Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ugly because this name sounds like I'm choking or something.
I normally don't like Q names, but this one is very nice. I've always had a soft spot for it.
Low-key fugly. Reminds me of a balding, pudgy, middle aged accountant.
I don’t like it.
A cool name, but it had unfortunately been ruined from its association with hideous pervert troll-boy director Tarantino. It's a shame that one well-known scumbag can ruin an otherwise nice name.
It's alright, but always been more of an odd name to me. Probably because I haven't heard it that often.
The Best name is Quentin. It's very, very masculine.
A fantastic, strong, masculine name. :)
I've always joked that if I were to ever have a fifth child (highly unlikely), and it were a boy, his name would be Quentin as it means "fifth" (I say the same of an eighth child- I would name him/her Octavius/Octavia!). I do think of Quentin Tarantino with this name, but my first association is always of Quentin Blake, the illustrator of the children's author Roald Dahl's books since I loved his books as a kid. It's a cool name with a bit of a hipster-y vibe to me, and not many names start with "Q" so it's quite unique!
I fell in love with this name when I was about 6 years old; what a wonderful name for a boy, which also is great when he grows up and gets old. A very strong, macho, but also youthful and positive name.
Quinn makes for a good nickname for Quentin.

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