Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love the name I don’t understand the hate it gets it reminds me of the first English pioneer settlers in America surviving with so little and founding a nation built on determination and shear will to succeed in the face of extreme adversity.
The name Tabitha is just as tenacious and beautiful as the history itself in my opinion.
I always thought that this could work as a masculine name as well. It probably wouldn't.
Honestly, this name reminds me of Tabi, a character from Friday Night Funkin'.
Hi, a Tabitha here. If you're considering naming your kid Tabitha, please be prepared to listen to your child complain about teachers being unable to pronounce their name, and people ribbing them for the name as well. My 10th grade English teacher could not pronounce my name, no matter who/when someone corrected him. I'm still salty about that. Additionally, for nicknames, instead of "Tabby" or "Tibby" I recommend "Tabi", "Tab" or "Tabs", I am frequently called by these names and prefer them to the alternatives, however, that could just be a me thing. I thought it would be nice to keep options open for your kid. Be warned, if you go with "Tabi" people will misspell it.
I find Tabitha to be a very beautiful witchy, and whimsical name. It’s perfect for a girl through all ages of life and it’s good for a cat if you want! Tabitha has a classy and intelligent look and sound to it. The meaning is lovely.
I have an adorable cat named Tabitha. Her namesake is Tabitha Twitchit, the character created by Beatrix Potter (Tom Kitten's mother!)Tabby is a great nickname and overall Tabitha just sounds so friendly to me.
Super rare name. I've only met one Tabitha and she was a super likable person. :) I'm kinda surprised as to why it hasn't been used more. I have faith it will come back around since people are trying to stay away from the top 1,000 baby names. Lol.
I don't care for biblical names usually, but this one seems to stand out as an exception to me for whatever reason. It has a pleasant old fashioned charm that I could easily see being revived to a pretty charm for modern times as well. It seems to age well from suiting a little girl to a woman and it's feminine and strong. I also really like the unique sound current of it. Tabby is also a cute nickname, my husband loves nicknames and is most excited about the Tabby aspect of this name haha.
Beautiful. Tabby would be an adorable nickname.
Thanks to Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire I thought this was a masculine name until I finally met a girl named Tabitha. Now I actually really like this name.
Enchantingly beautiful.
Quite beautiful.
Hi my name is actually Tabitha. A lot of people don't say it right and that's okay. My name is rare, I get it. I try and help them say it right.
Interesting, unusual name. Didn't hear about it much. I like this name. Tabitha has something powerful in it. Good name!
Ugh, this is my name and I hate it. This name is not a good name, and it means not great things either. People keep saying it's from the bible but if you look into it tabes- means to rot/emaciation/disease and -beatha means life; both of these in gaelic. Together you get rotted life. Really doesn't help that tabhartha means illegitimate child. I went through a life trying to break this curse of a name. It doesn't feel good to bear this name. Just some food for thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
I like this name better spelled as "Tabetha". It just seems more unique and pretty. But it's nice either way. It's definitely 100% better than "Dorcas".
I like this name. It sounds pretty.
My name is Tabitha, and I used to hate it because nobody could pronounce or spell it, and that people used to always ask me if I was a cat, as well as that being called 'dorcus' in Greek was apparently 'funny' when I was younger. Now that I'm older, I've grown to love my name. Nobody's ever called me a witch, and to be honest, I don't have any problem with being called a witch.I think the the name is eccentric and quirky, and I like it because that's what I'm often called, and it matches the way I dress and my personality.
Tabitha, Tabitha... Tomboy?
This is my name. I guess it’s okay. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it. I hear a lot of people saying it rolls off the tongue so easily, which I don’t really think is true for me. I find it kind of awkward to say. Also, people always say: “have you ever heard of Bewitched?” Yes. Yes, I have. I think I got it down the first million or so times people have asked me that.
I have always despised the nickname ‘Tabs’ or ‘Beth’. Tabby is okay, but Abby is my favorite nickname for this. Oh, and if you don’t like the nickname Tabby, don’t name your kid Tabitha. They will get called that no matter what.
I used to hate my name when I was little. Mostly because nose twitching was one of my nervous tics, so that was an unfortunate coincidence. But, I’ve grown to like this name more and more. I like that it’s unique. Its popularity is going down, and I don’t think it sounds at all like an old grandma name. All the people I’ve met with this name have been young. I’ve liked most of the Tabithas I’ve met, except for one who wasn’t very nice, but names don’t define people.
