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Gothic congrats KUY (3/10)
Round 1:
Round 2: years have passed since the last time we saw our family. For children's looks, follow the instructions in round 2. For partners' looks, follow the instructions in round 1. If you have no interesting developments, feel free to cheat a little ;)Dice: a d20 for all singles 15 and over. If they are under 18, 12 or above is a significant other. If they are between 18 and 26, 7-13 is a significant other, 13-16 is an engagement, and 17-20 is a marriage. If they are 27 or older, 6-9 is a significant other, 10-14 Is an engagement, and 15-20 is a marriage. The ages and genders of partners are up to you.For potential parents, roll a d20:
If mother is 18-23: 1-11 is no children, 12-16 is 1 child, 17-20 is 2 children.
If mother is 24-34: 1-6 is no children, 7-10 is 1 child, 11-15 is 2 children, 16-20 is 3 children.
If mother is 35-45: 1-9 is no children, 10-15 is 1 child, 16-18 is 2 children, 19-20 is 3 children.
If mother is 45+: 1-14 is no children, 15-18 is 1 child, 19-20 is 2 children.
If adopting (age irrelevant): 1-5, is no child, 6-12 is 1 child, 13-18 is 2 children, 19-20 is 3 children.Roll a d3 for each child. If you roll a 1, the child is a boy. If you roll a 2, the child is a girl. If you roll a 3, the child is intersex, and you can choose to raise them male, female, or non-binary. Roll a d10 once per child to determine their age.All names come from these lists: Story elements:
1. Mysterious letters start arriving at the home! Who's sending them, and what do they want?
2. One of the parents has a dark secret. What is it? Who knows?
3. A member of the family is cast in a horror movie! Who are they playing? What's it about?
4. One of the children is accepted to an exclusive, mysterious boarding school. What is the school like? What's so special about it?

This message was edited 11/20/2023, 5:58 PM

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Lucian Ramsay Faulkner (36)
Lenore Lucretia Craven Faulkner (33)Lucian Faulkner. A man with loose, black curls and dark green eyes. A renown, but reclusive sculptor by trade. Brought up by a mother and father more concerned with earthly desires than kin.Lenore Craven. A small lady with long, flowing auburn curls and twinkling, gray eyes. A dreamer. A nurse by occupation. A love for writing and literature, Shakespearean tragedies and Greek heroes. A daughter of socialites.Lucian and Lenore met at an event hosted by Lenore's parents. Lenore's parents, Luther and Evangeline Craven, commissioned Lucian to create a sculpture for their lavish event. Lenore, whose reluctant attendance to such events were always required of her, found herself not only intrigued by the haunting creation but also the brooding sculptor in the corner.Five years later, to everyone's surprise including their own, Lucian and Lenore are married. The couple's first act of business is to adopt a handsome axolotl named Dorian.Axolotl: Dorian (5)Twins are born one year later.Emma Odilia Faulkner & Heinrich Anselm Faulkner (4)Meanwhile, a childhood friend of Lucian's, Arthur Riordan, has written a horror screenplay. Heinrich is cast as the quiet, withdrawn son with a dreadful story to tell; if he would only tell it.
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DH[31]: Edgar Lucien "Ed" Wormwood-Ash
[curly light brown hair, heterochromic eyes: left is gray, right is green]
DH[34]: Lazarus Ramsey Wormwood-Ash
[straight dark brown hair, hazel eyes]ADS[10]: Godric Idris Wormwood-Ash
[straight light brown hair, green eyes]
ADS[6]: Einarr Njord Wormwood-Ash
[coily black hair, blue eyes]
ADD[3]: Frija Sieglinde Wormwood-Ash
[curly crimson (dyed) hair (naturally dark brown), gray eyes]
ADC[2]: Ingram Widogast Wormwood-Ash
born intersex, raised male, will identify as mascandrogyne in the future, he/it
[wavy ginger hair, blue eyes]They live in a punk house.
