Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword pear.
See Also
pear meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aguri f & m Japanese
As a unisex name, this name combines 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next," 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka, a) meaning "cheap, low, peaceful, rested" or 阿 (a, o,, kuma) meaning "corner, flatter, nook" with 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time" & 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village."... [more]
Airiko f Japanese
Ai could mean "love, affection" or "indigo". Ri could mean "jasmine" or "pear", and ko means "sign of the rat, child, first sign of Chinese zodiac".
Ameria f Japanese
From Japanese 阿 (a) meaning "big mound", 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine, Asian pear" combined with 阿 (a), again meaning "big mound"... [more]
Anri f & m Japanese (Modern)
As a unisex name, this name can be used as 杏里, 杏理, 安吏, 安莉 with 杏 (an, kyou, kou, anzu) meaning "apricot," 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka) meaning "cheap, low, peaceful, rested," 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 吏 (ri) meaning "an official, officer" and 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine."... [more]
Aori f Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ari f Japanese
From Japanese 安 (a) meaning "peace, quiet", 有 (a) meaning "have, possess, exist", 亜 or 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", or 明 (a) meaning "bright, light" and 璃 (ri) meaning "lapis lazuli", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 利 (ri) meaning "benefit, advantage", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, official", or 梨 (ri) meaning "pear"... [more]
Aria f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Arishia f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 志 (shi) meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Arisu f Japanese, Popular Culture
Japanese transliteration of Alice, in use among the Japanese since the 20th century, particularly in recent decades.... [more]
Asari f Japanese
From the Japanese kanji 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 沙 (sa) meaning "sand" and 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" or 里 (ri) meaning "village". ... [more]
Ayari f Japanese
From Japanese 彩 (aya) meaning "colour" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Chiari f Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 千亜理, 千亜里, 千愛里, 智愛梨 or 知愛利 with 千 (sen, chi) meaning "thousand," 智 (chi) meaning "intellect, wisdom," 知 (chi, shi.raseru, meaning "know, wisdom," 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next," 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru, a) meaning "affection, love," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree" and 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit, gain."... [more]
Cuauhnochtli m Nahuatl
Means "eagle cactus fruit" in Nahuatl, derived from cuauhtli "eagle" and nochtli "prickly-pear cactus fruit". Could be used to describe the hearts of victims sacrificed to Huitzilopochtli, or as a judicial title, often involved with execution.
Dardan m Serbian
Dar is serbian for "Gift" and Dan for "Day" Gift of the day.The name of the Dardani, an Illyrian tribe who lived on the Balkan Peninsula. Their name may derive from an Illyrian word meaning "pear".
Dori-mu m & f Japanese
From Japanese 夢 (dori-mu) meaning "dream", 童 (do) meaning "juvenile, child", 莉 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 夢 (mu) meaning "dream". Other kanji or kanji combinations can form this name as well... [more]
Erika f Japanese
From Japanese 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.... [more]
Erina f Japanese
From Japanese 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting", or 衣 (e) meaning "clothing, clothes" combined with 里 (ri) meaning "village", 利 (ri) meaning "benefit, advantage", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", or 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", and finished with 奈 (na), a phonetic character, 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", or 那 (na) meaning "that, that one"... [more]
Erino f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Eriri f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection", 李 (ri) meaning "plum" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Gurina f Japanese
From Japanese 宮 (gu) meaning "a shrine; a palace", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Haruri f Japanese
From Japanese 春 (haru) meaning "spring" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other combinations of kanji characters are possible.
Hermê m Kurdish
Means "pear" in Kurdish.
