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[Facts] Hebrew from Apiru, Epirus
The Greeks have never fully admitted that the roots of their civilization sprouted from Thebes – an Egyptian city. Albanians on the other hand have never admitted that Illyria – the old name of their country derived. Albanians never reckoned the founder of Illyria was Kadmus (Cadmus) a Semitic half god and his son Illyrus was named after Phoenician name for god Il, El = god from Babylonian Enlil 'lord wind' the god of air, wind and storms, Hebrew Elohim 'god'. Albanians have never understood that their country had three Semitic names: 1. Illyria (Il, El 'god'), 2. Epir-us (a Greek reading) from Egyptian Apiru 'Hebrew', 3. Pelastia, Pelasgia (from Hebrew Peleset related to Philistia, Palestine).
Albanian is the strangest Indo European language because it doesn't share the word snow with any other Indo European language. That means Albanians didn't come from Caspian Sea with other Indo European tribes but from Phoenician shores.
Albanians claim to be Indo Europeans but the number of indo European words in their language is limited despite of several millennia neighboring pure Indo Europeans.
Since Albanians lack the word for snow their ancestors never saw snow before arriving in the Balkans. Consequently Albanians are the offspring of Cadmus, the children of Phoenicia. Dodona (the epicenter of early Indo European religion) was actually a creation of Dan, a Semitic tribe. Characteristic of Illyrians was the formation of toponyms by duplicating the primary word Dan-Dan = Dodona. Greeks never understood the words of priestess at Dodona because she spoke a Semitic language.
One thing is clear only Egyptians gave women special rights including priesthood. Indo Europeans were actually tough patriarchs so Albanian Indo European descent is excluded. Illyrians were the only Indo European people to have queens similar to Egyptian line of succession while in Greece women were often sold as slaves, treated as prostitutes or secondary citizens. Never did women in Greece climb the stages of hierarchy to public life. They was not allowed to leave home and perform religious ceremonies. Rome had similar laws that prohibited women from priesthood and public duties. So clearly Illyria or Epirus or Pelastia inherited the religion and the laws of Egyptians, Phoenicians and other Semitic people after they were expelled from Thebes.
Teba` (Hebrew) [from Hebrew verbal root taba`, Chaldean verbal root teba` to assume shape, become round or spherical] Also tebah. In Chaldean, that which is to be formed or shaped -- hence the primary substance of the world, the cosmic element -- and also nature, which in late Hebrew "mystically and esoterically is the same as its personified Elohim" (TG 325).Cities in IllyriaThe oldest Phoenician colony were along Albanian shores:
1. Dyrrachium from Phoenician Tyre.
2. Aulon-a (feminine noun ending) from Elon or Elion (Phoenician) A name of the sun, recognized as one of the highest active deities or cosmic energies by the Phoenicians; rendered in Greek as 'Elioun. The Hebrew form of this word is found in the Bible in the phrase 'El `elyon, "the God or Divinity on high."
3. Elyssium, Elysium from Tyrian princess Elissar or Elyssa (Dido in Greek).
4. Foinike from Phoenician
5. Lissus from Phoenician colony in Lixus
6. Albanian Tosk dialect from Phoenician colony in Toscanos
7. The very Adriatic Sea was named from Phoenician colony in Abdera (Adra)Tribes of the Illyrians
Sardeaties from Phoenician colony in Sardinia
Molossi (Molossii) from Phoenician colony in Malaca (their god bull-headed Moloch = the minotaur of Greek, Illyrian)
Parthini from Parthian empire (western Asia)
Delmatae from Dilmun Sumerian name of an ancient kingdom
Maedi, Maezaei from Phoenician colony in Motya (Mozia) in Sicily
Triballi from tri- 'three' + Baal 'Phoenician god'
Naransii from Phoenician colony in Nora (Nurri)
Paeones from the abbreviated form known to the Romans as Poeni, a derivation from the word Phoenikes (Phoenicians)
Anataea is found as a surname of Demeter an Illyrian goddess of earth
The Great Tribes of the Illyrians
Atintani (Atintanes)
Autariates (Autariate)
Colapiani (Colapani)
Dassarstae (Dassarenses,Dassaretae)
Delmatae (Delmetae)
Encheleae (Enchelleae)
Iapode (Japodes)
Iasi (Jasi)
Labeatae (Labeates)
Molossi (Molossii)
Oseriates (Osseriates)
Perestae (Penestae)
Pirustae (Pipustae)
Taulanti (Tallanii)
VenetiIllyrian tribe Iapode is actually the Semitic name Japheth | Japeth 2448 BC - Bible.