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DH: Simon Dorian Roth (45) [dark brown curly hair, brown eyes]
DW: Ophelia Vivian Riordan Roth (45) [coily ginger hair, hazel eyes]DS: William Eli Roth "Liam" (23) [curly strawberry blond hair, brown eyes]
DD: Dorothea Rose Roth "Thea" (20) [coily ginger hair, blue eyes]
DS: Evander Max Roth "Evan" (18) [coily dark brown hair, green eyes]
DD/DD: Adelina Saxa Roth "Addie" / Odilia Emma Roth "Dilia" (5) [coily light brown hair, hazel eyes]--
DS: William Eli Roth "Liam" (23) [curly strawberry blond hair, brown eyes]
DGF: Frida Roza Faulkner (23) [straight blonde hair, green eyes]DD/DD: Alodia Gertrud Roth / Amalia Romilda Roth (1) [coily light brown hair, hazel eyes]--
DD: Dorothea Rose Roth "Thea" (20) [coily ginger hair, blue eyes]
DBF: Milo Richard Willoughby (20) [wavy dark brown hair, blue eyes]DD: Ava Idalia Roth-Willoughby (nb)
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H[34]: Valerian Dante Roth (strawberry blonde, wavy hair, hazel eyes)
W[35]: Lenore Adrienne Ash (auburn, wavy hair, hazel and brown eyes)S[10]: Orion Tedmond Roth (black, wavy hair, hazel and brown eyes)
C[9]: Draven Draconia Roth (auburn, wavy hair, brown eyes)
S[9]: Cyrus Gabriel Roth (light brown, straight hair, green eyes)
D[9]: Sigilina Geretrudis Roth (auburn, wavy hair, green eyes)
S[1]: Franko Ernust Roth (auburn, wavy hair, hazel eyes)
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DH(38): Valerian Ramsey Wormwood (straight black hair, grey eyes)
DW(36): Lenore Morrigan Faulkner Wormwood (wavy blonde hair, blue eyes)DD(15): Juliet Valentina Wormwood (straight black hair dyed green, grey eyes)
DD(13): Renata Imogen Wormwood (curly strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes)
DD(4): Kriemhild Frija Wormwood (coily auburn hair dyed pink, blue and grey eyes)
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DH[34]: Dorian Edgar Willoughby-Ash
DSp[35]: Kestrel Briar Willoughby-Ash
DC[7]: Chaos Shadow Willoughby-Ash
ADC[7]: Nerthus Ricmod Willoughby-AshDorian & Kestrel
Chaos | NerthusDorian has curly blonde hair and hazel eyes.
Kestrel has wavy black hair and green eyes.
They live in an old Victorian villa.
Their child, Chaos, has blonde wavy hair and green eyes.
The family have adopted a timid selkie called 'Evensong'
Their adopted child, Nerthus, has curly auburn hair and grey eyes.
Sorry I rolled a 2 for the story, but I can't think of any dark secrets
that aren't my own and we don't want that do we.
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H [27] Azriel Cain Riordan [wavy ginger hair, hazel eyes]
W [27] Lenore Salem (Arkwright) Riordan [curly strawberry blonde hair, green eyes]S [2] Wolfgang Reiner "Wolf" Riordan [wavy silver (naturally dark brown) hair, green eyes]Azriel and Lenore were pleasantly surprised a few years back with their son, Wolf. His name is both a favorite of his parents and a nod to their band "Nacht der Wölfe." He looks mostly like his parents in face and all, except for his dark brown hair. Unfortunately, this hair, as well as Lenore's was temporarily discolored when Lenore experimented with homemade shampoo. When she went to get hers colored back to it's strawberry hue, she let Wolfgang pick his color, and he chose silver. It looks pretty cool, especially now that his roots are showing and there's a little fade thingy going on. Azriel and Lenore think it's definitely a look he could rock when he gets older.In other news, Lenore had a psychic episode one day while Azriel was bringing in the mail, and she immediately took the letter from him and threw it in the trash. No explanation. Az trusts Len's visions, but after a month of this he finally needed an explanation.Lenore says she foresaw Az offing himself in the future, with each letter causing him to become more and more depressed. She saw him lose passion for his music and the band, saw him grow distant to her and Wolf. So the threw the letters away as long as they came.Eventually, these mysterious letters stopped coming. The sender failed in whatever twisted mission they had.