Hijiri f & m Japanese
From Japanese 日 (hi) meaning "sun, day", 比 (hi) meaning "compare, race, ratio, Philippines" or 聖 (hijiri, hiji) meaning "holy", 二 (ji) meaning "two" combined with 知 (jiri) meaning "know, wisdom", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli" or 稜 (ri) meaning "angle, edge, corner, power, majesty"... [more]
Hinari f Japanese
From Japanese 雛 (hina) "doll" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Hiyori f Japanese
This name can be used as 日和, referring to fine weather, made up of 日 (jitsu, nichi, -ka, hi, -bi) meaning "day, sun," 和 (wa, o, ka, yawa.ragu/eru,, nago.yaka, a.eru, yori) meaning "harmony, peace,"... [more]
Honori f Japanese
From Japanese 帆 (ho) meaning "sail", 乃 (no), a possessive particle combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Junri f & m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
See Jun 2. Ri has a lot of probable kanji: "Benefit, Gain, Profit", "Village", "Logic,Reason", "White Jasmine", "Pear Tree", "Plum", or "Gem"... [more]
Juri f Japanese (Modern)
This name combines 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree" or 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, meaning "congratulations, longevity" with 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, gem" or 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine."... [more]
Juria f Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 樹利亜, 樹里亜, 樹里愛, 樹莉亜, 樹理愛, 樹梨亜, 樹梨愛, 寿莉亜, 寿理愛 or 寿里亜 with 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree", 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, meaning "congratulations, longevity," 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit, gain" 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree," 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next" and 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru, a) meaning "affection, love."... [more]
Kakari f Japanese
From Japanese 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Karina f Japanese
From Japanese 桂 (ka) meaning "the katsura, the Japanese Judas tree", 伽 (ka) meaning "temple", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "pieces of fruit", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poem", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 海 (ka) meaning "sea, ocean", 刈 (kari) meaning "reap, cut (grass or other plants), prune", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" or 風 (ka) meaning "wind", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 麗 (ri) meaning "lovely, beautiful", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy" or 李 (ri) meaning "plum" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 南 (na) meaning "south", 名 (na) meaning "name" or 那 (na) meaning "what"... [more]
Keiri f Japanese
From Japanese 恵 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit", 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate", 慧 (kei) meaning "bright, intelligent", 桂 (kei) meaning "the katsura, the Japanese Judas tree", 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek" or 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly" combined with 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine", 里 (ri) meaning "village" or 李 (ri) meaning "plum"... [more]
Kirari f & m Japanese (Modern), Popular Culture
From the onomatopoeic adverb きらり (kirari), which describes a momentary flash of light, cognate with Kirara.... [more]
Kokorin f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 心 (koko) meaning "heart, mind, core" combined with 梨 (rin) meaning "pyrus; pear".... [more]
Kotori f Japanese
Directly taken from Japanese 小鳥 (kotori) meaning "small bird". It can also be formed from Japanese 琴 (koto) meaning "harp" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear tree", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" or 里 (ri) meaning "village"... [more]
Kurisu f & m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can be used as 久理寿 (masculine), 久梨須, 紅莉栖 or 玖利子 (last 3 are feminine) with 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time, old story", 紅 (ku, kou, aka.i, kurenai, beni, kure) meaning "crimson, deep red", 玖 (kyuu, ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine (used in legal documents)", 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth", 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree", 莉 (rai, ri, rei) meaning "jasmine", 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit", 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, meaning "congratulations, longevity, one's natural life", 須 (shu, su, subekara.ku, subeshi, hige, matsu, mochi.iru, moto.meru) meaning "by all means, necessarily, ought", 栖 (sei, meaning "cobweb, den, hive, nest, rookery" and 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, -ne) meaning "child, sign of the rat (1st sign of the Chinese zodiac)."... [more]