Japheth Yepheth (Hebrew) The second son of Noah, supposed to be the ancestor of the northern and western nations, and of the Indo-European stocks. Illyrians equated Japheth with the titan Iapetus (SD 2:344) translated later in Greek.There is no doubt that the myth in which two doves (or priestesses) go from Egypt to Dodona is Egyptian. The Temple of Zeus-Amon in Libya is also of Egyptian origin. Dodona, as we all know, was the greatest temple in Illyria. Zeus's voice was interpreted by the sound of the wind in the oaks at this shrine. Does this not sound suspiciously like Yahweh's voice coming from the burning bush (burning, perhaps, because the lightning-bearing thunder-cloud had settled upon it)? And, furthermore, could it be that the Apiru of the Egyptian records were originally Epirotes, i.e. raiders from Epirus, who brought with them their worship of Zeus, a worship later syncretized with that of Amon? Would not this make sense of an identification of Yahweh with Zeus/Jove?
For the potential origin of Illyrian Albanians see:
Cadmus, Cadmilus (Greek) Son of Agenor, king of Phoenicia, and brother of Europa, husband of Harmonia, and father of Semele; legendary founder of Thebes, who slew the dragon, planted its teeth, and built the city with the help of some of the soldiers that sprang from the teeth. He and his wife were finally turned into serpents by the gods. Said to have introduced into Greece an alphabet, possibly based upon 16 characters derived from either Egypt or Phoenicia. He belongs to the class of heroes, who succeeded the reigns of the gods and demigods on earth and who were parents and instructors of mortals.
Hermes was worshiped at Samothrace as the ancestral god under the name of Cadmus or Kadmilos.
El Elion 'el `elyon (Hebrew) [from 'el divinity + `elyon what is high or above] The God on high; "a name of the Deity borrowed by the Jews from the Phoenician Elon, a name of the Sun" (TG 111). See also ELON
The name for the sun became Helios in Greek, hyllus in Albanian.
Eleusinia or Eleusinian Mysteries (Greek) [from eleusinia things that are to come] The most famous Mysteries in ancient Greece and, next to those of Samothrace, the most ancient. Even the Christian writer Epiphanius traces them to the days of Inachos (which some writers place so close to our time as 1800 BC, which is far too near), while others make the founder Eumolpos. Both these founders are described as at once kings and of divine parentage.
The Greater Eleusinian Mysteries were celebrated at the time of the autumnal equinox, the time of grape gathering, and the Mysteries were in honor of Demeter -- in Latin Ceres and in one range of mythologic thought also the Egyptian Isis -- the Earth-Mother, presiding over fertility.
The celebration of the complete Eleusinia consisted of Less and Greater Mysteries. In the former the produce of the earth was given a part, while in the latter emphasis was laid on its higher correspondences in connection with Mystery-teaching. As its name implies, at Eleusis were taught the doctrines concerning what will happen to man after death.
Iacchos, the god of wine in more senses than one, plays an important part in these Mysteries. Demeter's daughter Persephone, goddess of the underworld, was also honored. The usual accounts, vague and fragmentary only, describe the dramatic representations of the adventures of these deities, the esoteric meaning of which was given in the Greater Mysteries.
Eleusis (Greek) [from eleusis a coming, advent from eleusomai will come] Seat near Athens of one of the most renown Mystery centers in ancient Greece. In the New Testament, it is translated as "the advent." See also ELEUSINIA; MYSTERIES
'Eloah 'eloah (Hebrew) Goddess -- although because of masculine anthropomorphic predisposition, it has been commonly rendered god by European translators; used as a title of eminence both for the Jewish Jehovah and the deities, especially the goddesses, of other nations.
'Elohim is the masculine plural form; in Talmudic literature, however, the plural is frequently given as 'elohoth, oth being the feminine plural ending. The word is pointed 'eloha in the Zohar in its connection as a divinity of feminine potency with the fifth Sephirah, Geburah.
Elohim 'elohim (Hebrew) [from 'eloah goddess + im masculine plural ending] The monotheistic proclivities, not only of the Jews but of Christian translators, have led to this word always being translated as God; yet the word itself is a plural form, nor is it in any sense necessarily a plural of majesty, as suggested by some monotheistic scholars. A correct rendering should denote both masculine and feminine characteristics, such as androgyne divinities.
In spite of the ideas imbodied in the word itself, the later development of Judaism caused 'elohim to be almost entirely translated in paraphrase as the "one true God"; but in earlier times 'elohim (or rather benei 'elohim or benei 'elim -- sons of gods, members of the classes of divine beings) meant spiritual beings or cosmic spirits of differing hierarchical grades: a collective class of cosmic spirits among whom is found the familiar Jewish Yahweh or Jehovah. Thus, strictly speaking and as viewed in the original Qabbalah, the 'elohim meant the angelic hierarchies of many varying grades of spirituality or ethereality; and in cosmogonic or astrological matters, the 'elohim were often mentally aggregated under the generalized term tseba'oth [fem pl from the verbal root tsaba' a host, an army] as in the expression "host of heaven."
