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[Opinions] Madeline and Peter
My husband and I were flipping through the Encyclopedia of Saints' Names last night. We got a little silly and decided to open the book to see what we should name our child. Peter came up every single time - except once when it was Pope Innocent. His original name? Peter. :-D Madeline was no different.So, wdyt? I like Peter quite a lot, though we couldn't use it as a first name. Madeline I'm iffy on, as I have two cousins who have already used it. Plus it's just...not really my style. I prefer Margaret or Magdalene.Also: Jacob Leonard or Jacob Cosmas? Leonard won't be used as a first name. I don't like using the full name and my husband hates the nn Len. (And neither of us likes Leo.)
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I have a son named Peter, so, sure, I love the name.Madeline?Perfectly o.k. name, though I don't love love it.
I have a friend in Australia whose new baby is Madeline. (third child.)
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I think they are both amazing names. I'd say listen to the book, sister! :)
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it's fateHow did you manage to get two such perfectly suited names by accident!? Destiny, that's how. If it was me, I would have gotten St. Quarta and St.Ugolino or something. That's my luck.These two are made for each other. If you're not fond of Madeline, Magdalene would be my second choice. Magdalene and Peter, ah!And I like Jacob Leonard. So scholarly!
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Madeline and Jacob are pretty mediocre. Especially compared with other names I've seen you consider in the past these two fall very flat. I'm not a fan of Jacob at all; I think it's all-around unattractive. I don't like the -ob ending or the tendency for people's pronunciation to sound more to me like a P than a B.Jacob is really dragging down both of the middle names. In a pinch I would vote Jacob Cosmas, but I think everything is more or less ruined by its close proximity to a name I dislike so much. :-/ Ideally I would ditch Jacob entirely and just put Leonard and Cosmas together. Have you thought about Leonard nicknamed Lev? If not Len or Leo that's the next place I'd go, I think. Peter has been growing on me lately to the point where it is almost a favorite. Like Stephen and Vincent I can think of a hundred good things to say about it, but only once in a blue moon does it make my top five. Where it really wins for me is in the combo; if it has a middle name that hits the spot I'll love it. I would also take Margaret or Magdalene over Madeline. Or Madelieve, another neat one that is similar. ETA: Just as a little interesting thing someone might appreciate--I subbed at a local high school and had a kid in class named Titus. It was more awesome than you'd think it would've been.

This message was edited 10/25/2009, 3:13 PM

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Lev...Is what I have begged and pleaded to name our first son. :-D Shot down every time. Yah, I'm glad you're on the "Madeline" boat. It's not something that I can see myself using. Thankfully it's not even on the list - we have a girl's name picked out. The boy's name is where we're arguing. I'm trying to get myself to come around to Leonard.
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I think Peter is a solid, respectable name, but it's never been one of my favorites. I'd be afraid of too many penis jokes being made of it.Madeline is all right, but I don't like it as much as I used to. It sounds stale and uptight.Jacob Leonard, IMO, is the better combo. Cosmas sounds silly to me.
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I've really been liking Peter a lot more lately. Like to the point where I'd consider using it. I think it's a nice strong name, but it's gentle and kind and friendly at the same time. I want to give it a hug.Peter and Madeline are amazing together! Madeline is pretty, but I'd stay away from it too if you have two relatives already with that name. Magdalene is a really similar name (well, technically the same name!), and it's very nice too. You don't see it around nearly enough. I know you dislike Maggie though, and your nickname options are more limited with Magdalene than with Margaret. I think Magdalene fits better with Peter, although I'd never dissuade anyone from considering Margaret!I'm not keen on either of those Jacob combos, but I think Jacob Leonard is nicer looking.
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They do sound lovely together, don't they?Peter has always been one of my favorites and I was thrilled when I finally got the okay to use it as a middle name. I'm not sure I will - there are some negative family connotations with it. Still, Madeline isn't a top choice for me. I like it, but it's almost "too nice" of a name. Margaret seems more earthy - and I love the nn Magda. (I'd use Magda by itself if I could!)Thanks - I'm not sure about Jacob at the moment. It's something we have plenty of time to iron out out, though.
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Peter is much to common for my personal taste but is a good name. I think Madeline is pretty but it reminds me of the movies of the french girl Madeline. A person at my school is named Madelief and I think it sounds pretty good.I prefer Jacob Leonard over Jacob Cosmas but Jacob is one of the most common name in America.Hope this was useful.
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I love Peter, but I'm not so keen on Pete. Still, that wouldn't be a problem with a middle name.
I don't mind Madeline, but it has been a bit overused lately. Margaret has much wider nn options, and a dragon-fighting saint! - so that would be my choice.
Jacob Cosmas is definitely interesting and I quite like it, although I suspect everyone would think it was Cosmos. Jacob Leonard is not as interesting, but it's a perfectly good name. I'd choose the one you both agree on. :)
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Dragon-Fighting?I'll have to check that out - I'm just learning about my saints. I'm using it honor of Margaret of Cortona ( Thanks for the info - I love Cosmos, but my husband doesn't. Ah well. :-D
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That's an interesting story too, thanks for the link! The dragon-fighting saint is St Margaret of Antioch. There are some pictures of her, with dragon, here:
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Peter is my #1 name for a boy. Always has been and (knock wood) always will be. So I'm thrilled to see you considering it for a ds, even as a mn.As for Madeline, I'd prefer Madeleine ("MAD-uh-lin") or Magdalene, but Madeline is equally nice.If I recall my biblical controversies correctly, aren't there some who claim Mary Magdalene (= Madeline) was pushed out of influence by Peter? Perhaps the two of them are continuing their struggle through you and your dh, via the "Encyclopedia of Saints' Names." :-PJacob Leonard and Jacob Cosmas are nice. I'm just tired of Jacob right now.
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Ah, Jacob.I'm not that fond of it, however it's the name of my husband's grandfather. I really want to use both Leonard and Jacob for our first son. If my husband wasn't so stubborn about his hatred of Len I'd still do it.As for the controversy, I'm not sure. :-D Part of the reason I love Magdalene so much is because of Mary Magdalene. I like Madeleine - I'll have to run it past my husband. My cousins used Madalyn.
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