Lihua f & m Chinese
From Chinese 丽 () meaning "beautiful, lovely", 梨 () meaning "pear", 立 () meaning "stand, establish" or 礼 (lǐ) meaning "rite, ceremony, gift, present" combined with 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, flowery, Chinese" or 桦 (huà) meaning "birch"... [more]
Maria f Japanese
From Japanese 雅 (ma) meaning "gracious, elegant, graceful, refined", 鞠 (mari) meaning "ball", 紅 (mari) meaning "crimson, deep red", 女 (mari) meaning "woman, female", 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 聖 (mari) meaning "holy, saint, sage, master, priest", 舞 (ma) meaning "dance", 磨 (ma) meaning "grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)", 麻 (ma) meaning "hemp, flax, linen", 万 (ma) meaning "ten thousand", 満 (ma) meaning "full, fullness, enough, satisfy", 毬 (mari) meaning "burr, ball", 瑪 (ma) meaning "agate, onyx", 茉 (ma) meaning "jasmine" or 莉 (mari) meaning "jasmine", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 珠 (ri) meaning "pearl, gem, jewel", 仁 (ri) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 麗 (ri) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent" or 李 (ri) meaning "plum" combined with 杏 (a) meaning "apricot", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 阿 (a) meaning "flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess", 安 (a) meaning "relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful", 晏 (a) meaning "late, quiet, sets (sun)", 晶 (a) meaning "sparkle, clear, crystal", 神 (a) meaning "gods, mind, soul", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 有 (a) meaning "exist", 雅 (a) meaning "gracious, elegant, graceful, refined", 彩 (a) meaning "colour", 美 (a) meaning "beautiful", 母 (a) meaning "mother" or 亞 (a) meaning "rank, follow"... [more]
Mariha f Japanese
From Japanese 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Marino f Japanese
This name is used as either 毬乃 or one of the 3 kanji combinations shown above. The kanji used are 毬 (kyuu, iga, mari) meaning "ball," 茉莉 (ma(tsu)ri) meaning "jasmine," made up of 茉 (batsu, ma, matsu) and 莉 (rai, ri, rei), 真 (shin, ma, ma-, makoto) meaning "real, truth," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree," 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "logic, justice, reason, truth," 麻 (ma, maa, asa) meaning "flax, hemp," 万 (ban, man, yorozu, ma) meaning "ten thousand", 舞 (bu, mai, ma.u, -ma.u) meaning "circle, dance, flit, wheel," 乃 (ai, dai, nai, no, sunawa.chi, nanji, no) meaning "accordingly, from, wherefore" and 野 (sho, ya, no, no-) meaning "field, plain."... [more]
Mariri f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ma) meaning "love, affection" or 真 (ma) meaning "real, genuine", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 里 (ri) meaning "village" or duplicated using 々. Other kanji combinations are possible.
Maririn f Japanese
From Japanese 真 (ma) meaning "real, genuine", 麻 (ma) meaning "flax", 万 (ma) meaning "very many", 満 (ma) meaning "full, fulfill, satisfy" or 茉 (ma) meaning "white jasmine", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 里 (ri) meaning "village" or 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" combined with 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell, chime"... [more]
Mariya f Japanese
From Japanese 雅 (ma) meaning "gracious, elegant, graceful, refined", 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 舞 (ma) meaning "dance", 麻 (ma) meaning "flax, hemp, linen", 万 (ma) meaning "ten thousand", 毬 (mari) meaning "burr, ball", 眞 (ma) meaning "truth, reality" or 茉 (ma) meaning "jasmine", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, an official", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli" or 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine" combined with 也 (ya) meaning "also", 谷 (ya) meaning "valley", 耶 (ya), an interjection, 哉 (ya), an exclamation, 矢 (ya) meaning "dart, arrow", 夜 (ya) meaning "night", 弥 (ya) meaning "all the more, increasingly" or 野 (ya) meaning "plains, field, rustic, civilian life"... [more]
Matsuri f Japanese
This name can be used as 祭 (sai,, matsu(.)ri) meaning "festival" or 茉莉, which refers to the Arabian jasmine, made up of 茉 (batsu, ma, matsu) and 莉 (rai, ri, rei).... [more]
Merisa f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (me) meaning "love, affection", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 沙 (sa) meaning "sand". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Mingli f & m Chinese
From Chinese 明 (míng) meaning "bright, light, clear" combined with 里 (lǐ) meaning "village; neighbor", 莉 (lì) meaning "jasmine", 梨 (lí) meaning "pear", 李 (lǐ) meaning "plum", 丽 (lì) meaning "beautiful, lovely", 立 (lì) meaning "stand, establish" or 礼 (lǐ) meaning "rite, ceremony, gift, present"... [more]