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DSpouse[34]: Crimson Raven “Sonny” Sioux (né Riordan) [wavy blond hair, brown eyes]
DH[36]: Dante Adlai Sioux [wavy ginger hair, green eyes]DD[15]: Alma Azalea Sioux [straight dyed pink hair, green eyes]
DD[6]: Bella Clare Sioux [straight strawberry blonde hair, green eyes]
DD[5]: Elspeth Cressida “Ellie” Sioux [curly blonde hair, blue eyes]
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DH: Lucien Orpheus Faulkner (47, dark brown curly hair, blue eyes)
DW: Rhiannon Ophelia Ash (47, light brown wavy hair, hazel eyes)DS: Aldric Poe (14, straight purple hair, blue eyes)
DS: Nicodemus Griffin "Nico" (14, dark brown curly hair, blue eyes)
DC: Wulfila Ortrun "Wulf" (8, light brown coily hair, hazel eyes)
DS: Berengar Hartwin "Beren" (1, dark brown curly hair, blue eyes)
House: punk house
Unusual pet: Oleander "Ollie" (ghost of a large rat who was haunting the house; everyone can see him but only Nico can speak with him)
Round 3: Aldric is playing the ghost in a college student's horror movie. The family is proud but wishes he was a little less into method acting. His entire wardrobe has somehow been replaced with tattered Victorian garb, he's almost never seen without his dead-boy makeup, and if you look away for a few seconds he'll move your stuff around and hide things in weird places. He also learned to glide more than he walks-- how does he even do that??
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DH [33] Adlai Valerian Ash
DW [32] Rhiannon Lilith Ash (nee Agnew)
DD [11] Christabel Isadora Ash
DS [8] Idris Valente Ash
DS [2] Anselm Theodoric Ash
DOwl [6] Poe
Adlai & Rhiannon Ash: Christabel & Idris
They live in a Victorian house. Adlai has coily dark brown hair and blue eyes. Rhiannon has curly blonde hair and blue-hazel heterochromatic eyes.
Christabel has naturally wavy brown hair, but her parents allow her to dye it blue. Her eyes are blue. Idris has curly black hair and blue eyes. The family has also adopted a rather unusual pet: a small barn owl that the kids worked together to name Poe.
Anselm has curly strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. Christabel was cast in a minor role in a horror movie! She plays the youngest child a family who move into a haunted house, and she’s super excited about it.
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H [30] Peter Vivian Edgar Willoughby
W [28] Rosalind Wren Lenore WilloughbyOne evening, as the clock struck midnight, and Peter and Rosalind were relaxing with a glass of wine, having just returned from the theatre, they heard the doorbell ring. Peter got up, wondering who it could have been at this late hour, but there was no one there when he opened the door. However, a letter had been slipped through the mail slot. Peter picked it up and showed it to Rosalind. The seal on the envelope - a stylised magnifying glass - seemed familiar to her, but she could not recall where she had first seen it. They opened the envelope, all traces of sleepiness now replaced with curiosity. The letter inside detailed the Reverend Elias Goodwin's sordid life story, and, more saliently, his unquiet afterlife.The author of the letter identified themselves as a member of a clandestine society dedicated to exposing hidden secrets and seeking justice for unresolved wrongs. The sender, known only as The Seeker claimed to have uncovered the truth about the Reverend's misdeeds and sought the Willoughbys' assistance in bringing his malevolent spirit to rest permanently.Skeptical but curious, Peter and Rosalind delved into the provided information, discovering that The Seeker had been researching the supernatural occurrences in their house, the former vicarage. The letters urged them to revisit the broom cupboard, where they uncovered a hidden compartments that had eluded them during their initial investigation. Inside, they found a hammer still caked in dry blood: the murder weapon.

