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Calvin is nice. I had a bit of a name-crush on it a while back. Of your combos, I like:Calvin Ambrose
Calvin Arthur
Calvin Charles
Calvin Jerome
Calvin Leopold
Calvin Oswald
Calvin Theobald
Calvin Tycho
Calvin WallaceAnd may I suggest Calvin Clark? Clark's another one I've been liking recently, and I think it fits nicely with Calvin.
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oh oh ohI love Calvin. I really do. It is so adorably nerdy and lovable, like Clark is. Clark and Calvin would actually be SUPER adorable brothers. I don't even care that it means bald, and I personally like Calvin and Hobbes. In fact the only think I find is kind of a bummer is the whole Calvin Kline connection because I find his "fashion" has no personality, and I like personality.Anyways. I love these:Calvin Wallace *diesdiesdiiiieeees*
Calvin Rex
Calvin Rupert
Calvin Cecil
Calvin ArthurThese I like best of all because they have that huggable nerd vibe to them. Also I know this is pretty awful but I like Calvin Simon, or Simon Calvin. It's so awkward and sweet.
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I quite like Calvin. Calvin Bernard and Calvin Meriwether are combos that caught my eye.
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It's a handsome name, but not one I'm fond of.Calvin Ambrose, Calvin Arthur, Calvin Gerard, Calvin Leopold, and Calvin Rupert are nice.
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...and Hobbssorry, had to do that!
Honestly, I think that there is something handsome sounding about Calvin but I don't care for the meaning "bald". It seems like a kind of bad joke to name your son something that means bald... :-)Of your combos I really like Calvin Lemuel
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I LOVE Calvin with the nickname Cal. It would be a serious contender for me, up there with Evander and Quentin. I love Calvin Ulysses.
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Calvin, Evander and Quentin would be a nice set!
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