Mitsuri f Japanese
From Japanese 光 (mitsu) meaning "light", 蜜 (mitsu) meaning "honey", 三 (mitsu) meaning "three", or 密 (mitsu) meaning "dense, secret" combined with 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine", 李 (li) meaning "plum, Prunus salicina", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", or 里 (ri) meaning "village"... [more]
Mona f Japanese
From Japanese 最 (mo) meaning "utmost, most, extreme", 望 (mo) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 杏 (mo) meaning "apricot", 杜 (mo) meaning "woods, grove", 桃 (mo) meaning "peach", 椛 (mo) meaning "autumn foliage, birch, maple, (kokuji)", 百 (mo) meaning "hundred", 花 (mo) meaning "flower", 苺 (mo) meaning "strawberry", 茂 (mo) meaning "overgrown, grow thick, be luxuriant", 萌 (mo) or 萠 (mo) both meaning "sprout, bud", 裳 (mo) meaning "skirt" or 雲 (mo) meaning "cloud" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 那 (na) meaning "what", 凪 (na) meaning "lull, calm", 南 (na) meaning "south", 愛 (na) meaning "love, affection", 渚 (na) meaning "beach", 真 (na) meaning "true, reality", 夏 (na) meaning "summer", 名 (na) meaning "name", 梨 (na) meaning "pear", 椰 (na) meaning "coconut tree", 永 (na) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 花 (na) meaning "flower", 隆 (na) meaning "noble, prosperous", 納 (na) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store" or 和 (na) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan"... [more]
Nashi f & m Japanese
Means "pear" in Japanese.
Neori f Japanese
From Japanese 音 (ne) meaning "sound", 織 (o) meaning "to weave, to knit" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other combinations of kanji characters are possible.
Nochhuetl m & f Nahuatl
Possibly derived from Nahuatl nochehuatl "prickly pear fruit rind/skin", implying persistence or tenacity. Alternately, may be a combination of nochtli "prickly pear fruit" and either huehue "elder, old man" or huehuetl "drum".
Norika f Japanese
From Japanese 季 (nori) meaning "seasons", 紀 (nori) meaning "chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period", 規 (nori) meaning "standard, measure", 慶 (nori) meaning "jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy", 矩 (nori) meaning "ruler", 敬 (nori) meaning "awe, respect, honor, revere", 憲 (nori) meaning "constitution, law", 孝 (nori) meaning "filial piety", 識 (nori) meaning "discriminating, know, write", 昇 (nori) meaning "rise up", 慎 (nori) meaning "humility, be careful, discreet, prudent", 仙 (nori) meaning "immortal, transcendent, celestial being, fairy", 稚 (nori) meaning "immature, young", 典 (nori) meaning "code, ceremony, law, rule", 徳 (nori) meaning "benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect", 乃 (no), a possessive particle, 風 (nori) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 法 (nori) meaning "method, law, rule, principle, model, system", 野 (no) meaning "plains, field, rustic, civilian life", 誉 (nori) meaning "reputation, praise, honor, glory", 理 (nori) meaning "reason, logic", 緑 (nori) meaning "green" or 倫 (nori) meaning "ethics, companion", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" or 里 (ri) meaning "village" combined with 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) meaning "flower", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 可 (ka) meaning "can, passable, mustn't, should not, do not" or 芳 (ka) meaning "perfume, balmy, favorable, fragrant"... [more]
Raino f Japanese
From Japanese 莉 (rai) meaning "pear" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Rairi f Japanese
From Japanese 羅 (ra) meaning "lightweight fabric", 以 (i) meaning "compared to" or 頼 (rai) meaning "request, rely", 礼 (rai) meaning "a bow, the gesture of bending at the waist" or 莉 (rai) meaning "white jasmine" combined with 吏 (ri) meaning "government official, magistrate", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" or 梨 (ri) meaning "pear"... [more]
Ranri f & m Japanese
From Japanese 蘭 (ran) meaning "orchid" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ria f Japanese
From Japanese 莉 (ri) meaning "Asian pear" combined with 朱 (a) meaning "crimson". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Riamu f & m Japanese
From Japanese 俐 (ri) meaning "clever", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 栗 (ri) meaning "chestnut", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 流 (ria) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 莉 (ri) meaning "pear" or 陸 (ri) meaning "land", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" combined with 夢 (mu) meaning "dream", 武 (mu) meaning "warrior, military, chivalry, arms" or 舞 (mu) meaning "dance"... [more]