I think it's pretty.
Being someone named Tabitha after the show Bewitched I don't mind the witch questions but two things I do hate relating to my name is 1. Bridge to Terabithia and 2. If you watch Walking Dead in one episode there is a goat named Tabitha that dies by getting eaten by zombies. No one lets me live these two things down.
It’s nice, but I dislike the “tab” sound. I prefer Talitha.
My name is Tabitha. I have always loved it except for the comments you get about "Bewitched": "Are you a witch?" and "Can you twitch your nose?"
I end up doing a lot of explaining that no, I wasn't named after a witch, I was named after Tabitha in the Bible, who was a wonderful and kind woman.
I love how unique my name is. It's not like being called Jessica or Jennifer, where there are often half a dozen other girls with the same name as you.
I also love the meaning of my name: beautiful and graceful, or gazelle, and I like being called Tabby or even Tabby Cat for a nickname, because I like cats. It does make you wonder, though - how did the name come to be applied to cats when it means gazelle?
I disagree about Talitha and Tabitha as twin names, as they sound way too close together to my ears and I love this name for some reason. My cousin is Tabitha/Tabby, and she is the only Tabitha I know. Something about the way this name sounds is pleasant and kind, and also sweet but crazy in a good way.
My name is Tabitha and like many others, I was named after the bewitched character “Tabitha”
I have scrolled through the comments and I think “Edith” is a great nick name!
To anyone who hates their name (Tabitha) DON'T hate it. It makes you unique. And if you like cats, “Tabby Cat”! (that was a nickname of mine).
This is my name, and I love it. The only thing I hate about it is that whenever I tell a little kid my name they always respond with a confused look "Taffa?" "Tubta?" It's so annoying!
I love this meaning, and it is really cute.
I don't LOVE the name. But my name is Tabitha and my mother says I was supposed to be a boy and my name was going to be Rhonen. When I came out as a girl, she decided to name me Tabitha because she was watching Bewitched while she was in labor. After that, she decided that my middle name was going to be "Adore" because when the doctors saw me, they said I was the most adorable baby they had seen in a long time.
I love the meaning gazelle! It would be funny if someone named Tabitha dressed up as a gazelle for Halloween.
My name is Tabitha. I would be very careful before naming a baby with this name. The references to Bewitched do NOT stop. The program still plays in re-runs all the time. The character on the show is a darling, little blond witch. But, she is still a witch, and there is a stigma attached to witches, even fictional witches. Very few people remember or know that this is a biblical name. I love my parents very dearly, but I wish they had picked out another name for me.
Great classic English name, it reminds me of an English Puritan lady in a long dress and a bonnet going out to become a brave settler in New England in the 16/1700s. Beautiful name for all ages :-)
I love my name. My mom spelled it Tabetha, which makes me love it even more♡.
Amazing name.
Not a terrible name, I just prefer 'Talitha' over it. Talitha is just more soft, beautiful and pleasant sounding and is way more attractive. It's just an overall better name in my opinion.
I would definitely use this name on a little girl, and I think it would grow with her. I would even use the nickname Tabby. It's no different to Abby or Libby or Tillie in my opinion. It's a funky nickname and so what if it is also a type of coat type on a cat? I like cats. I'm not a cat lady. But what about Catherine or Katrina etc, with the nickname Kat or Cat? Is that okay but Tabby is too cat-like? Don't be so quick to pigeonhole good honest and classic names like this... And I think that nicknames should maybe be fun and not taking themselves too seriously. Isn't that the point of having a casual nickname vs always using a formal and maybe conservative full name all the time? It's nice to kick back and be a Vicky sometimes lol!
I think this name is cute as a button on a little girl. And I've never met an adult Tabitha but I would be thrilled to. It's nice to have a biblical link too.
Tabitha is my name, I like it and thank my dad for choosing it for me. It's a unique and beautiful name.
I have always thought this is a beautiful sounding name. It's not terribly common either - have only ever met one Tabitha, who was somewhat odd, but this hasn't diminished the name for me.
My name is Tabasa. My parents are Japanese and they named me after the daughter of the witch in the TV show Bewitched. Since there is no such pronunciation like "tha" in Japasese they just made it as "sa" so they could pronounce it. I've never met another "Tabasa" but I hear there are other Tabasas around. The cool thing is that my mom's nickname is Samantha because I am Tabitha (Tabasa). I love the fact that Tabitha means gazelle in Hebrew though!