In the Jewish Qabbalah the 'elohim, however, are the sixth hierarchical group in derivation from the first or Crown, Kether: cosmogonically they represent the manifested formers or weavers of the cosmos. In this Qabbalistic system, Jehovah was the third angelic potency (counting from the first, Kether). Blavatsky calls all these hierarchicies symbols "emblematic, mutually and correlatively, of Spirit, Soul and Body (man); of the circle transformed into Spirit, the Soul of the World, and its body (or Earth). Stepping out of the Circle of Infinity, that no man comprehendeth, Ain-Soph (the Kabalistic synonym for Parabrahm, for the Zeroana Akerne, of the Mazdeans, or for any other 'Uunknowable') becomes 'One' -- the Echos, the Eka, the Ahu -- then he (or it) is transformed by evolution into the One in many, the Dhyani-Buddhas or the Elohim, or again the Amshaspends, his third Step being taken into generation of the flesh, or 'Man.' And from man, or Jah-Hova, 'male female,' the inner divine entity becomes, on the metaphysical planes, once more the Elohim" (SD 1:113).
The opening words of the Bible refer directly to the activities of the 'elohim, for this is the sole divine name mentioned in Genesis 1:1-2. De Purucker translates these verses from the original Hebrew as: "In a host (or multitude), the gods (Elohim) formed themselves into the heavens and the earth. And the earth became ethereal. And darkness upon the face of the ethers. And the ruah (the spirit-soul) of the gods (of Elohim) fluttered or hovered, brooding" (cf Fund 99-100). He goes on to say that "we see that the Elohim evolved man, humanity, out of themselves, and told them to become, then to enter into and inform these other creatures. Indeed, these sons of the Elohim are, in our teachings, the children of light, the sons of light, which are we ourselves, and yet different from ourselves, because higher, yet they are our own very selves inwardly. In fact, the Elohim, became, evolved into, their own offspring, remaining in a sense still always the inspiring light within, or rather above . . . the Elohim projected themselves into the nascent forms of the then 'humanity,' which thenceforward were 'men,' however imperfect their development still was" (Fund 101-2).
The 'elohim, then, correspond to both classes of the pitris mentioned in theosophical literature: the higher or more spiritual-intellectual of the 'elohim are the agnishvatta-pitris, and the lower groups are the barhishad-pitris. As the agnishvatta-pitris are devoid of the astral-vital-physical productive fire because they are too high and distinctly intellectual, they leave the work of production to the lower 'elohim or barhishads, who "being the lunar spirits more closely connected with Earth, became the creative Elohim of form, or the Adam of dust" (SD 2:78).Elon or Elion (Phoenician) A name of the sun, recognized as one of the highest active deities or cosmic energies by the Phoenicians; rendered in Greek as 'Elioun. The Hebrew form of this word is found in the Bible in the phrase 'El `elyon, "the God or Divinity on high."
Elu (Chaldean) A Chaldean god, variant of 'El (deity, divinity), frequently used by the Hebrews as equivalent to God. The original Semitic meaning embraces the idea of surpassing might, immense power, and unlimited strength.
Elysian Fields, Elysium (Greek) Originally in Greek mythology, beautiful meadows or plains, or islands of the blest, located in the far west by the banks of Ocean. There certain heroes of the fourth race who never experienced death were said to dwell in perfect happiness ruled by Rhadamanthus. The titans after being reconciled with Zeus also lived there under the rule of Kronos. Pindar holds that all who have passed blamelessly through life three times live there in bliss. Later, Elysium was located in the underworld as the abode of those whom the judges of the dead found worthy. The river Lethe (forgetfulness) flowed by the Elysian Fields.
Ila or Ila (Sanskrit) Closely connected with Ida, sometimes used interchangeably, meaning flow, speech, the earth. Ilagola means the earth globe. See also IDA, IDA (-NADI)
Ilavrita Ilavrta (Sanskrit) One of the nine varshas (divisions of the earth) according to ancient Hindu teaching; what is now the region of the north pole and surrounding Mount Meru, said to be the habitat of divinities.
Illinus A god in the Chaldean theogony of Damascus (TG 153).
Ilus (Greek) [from ilue mud] Primordial slime or mud; used by Berosus, the Chaldean, for the rude material out of which the cosmos was built; and by Sanchoniathon, the Phoenician writer, for the offspring of Chaos after the embrace of the spirit. The lotus flower or manifested universe grows out of the cosmic ilus or primordial substance. The elements differentiate or unfold into activity from their primeval ilus resting in laya. "Esoterically the homogeneous sediment of Chaos or the Great Deep. The first principle out of which the objective Universe was formed" (TG 146). The same as hyle.
Clearly Ila or Ila (Sanskrit) 'flow, speech, the earth' = Ilus (Greek) [from ilue 'mud'] = Ilus 'founder of Ilion', Illyrius son of demigod Cadmus.
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E pirë epir (Albanian) means drinking… ilir (Albanian) means freedom, free… also ylli means star. Don’t forget Noah’s ark landed in Ararat mountains which was Pelasgian territory! Troj or troya happened in those territories troje Albanian, means lands!
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Dëborë, Dëbora - snow in albanian language.
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