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H (37): Valerian Edgar Agnew [curly ginger hair with gray eyes]
W (39): Eulalia Elvira (Wormwood) Agnew [wavy light brown hair with blue eyes]D (10): Cressida Eulalie Agnew [coily light brown hair with gray eyes]
D (7): Venetia Rosalind Agnew [curly auburn hair with one gray eye and one green eye]
S (4): Bertram Siegfried Agnew [curly light brown hair with blue eyes]
D (nb): Hilda Ermengarde Agnew [coily blonde hair with brown eyes]
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SO [37] Ramsey Edgar Lazarus Arkwright | straight black hair & gray eyes
SO [39] Morgan Briar Roth | curly crimson red hair & green eyesDS [12] Angus Chase Arkwright-Roth | coily black hair & green eyes
DChild [10] Vesper Onyx Arkwright-Roth | curly black hair & green eyes
DS [8] Conrad Wyatt Arkwright-Roth | wavy light brown hair & brown eyes
DD [2] Romilda Ava Arkwright-Roth | straight ultramarine blue hair & gray eyesHouse: punk house
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DH (40): Nik Dorian Roth [Black wavy hair. Brown and hazel eyes]
DW (41): Vivian Lenore (Agnew) Roth [Dark brown wavy hair. Blue eyes]DC (14): Tempest Salem Roth [Auburn wavy hair. Brown eyes]
DD (7): Alma Sabrina Roth [Ginger wavy hair. Brown and hazel eyes]
DD (5): Linda Emma Roth [Black wavy hair. Brown eyes]Five years have passed and Nik and Vivian have had another kid. They think Linda will be their last one, but they are open to have more kids or even adopt.
Linda, like her siblings looks just like her father and she is a cheerful girl with a passion for drawing.
Tempest has developed a love for acting and they dream of becoming a famous actor. They have tried to be cast for different movies over the last two years, without any luck. However, a few months ago the family received the news that Tempest had been cast for a horror movie that will be filmed in their town! Tempest hasn't met any of the other actors nor has received the script of the movie. All they knows is that they'll be playing the ghost of an eccentric billioner's son.
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DH [38]: Lucien Dante Willoughby [straight blond hair, brown eyes]
DW [36]: Lydia Eveline (Agnew) Willoughby [wavy light brown hair, gray eyes]DS [5]: Ivo Leonard Willoughby
DS [2]: Hugo Philibert Willoughby
DD [1]: Frida Idalia WilloughbyDSnake: Lark WilloughbyHousing: former parsonage
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DH: Orpheus Raven Ash (31) (dyed pink straight hair, brown eyes)
DW: Beatrix Rhiannon Craven-Ash (30) (green eyes, straight auburn hair)
DS: Wyatt Alexander Ash (7) (Auburn coily hair, brown eyes)
DD: Miranda Antonia Ash (7) (Blonde curly hair, grey hair)
DaD(6): Brunhild Frida Jung-Ash
DD (1): Ada Amalia AshBeatrix and Orpheus have birthed another child, a daughter named Amalia. Due to their spacious home and high income, they decided to adopt Brunhild Jung, an orphaned girl originally from Germany.

This message was edited 11/21/2023, 3:32 AM

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DH:[36]Dorian Ramsey Arkwright[Coily light brown hair, grey eyes]
DW:[36]Morrigan Rue(Ash)Arkwright[Straight dark brown hair, hazel eyes]DS1:[13]Leo Alexander Arkwright[Coily light brown hair, green eyes]
DD1:[12]Vivian Cecily Arkwright[Coily light brown hair, hazel eyes]
DS1:[8]Oswald "Ozzie" Chase Arkwright[Wavy strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes]5 years have passed since we saw the Arkwrights, and macabre happenings just can't seem to stop happening to them. First the "haunted house" 5 years ago, and now Leo is being asked to play in a horror movie! They're doing both casting and filming in the Arkwright's town, and they've decided that the Arkwright's Victorian home would be the perfect shooting location. The movie was called "Within the Walls", about a boy and his mother who, ever since they saw some strange people loitering outside their house, have had something in their house. No idea what it was, except for a few things: It was big, it was hairy, and it killed anything that was in its path. Plus it was fast, so no matter how many times the mother and son tried to search for it, it was never in the same place for long. It was kinda gross too, but not a lot: blood dripping through cracks in the ceiling, acidic saliva, that kinda thing. Leo and Ozzie(although he wasn't allowed to see it)thought this was the most amazing thing ever. Dorian and Vivian did not. Leo was playing the part of the mother's son, Arnold, while the mother was their next-door neighbour Mrs Billie. Though Leo insisted that shooting the movie was fun, seeing the actual product was not as much fun.