Ri-An f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 利 (ri) meaning "sharp, favorable, advantage", 俐 (ri) meaning "clever", 悧 (ri) meaning "smooth, active, clever", 理 (ri) meaning "inner essence, texture reason", 里 (ri) meaning "inside; interior, lining", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 璃 (ri) meaning "colored glaze, glass", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine", or 鯉 (ri) meaning "carp" combined with 安 (an) meaning "safe; secure, content", 晏 (an) meaning "quiet", 案 (an) meaning "incident; record; file", 顔 (an) meaning "face", 岸 (an) meaning "bank; shore; beach", or 眼 (an) meaning "eye"... [more]
Riasu f Japanese
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 明日 (asu) meaning "tomorrow". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Riha f Japanese
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Rihito m Japanese
From Japanese 俐 (ri) meaning "clever", 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 凜 (ri) meaning "cold, strict, severe", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, an official", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine" or 陸 (ri) meaning "land", 飛 (hi) meaning "fly", 光 (hi) meaning "light", 比 (hi) meaning "compare, race, ratio, Philippines", 緋 (hi) meaning "scarlet, cardinal", 陽 (hi) meaning "light, sun, male" or 火 (hi) meaning "fire" combined with 人 (hito, to) meaning "person", 仁 (hito) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 士 (hito) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai", 翔 (hito) meaning "soar, fly", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 瞳 (hito) meaning "pupil (of eye)", 史 (hito) meaning "history", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything" or 秀 (hito) meaning "excel, excellence, beauty, surpass"... [more]
Riho f Japanese
From Japanese 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 麗 (ri) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent", 六 (ri) meaning "six", 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 澪 (ri) meaning "water route, shipping channel", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine" or 凜 (ri) meaning "cold, strict, severe" combined with 帆 (ho) meaning "sail", 歩 (ho) meaning "walk", 穂 (ho) meaning "ear of grain", 畝 (ho) meaning "furrow, thirty tsubo, ridge, rib", 芳 (ho) meaning "perfume, balmy, favorable, fragrant", 星 (ho) meaning "star", 萌 (ho) meaning "bud, sprout", 保 (ho) meaning "protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support" or 秀 (ho) meaning "excellent, outstanding"... [more]
Riisa f Japanese
From Japanese 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic" or 里 (ri) meaning "village", 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to" or 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" combined with 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand", 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze" or 彩 (sa) meaning "colour"... [more]
Rika f Japanese
From Japanese 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 里 (ri) meaning "village", or 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit" and 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 花 or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 佳 (ka) meaning "good, beautiful", 加 (ka) meaning "increase", or 化 (ka) meaning "to change, to influence"... [more]
Rikana f Japanese
From Japanese 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 涼 (ri) meaning "cool, refreshing", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" combined with 叶 (kana) meaning "fulfill, come true", 愛 (kana) meaning "love, affection", 哉 (kana), an exclamation, 奏 (kana) meaning "play music, complete" or 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens"... [more]
Rikka f Japanese
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 律 (ri) meaning "rhythm, law, regulation, gauge, control", 立 (ri) meaning "stand up, rise, set up, erect" or 六 (ri) meaning "six" combined with 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer" or 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower"... [more]
Rikuu m & f Japanese
From Japanese 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 睦 (ri) meaning "intimate, friendly, harmonious", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 陸 (riku) meaning "land" or 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 空 (kuu) meaning "sky", 航 (kuu) meaning "navigate, sail, cruise, fly" or 羽 (u) meaning "feathers"... [more]
Rinka f Japanese
