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[Opinions] Alice
I am really liking the name Alice a lot lately, probably because it is one of the few names both I and my boyfriend like. Haha. So I'm just wondering what middle names you'd pair with Alice? And what is your impression of the name Alice? Do you like it or think it is too dated or too old-fashioned?
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Alice is adorable. It is not dated at all, old fasioned names are back in style. My mom called me Alice when I was little as a pet name. Not sure where she got the idea but its made me really like the name.
Alice Claire
Alice Josephine
Alice Julia
Alice Vivian
Alice Ophelia
Alice Selene
Alice Sophia
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Love it! This is on my list as well.
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Love it! I've always fancied Alice and Celia for twins ...Alice Emily
Alice Josephine
Alice Eleanor
Alice Margaret
Alice Priscilla
Alice Clara
Alice Morwenna
Alice Fiona
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I love the name Alice and always have. I don't find it too old fashioned at all. As for combos, I love:Alice Emmeline
Alice Phoebe
Alice Ivy
Alice Tabitha
Alice Rhiannon / Rhianna
Alice Ruth
Alice Opal
Alice Evelyn
Alice Willow
Alice Faye
Alice Guinevere
Alice Gwendolyn
Alice Gwyneth
Alice Hannah
Alice Jemima
Alice Juliet
Alice Katherine
Alice Coralie
Alice Veronica
Alice Violet
Alice Miriam
Alice Mary
Alice Madeleine
Alice Martha
Alice Maya
Alice Michaela
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These are my favorite Alice combos: Alice Beatrix, Alice Gwendolen, Alice Josephine, Alice Marigold, Alice Maxine, Alice Rosalie.I love the name. I think it's a great name that works well on baby/child/woman of any age.
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I like it. It does remind me of Alice Cullen from Twilight but whatever.Alice Caroline
Alice Charlotte
Alice Gwendolyn
Alice Guinevere
Alice Victoria
Alice Violet
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I like Alice quite a bit and I've loved the combo Alice Imogen ever since someone mentioned it on here. I'm wondering whether Alice Idony might work as well... hmm.
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I don't mind the fact that it's dated or anything, the only drawback for me is that it reminds me of 'malice' every time.
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Alice, is absolutely gorgeous!Alice Rosemary
Alice Cordelia
Alice Diana
Alice Elisabeth
Alice Katherine
Alice Josephine
Alice Lucinda
Alice Melisande
Alice Lily
Alice Genevieve
Alice Guinevere
Alice Madeline
Alice Wilhelmina
Alice Octavia
Alice Audrey
Alice Bridget
Alice Blythe
Alice Ceridwen
Alice Elowen
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Alice is dated but in a good way. Doesn't matter, though. I have a feeling that Alice and Charlotte are going to make a huge comeback in the not-too-distant future.I know someone who wants to name her dd Alice because Alice in Chains is her and her bf's favorite band. No joke.BTW, I love Calista Marielle. Marielle is one of my faves and I'm glad to see that someone else likes it as well. Also, one of my cats was Callista Jane. ;-)
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I love Alice and I think it's ready for a comeback!Combos:Alice Gwendolen
Alice Dorothy
Alice Eugenie
Wilma Alice
Mabel Alice
Greta Alice
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It's a little too old-fashioned for me, but not as bad as names like Agnes or Millicent. If I were to use Alice, I would use the nn Allie.Alice Maria
Alice Vera
Alice Julietta
Alice Katherina
Alice Rosalia
Alice Madelena
Alice Samara(I suppose I like it best with feminine mn's ending in -a!)
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I would probably use the nn Allie as well. :) I agree with you that a name like Alice sounds great with a middle name ending in A.
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Alice was my grandmother's name, so I'm biased. But growing up I used to wonder why it wasn't more popular. It's so delicate and pretty sounding. My G-ma was Alice Mary. My Grandfather's nn for her was Alsie. Other combos you might like:Alice Wilhelmina
Alice Charlotte (although this *looks* better than it *sounds*)
Alice Rosalind
Alice Matilda
Alice Christabel (Queen Elizabeth II's aunt)
Alice Marjorie
Alice Theodora
Alice Josephine
Alice Delphine
Alice Fleur / Flora / Blanchefleur / Blaithin ("blah-HEEN")
Alice Georgina
Alice Cordelia
Alice Myfanwy
Alice Gwyneth
Alice Pearl
Alice Verity
Alice Freya
Alice Tatiana
Alice Cathleen / Catriona
Alice Gwendolen
Alice Rowena

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Those are some great combos! Thanks so much! I like the following a lot, but I think my favorite one is Alice Rowena. I think I pretty much adore that combo. Haha.Alice Rosalind
Alice Matilda
Alice Marjorie
Alice Cordelia
Alice Pearl
Alice Catriona
Alice Gwendolen
Alice Rowena
Alice Winifred
Alice Marion
Alice Violet
Alice Rosemary
Alice Deirdre
Alice Maeve
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Thank you muchly.Alice Laurentia ("lo-REN-shuh") and Alice Lavinia popped into my head. Alice Horatia ("ho-RAY-shuh") too. Alice Loveday. OK, OK, I'll stop now.
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I do like Alice Marie.
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I used to like Alice a lot but I went off it lately. As it is quite common I would pair it with something unusual like:Alice Ebony
Alice Fuchsia
Alice Rain
Alice Wrenbut it does sound ok with some common mn's as well like:Alice Rose
Alice Lily
Alice Olivia
Alice Jane
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Thanks for the combos. It is not really very common where I live. In fact, I have never met an Alice before!
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I absolutely love the name Alice. I think it is a gorgeous name with just the rights amounts of youth and dignity to it. My future mother-in-law is named Alice and so is my cousin. My cousin is Alice Gertrude.
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I like Alice for the same reason you do. I could easily picture it on a little girl and on a grown woman.
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