmiyahu(Biblical Hebrew) Hieremias(Biblical Latin) Jeronim, Jere, Jerko(Croatian) Jeroným(Czech) Gerald, Hieronymus, Jeroen, Gerolt(Dutch) Jeremias, Jorma, Jarkko, Jarmo, Jere, Roni(Finnish) Gérald, Géraldine, Géraud, Jérémie, Jérémy, Jérôme(French) Gerald, Gerold, Hieronymus, Gerhold, Jeremias(German) Geroald, Gerold(Germanic) Geronimo(History) Gearóid, Gearalt(Irish) Geremia, Gerolamo, Girolamo, Giraldo(Italian) Ieronimus(Late Roman) Hieronim, Jeremi, Jeremiasz(Polish) Geraldo, Jeremias(Portuguese) Jerônimo(Portuguese (Brazilian)) Jerónimo(Portuguese (European)) Ieronim(Romanian) Ieronim(Russian) Hieronym(Slovak) Geraldo, Jeremías, Jerónimo, Gerónimo(Spanish) Gerallt(Welsh)
People think this name is
bandleaders, bluegrass musicians, Bully characters, cartoon characters, Charles Dickens characters, child actors, City Hunter characters, composers, conductors, country music singers, Craig of the Creek characters, David Mitchell characters, Detroit Become Human characters, Dharma and Greg characters, diminutives, DJs, Formula One drivers, Frasier characters, Fringe characters, guitarists, Harry Belafonte repertoire, Hawaii Five-0 characters, I Love Lucy characters, James Joyce characters, Jerry, Kaleido Star characters, keyboardists, mascots, Maud Hart Lovelace characters, Muppets, NASCAR, NBA players, Never Have I Ever characters, never out of the US top 1000, Oz characters, Parks and Recreation characters, Rick and Morty characters, Roseanne characters, Seinfeld characters, skiffle, slang names, Squishmallows, Superstore characters, Tennessee Williams characters, The Golden Girls characters, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel characters, The Nanny characters, The Sopranos characters, The Walking Dead characters, The West Wing characters, Totally Spies characters, tricksters, TV show titles, Two and a Half Men characters, U.S. senators, Weird Al Yankovic, Will and Grace characters, YouTubers