From Japanese 李 (rin) meaning "plum", 梨 (rin) meaning "pear", 厘 (rin) meaning "rin, 1/10 sen, 1/10 bu", 林 (rin) meaning "grove, forest", 麟 (rin) meaning "Chinese unicorn, genius, giraffe, bright, shining", 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell", 凛 (rin) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 稟 (rin) meaning "salary in rice" or 凜 (rin) meaning "cold, strict, severe" combined with 果 (ka) meaning "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 楓 (ka) meaning "maple", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 馨 (ka) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 架 (ka) meaning "erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, sing", 魁 (ka) meaning "charging ahead of others", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 風 (ka) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 蘭 (ka) meaning "orchid", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 嘉 (ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", 霞 (ka) meaning "be hazy, grow dim, blurred", 月 (ka) meaning "moon" or 奏 (ka) meaning "play music, speak to a ruler, complete"... [more]
Rinoko f Japanese
From Japanese 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold" or 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 乃 (no), a possessive particle combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child".
Rinon f & m Japanese
From Japanese 光 (ri) meaning "light", 凛 (rin, ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 凜 (rin) meaning "cold, strict, severe", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, an official", 咲 (ri) meaning "blossom", 哩 (ri) meaning "mile", 奏 (ri) meaning "play music, speak to a ruler, complete", 月 (ri) meaning "moon", 望 (rin) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 栞 (ri) meaning "bookmark, guidebook", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 浬 (ri) meaning "knot, nautical mile", 涼 (ri) meaning "cool, refreshing", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 琳 (rin) meaning "jewel, tinkling of jewelry", 瑠 (ri) meaning "lapis lazuli", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 羽 (ri) meaning "feathers", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine", 裡 (ri) meaning "reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side", 里 (ri) meaning "village" or 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell" combined with 音 (non, on) meaning "sound", 暖 (non) meaning "warmth", 響 (on) meaning "echo, sound", 季 (non) meaning "seasons", 姫 (on) meaning "princess", 乃 (non), a possessive particle, 夢 (non) meaning "dream", 望 (on) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect" or 希 (non) meaning "hope, rare"... [more]
Rira f Japanese
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 来 (ra) meaning "to come". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Riria f Japanese
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" duplicated and combined with 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" or 晏 (a) meaning "peaceful, tranquil, serene". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Ririka f Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ririka) or 華 (ririka) meaning "flower", 百合 (riri) meaning "lily", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 倫 (ri) meaning "ethics, companion", 琳 (ri) meaning "jewel, tinkling of jewelry", 鈴 (ri) meaning "bell", 麗 (ri) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent", 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold" or 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine", 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji, 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, an official" or 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" combined with 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 可 (ka) meaning "can, passable, mustn't, should not, do not", 楓 (ka) meaning "maple", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, sing", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 架 (ka) meaning "erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 珂 (ka) meaning "jewel" or 海 (ka) meaning "sea, ocean"... [more]
Ririna f Japanese
From Japanese 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ririno f Japanese
From Japanese 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Ririto m Japanese
From Japanese 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" or 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 李 (ri) meaning "plum" or 々 used to duplicate 梨 combined with 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything" or 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation... [more]
Riruha f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Popularised by pop singer Kaela Kimura with the release of her third single 'RIRURA RIRUHA', which is also known as 'Real Life Real Heart', in 2005 (there are a few instances of this name being used before the single's release).... [more]
Risana f Japanese
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other combinations of kanji are also possible.
