Narita's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Zora f
93%(4 votes)
Zita 1 f
76%(5 votes)
Yuuna f  [yoo-nuh] 
73%(3 votes)
Yuri 2 f  [yuw-rih / yuw-lih] 
63%(3 votes)
Yasmin f
15%(2 votes)
Winnie f
60%(2 votes)
Winifred f
55%(2 votes)
Willow f
75%(4 votes)
Wendy f
60%(2 votes)
Violet f
100%(5 votes)
Valorie f
97%(3 votes)
Valeria f
98%(4 votes)
Theresa f
90%(2 votes)
Theodora f
80%(3 votes)
Tara 1 f
90%(2 votes)
Susanna f
88%(4 votes)
Sophie f
65%(4 votes)
Sophia f
56%(5 votes)
Sigrid f
62%(5 votes)
Shiri f
60%(2 votes)
Seraphina f
80%(3 votes)
Scarlett f
90%(7 votes)
Sarah f
50%(5 votes)
Rose f
75%(8 votes)
Rosangela f  Rose angel :) 
65%(4 votes)
Rebecca f
58%(5 votes)
Primrose f
80%(5 votes)
Phoebe f
80%(8 votes)
Penelope f
66%(7 votes)
Pandora f
73%(3 votes)
Nita 2 f
53%(3 votes)
Natasha f
73%(4 votes)
Natalie f
72%(5 votes)
Naira f  Pronounced: [nuh-EE-ruh] 
87%(3 votes)
Millie f
57%(3 votes)
Millaray f  I like this pronounced: [MI-luh-ray] 
80%(3 votes)
Mildred f
60%(2 votes)
Miku f
80%(3 votes)
Melody f
85%(4 votes)
Margareta f
93%(3 votes)
Maiara f  Pronounced: [mie-UH-ruh] or [mie-A-ra] 
87%(3 votes)
Maia 1 f
66%(5 votes)
Maggie f
50%(3 votes)
Magdalena f
68%(5 votes)
Mae f
70%(5 votes)
Lynn f
25%(4 votes)
Lydia f
84%(8 votes)
Lucy f  One of my absolute favourites. 
71%(7 votes)
Lucrezia f
65%(4 votes)
Luca 2 f  Pronounced [luw-suh] or [luw-kuh] 
53%(4 votes)
Love 2 f  Only as mn 
57%(3 votes)
Louisa f  One of my absolute favourites 
58%(6 votes)
Lily f
83%(8 votes)
Lilith f
55%(4 votes)
Layla f
50%(3 votes)
Katriona f
50%(4 votes)
Katrina f
60%(6 votes)
Jimena f  Pronounced: [HI-me-nuh] 
50%(4 votes)
Ivy f  One of my absolute favourites 
66%(7 votes)
Hedvig f
34%(5 votes)
Hayley f
70%(4 votes)
Harrietta f
57%(3 votes)
Hagar f
30%(5 votes)
Ginny f
63%(4 votes)
Gina f
43%(3 votes)
Georgia f
80%(4 votes)
Frances f
55%(4 votes)
Felicita f
55%(4 votes)
Felicia f
48%(5 votes)
Evie f
66%(5 votes)
Eve f
72%(5 votes)
Eloise f
78%(4 votes)
Eliora f  Elora 
70%(4 votes)
Elicia f
60%(3 votes)
Elfreda f
60%(3 votes)
Eirlys f
53%(3 votes)
Dorothea f
73%(4 votes)
Deirdre f
58%(5 votes)
Deidra f
75%(4 votes)
Crystal f
75%(6 votes)
Clarissa f
83%(6 votes)
Christa f
68%(5 votes)
Cassandra f
86%(7 votes)
Camellia f
64%(5 votes)
Bianca f
66%(5 votes)
Artemis f
63%(6 votes)
Angelita f
56%(5 votes)
Angelina f
66%(5 votes)
Angelia f
58%(5 votes)
Anastasia f
73%(6 votes)
Amandine f  / Amaldiina 
53%(6 votes)
Allegria f
58%(5 votes)
Alicia f
50%(5 votes)
Alice f
73%(8 votes)
Alfreda f
55%(4 votes)
Aiko f  "Loved child", how beautiful meaning! 
40%(5 votes)