The prettiest girl in my school (in my opinion) has this name, and it suits her so well. It sounds so mystical and alluring yet friendly, just like her.
I love my name >:)
I am an almost 43 year old Tabitha. I love my name except for the "are you a witch?" question I used to be asked all the time. I've been told my name is bad a**. I like it more now that BEWITCHED isn't in reruns any more.
This is my name. I personally didn't like it growing up but it has grown on me :) I was named after the show Bewitched because my dad loved it. I have been asked "Can you twitch your nose?" several times- very annoying, although I do love the show. I hate being called Tabby- I prefer Tab. I don't know why but being called Tabby annoys me. I have met a few Tabitha's and I only liked one. Anyway, that's my spin on it and I love my unique name. ☆Tabitha ☆.
I like the name Tabitha. It somewhat reminds me of xylophones... and cats... Please don't ask me why, I have absolutely no idea. The first Tabitha I met was somewhat rude, but I still like the name. Another thing I think of when I hear the name is a fifty year old lady (?) or a cute little girl.... Which is weird because I only met one Tabitha as far as I know (the mean one) never seen one on TV, really.
My name is Tabitha, aka tabi to just about everyone who knows me and in school the teachers would always compare me to my brother because he was so outspoken and they would always talk about how shy and nice I was and I'm pretty sure it's the name because I have met about 2 or 3 other Tabithas and none of them ever seemed like they were really mean or anything.
I used to think this was a beautiful name but it seems that over the past few years I'm running into Tabitha after Tabitha. Not to mention every Tabitha I've ever met is promiscuous and/or snooty. So I don't like it, personally, for that reason.
I love this name. My mother wanted to name me Tabitha, but my father didn't like it. He thought it was to much of a "witch" name and didn't want me to end up a gothic child. I was named Caitlyn, a preppy name, when I am the complete opposite. I hope to name my future daughter Tabitha.
I really like this name; I think it sounds wonderfully quaint and rare. I think anyone called this would most certainly be eccentric in personality, which is another positive attribute to this name, I consider it to be at least. :-)
I love cats but it seems tacky to name one's daughter Tabitha with the intention of calling her Tabby for the cat association. Anyway, I didn't know about the Bewitched thing before reading the name description and comments, so I guess that association is dying down. I love this name. I first found out about gazelles when I was watching a cartoon when I was little. The main character had a crush on a girl and said she was like "a graceful gazelle" so I like the combo Tabitha Grace or Tabitha Hannah etc.
It's pretty and unique, and I like the nickname Tabby, but there's something about it I've never liked. I can't put my finger on it.
This is pretty, and such a beautiful meaning.
This is 1 of the few names I absolutely don't like. When I heard it a few years ago on a girl I thought 'What an ugly name for a pretty girl!' It reminds me of an evil person. No offense to anyone who has or likes this name it's just my opinion.
I have a friend with this name... I think it fits her perfectly. She's graceful!
I love this name, it's so exotic.
This name is quite beautiful. It's probably my favorite girls' name in the New Testament, and it's currently not as overused as other Biblical names.
My name is Tabitha, and I am 16. I've never really liked my name, but my nickname is Tabby and some of my best friends will call me Tabby-cat sometimes. I don't think it's a bad thing that it sounds like a cat. :) I'm not even a cat person, (I prefer dogs) but I think Tabby is a cute nickname. I do get the Bewitched thing a lot from my mom's friends, but I love the show Bewitched, and Tabitha is awesome on there. I agree it's a million times better than Dorcas. Oh, and I was named Tabitha because one of my dad's friends who was a ballerina used it as her stage name and he loved it.
I love the name Tabby as a nickname for Tabitha.
My name is Tabitha and I love it. People say that Tabitha reminds them of a cat but I have nicknames that have no relation to cats as well as ones that do eg Tabz, Tabs, Tabbie, Sabahsah, Sabbit etc., but I refuse to be called Tabby. I have never been asked about Bewitched, and my mother called me Tabitha because she liked the name, not because of Bewitched. I think my name is really pretty and exotic and I love the meaning - gazelle. I don't see why people have a problem with it. I have never met another Tabitha in my life and all my friends love my name too. They think it is so unique and it is. I'm 14 and all of my friends have names which are all pretty but not as unique, as I know a few other people with those names.
My name is Tabitha AKA Tabby. I am personally proud to hold it! Especially when (boys) call me Tabby Cat!