Risu f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 寿 (su) meaning "longevity, long life". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ritsumi f Japanese
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 都 (su) meaning "capital (city)" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Riu f Japanese
From Japanese 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine", 李 (li) meaning "plum, Prunus salicina", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", or 里 (ri) meaning "village" combined with 羽 (u) meaning "feather" or 雨 (u) meaning "rain"... [more]
Riyoko f Japanese
Ri means "jasmine","advantage,gain","reason,logic","hometown",or"pear". Yo can mean "world","generation",or"pleasing". And ko comes from Kodomo and means "child". Notable people are Riyoko Ikeda,a singer and manga artist that was adored in th 1970's (and even has her own expo),Riyoko Takagi is an inspiring young jazz pianist (you can find her music on Spotify),and Riyoko Tanaka is a Japanese American producer & assistant director(Men in Black,Keeping Up With the Joneses,etc.)
Riyona f Japanese
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 世 (yo) meaning "world" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Sarina f Japanese
From Japanese 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Sarisa f Japanese
From Japanese 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thin silk", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Senri f & m Japanese
As a unisex name, this name combines 千 (sen, chi) meaning "thousand" with 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village", 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth", 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit", 莉 (rai, ri, rei) meaning "jasmine" or 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli."... [more]
Sorari f Japanese
From Japanese 想 (so) meaning "thought, idea, concept", 来 (ra) meaning "to come" or 空 (sora) meaning "sky", 天 (sora) meaning "heavens, sky" combined with 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine, Asian pear", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli" or 梨 (ri) meaning "pear"... [more]
Tae-ri f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 (tae) meaning "big, large, great; easy, calm" and 梨 (ri) meaning "pear (tree)" or 利 (ri) meaning "benefit, advantage," along with other hanja combinations.... [more]
Tenoch m Nahuatl, Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Possibly a combination of Nahuatl te- "stone" and nochtli "prickly-pear cactus fruit". This was the name of a possibly-legendary Aztec ruler, who is said to have led his people southward to found the city of Tenochtitlan.
Tenri f Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 天 (ten, ama-, amatsu, ame) meaning "heavens, imperial, sky" with 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree", 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village" or 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth."... [more]
Tōri f & m Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 桃李, 冬里, 桃里, 桃梨, 桃理, 冬莉, 東李, 東里 or 桐璃 with 桃 (tou, momo) meaning "peach tree", 冬 (tou, fuyu) meaning "winter", 東 (tou, higashi) meaning "east", 桐 (tou, dou, kiri) meaning "paulownia", 李 (ri, sumomo) meaning "plum", 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village", 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree", 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth", 莉 (rai, ri, rei) meaning "jasmine" and 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli."... [more]
Yurika f Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 百合 (yuri) meaning "lily" or 友 (yu) meaning "friend" or 由 (yu) meaning "cause, arise from" and 里 (ri) meaning "village, a unit of distance" or 梨 (ri) meaning "pear tree" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower" or 果 (ka) meaning "(piece of) fruit" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance, scent" or 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase"... [more]
Yurina f Japanese
From Japanese 結 (yu) meaning "tie, fasten, join, organize", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetable, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Yuriri f Japanese
From Japanese 優 (yu) meaning "gentleness, lithe, superior", 李 (ri) meaning "plum" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Yuriya m & f Japanese
From Japanese 百合 (yuri) meaning "lily", 揺 (yuri) meaning "swing, shake, sway, rock, tremble, vibrate", 弓 (yu) meaning "archery bow", 結 (yu) meaning "tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten", 癒 (yu) meaning "healing, cure", 優 (yu) meaning "gentleness, lithe, superior", 友 (yu) meaning "friend", 憂 (yu) meaning "melancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy", 有 (yu) meaning "exist", 由 (yu) meaning "cause, reason", 祐 (yu) meaning "help" or 裕 (yu) meaning "abundant, rich", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" or 李 (ri) meaning "plum" combined with 谷 (ya) meaning "valley", 弥 (ya) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 椰 (ya) meaning "coconut tree", 夜 (ya) meaning "night, evening", 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow", 也 (ya) meaning "also" or 耶 (ya), an interjection... [more]