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SO[35]: Rosalind "Rosy" Lucretia [Willoughby] Willoughwood (she/her; wavy ginger hair, green eyes)
SO[35]: Onyx Morrigan [Wormwood] Willoughwood (they/them; wavy dark brown hair, blue eyes) DC[12]: Baudelaire "Bo" Foxglove Willoughwood (they/them; coily auburn hair, green eyes; telekinetic)
ADS[8]: Leutwin "Leu" Othmar Willoughwood (he/him; coily blonde hair, heterochromic eyes with one hazel and one grey; psychic)
DS[4]: Grimwald "Waldo" Ellanher Willoughwood (he/him; wavy ginger hair, blue eyes) House: former parsonage*** When Onyx and Rosy adopted their middle son, Leu, four years ago, he was already showing signs of being extraordinary like his older sibling Bo. He began answering questions and commentary before they were even voiced. He would make "observations" and when asked to explain how he knew that information, he said that "the voices in my head told me." It didn't take long before the Willoughwoods realized that their middle child was psychic. Knowing that they needed to find someone who could help Leu learn to control his abilities, Onyx and Rosy began researching teachers of the psychic arts. It didn't take long before someone reached out to them after hearing through the grapevine that they had a psychic child. After running through a few tests, Leu was then accepted to the exclusive boarding school, Madame Touloussant's School for the Psychic Arts.
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DH: Peter Lazarus Faulkner (wavy light brown hair, blue eyes) [40]
DW: Rosalind Beatrix "Rozz" Craven (curly auburn hair, hazel eyes) [40]DS: Victor Hudson Faulkner-Craven (curly light brown hair, green eyes) [14]
DS: Jason Ambrose Faulkner-Craven (curly black hair, left blue eye, right brown eye) [6]
DD: Linza Aloida Faulkner-Craven (wavy auburn hair, green eyes) [2]

Peter and Rozz with Victor, Jason, and LinzaFive years later, and much has gone down in the Faulkner-Craven home. Peter and Rozz welcomed the child they plan to be their last, Linza Faulkner-Craven. Named after her maternal grandmother's nickname, Linza bears a striking resemblance to the late Lindsey Craven, with her and Rozz's auburn hair and the green eyes Victor also inherited. Victor has grown into a charming tween, eager to start high school come autumn. With an intellect as sharp as either of his parents, soft-spoken Victor has developed a deep love for teaching and hopes to one day teach disabled students, a passion largely inspired by his baby brother. Jason, now six, still doesn't speak and was diagnosed with Deafness soon after we last left the family. Peter, Rozz, and Victor immediately began taking sign language classes with Jason, deeply relieved to be able to communicate with him on his level, and Linza is being raised with both English and ASL. Jason's disability and unusual appearance make him the target of bullying, but the family fiercely love and protect him. It should go without saying that they were wary when a letter arrived from Loreley Borbeth, a woman none of the family knew, proclaiming herself as a metaphysical empath. Loreley wrote that she had dreamt of a young boy with blue-and-brown eyes and black hair who spoke to her without opening his mouth, and that she heavily suspected he was an empath too. He told her his name was Jason Faulkner-Craven, and she had found the family to write to them about becoming his mentor. Peter and Rozz were ready to draft a fiery reply to stop mocking their child, but they continued reading and saw that Loreley had included information she couldn't have known otherwise: Jason's exact birth time and the meal he had asked for breakfast that morning, which he had told her he craved in the dream.

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This message was edited 11/20/2023, 7:23 PM

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