A thousand times better than Dorcas in every way. :)
I like the name, but I like it more on a cat than a person. This is probably because this is my cat's name (Tabetha Katheryn, Tabbie Kat for short =D).
The name Tabitha isn't a name you find in Miami, Florida so I decided that when I name my daughter she will be Hailie Tabitha. I find Tabitha to be a cute name for a little girl. But I don't like the nicknames.
I really love the name Tabitha and even though it sort of reminds me of a cat, is that really a bad thing? Cats are brillliant creatures and great companions, I love the name Tabitha, feline or no.
I love this name! It's cute and very unique!
I picture two sisters named Miriam and Tabitha. I didn't like this name much right away, but it has grown on me and I absolutely adore it now. Lastly, I think that if the nickname "Tabby" turns one off, "Abi" would make a great alternative.
I don't really like this name, it just reminds me of a cat. So I would hate to see it on a child especially with the nickname Tabby! I think it's nice as a name on a cat though but only that.
Tabitha is a nice name for a pet. Definitely not for a child.
It's an adorable name-kind of funky and unique. I think the nickname "Tibby" is better than the nickname "Tabby" though!
My name is Tabitha I am 38 and I have always been teased about my name: did your mom get it from Bewitched, can you wiggle your nose? But for the most part I love my name. When I was younger I couldn't find things with my name on it. So I passed that on to my daughter, her name is Mariah.
I love the name Tabitha but I don't think I could bring myself to name a person it. Maybe it's the nickname 'Tabby' that gets me but I can only think of it as a cat's name. Still, I think it's pretty and sounds nice.
I love this name! It's not overly used, either! It's beautiful.
Actually this is my name. I guess it's an ok name, but not one of MY favorites, personally. I like my nickname a little more: Tabbi.
My Mum's been out to name one of her kids Tabitha for years. I myself think that it's a fine name, and sounds not at all like it would belong to a spoiled child. It sounds more homely and pleasant, in my opinion. Maybe it's just me, but I think that Tabitha and Jemima would make good sisters.
I don't like the name Tabitha. It reminds me of a ugly, spoilt girl.
Well that's not nice! What if someone told you your name sounds ugly, I bet you wouldn't like it very much. And I happen to think it's a beautiful name!
Very pretty name! That blasted "Bewitched" ruined this cute cute name!
This name is so amazing. I like it with the middle name Grey or Willow. But people who worry about Bewitched don't, because that show was in the sixties. I highly doubt 14 year old kids would even know the show let alone watch it, so your daughter would have nothing to worry about.
Tabitha is indeed a beautiful name, the way it just rolls off of your tongue; don't ask me why, but every time I hear this name, I think "cat." It is, however, a beautiful name that can be used for a variety of personalities and characters. Ideal for a unique person in a book, possibly a cat lover. Don't overuse it, though!
I think the name Tabitha is great. Very pretty, exotic and almost mystical. It is nice that it isn't overused.
My new baby cousin is called Tabitha. At first I thought it was a really weird name, but now I love it. It's unusual and pretty.
I love the name Tabitha. It's my sister's name. And a lot of people ask, did she get named after the show Bewitched. And yes that's why she was named that because my mom liked that show a lot.
My name is Tabitha and I get the following comments, ALL the time:
"By the way, you have a cool name."
"Beautiful name!"
"Oh my God, I love your name!"I've also been asked "Is that a real name?" lol. I haven't gotten a reference to the TV show Bewitched since I was maybe 12 or 13 (I'm now 20), and even when I did, it was still compliments.I've only ever met 2 other Tabithas in my life and they were both so different from me. I think it's one of those names that's great for all sorts of people and that ages well. I love my name. :)
My name's spelt Tabetha. Said the same way, but spelt a little uniquely. I love my name. I've never met anyone else who had it. It's really cool to have a different name.
I LOVE the name Tabitha, but my husband vetoed it as a girl's name for us to use because of the show "Bewitched." He says it's the first thing he thinks of. Too bad.
A very cute and adorable name.
My mother always told me that she got my name from the bible. Now that I am 21 I have decided to do my own search. I really never did like my name because every one would ask "can you teitch your nose?" or "is your mothers name Samantha?" So I grew to dislike my name. Now I realize it is unique and I was wondering how many other people have the same name as me.
My name is Tabitha, and a lot of people love my name. I mean they say it rolls off their tongue so easily.

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