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[Opinions] Lucifer Sighting!
Today while at work I came across a woman who had an elementary aged boy with her. I asked him what his name was and he said Lucifer. I must have looked a tad stunned because the mom interjected saying that "well I'm not religious so we don't have that association with the devil here, I just liked how it sounded!" Giving a slight eye roll. I smiled but needed to share to see how other people felt about it. I still think Lucifer is untouchable regardless to religious affiliation *besides perhaps satanic? But would that be blasphemous then? I'm uncertain* What's your reaction?Please rate my "Names I would use" list if you have a spare moment, feel free to rate other lists too if you want but ik there's a lot lol, thank you :)

This message was edited 5/20/2021, 7:01 AM

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Tbh, I have less negative associations with Lucifer than with Lilith. I think it's awkward, but it's a TV show, and I could see it being used more.

This message was edited 5/21/2021, 2:11 PM

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That poor child! Fancy naming your child the name of the devil!? Why oh why would you do that? There are other names which sound similar, seriously, just go with those!
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I love Lucifer. Have it down in middle name spot potential. I think if it got used more often it would loose that taboo-ness of it. It's such a pretty sounding name.
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I am not really religious, but I cannot believe someone would actually do this. Religious or not, everyone is going to associate the name with the devil.
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Bold of those parents. Technically, Lucifer does mean "Light Bringer", so admirable meaning.
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Oof. As a christian this is... wow lmao. I actually think it would sound cool if it weren't for the devil association.

This message was edited 5/20/2021, 2:01 PM

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I'm totally non-religious, and I actually like the etymology! What puts me right off, for ever, is the sad fact that the only possible nickname would have to be Luci, and Lucy is one of my all-time favourite names, for a girl ...
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I think Louie would work ok as a NN for it.
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I imagine the child will take on the name Luc or Luke as he grows. It’s horrible choice.
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It sounds ugly, even if it wasn't for the association. Like aquifer. Literally any luc- name is an improvement. There was this girl I knew who thought this was the coolest name ever and wanted to use it on her kid and that it was just a name. I wonder if she's going to want to use it when she's not 14.Jennifer doesn't sound as ugly somehow so I don't know if it's the luc part or the fur part, tbh.

This message was edited 5/20/2021, 12:23 PM

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I'm normally open minded when it comes to names and I have nothing against the name Lucifer per se but this name could be a gigantic burden for a child. There are many very religious people out there and many may be taken aback by that name. And religious people are everywhere, in all kinds of businesses. I would seriously worry about ruining my kids chances of employment because people would get offended and not invite him to a job, college etc. interview (yes, I know, it would be silly and THEY are the problem not the kid named Lucifer but still he would be the one suffering). So this would be a huge NO from me.
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I agree too much opportunity for being a burden
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I imagine some of the most painful consequences of the bearer would be childhood teasing. By the time he's a teen Lucifer will be begging you to only ever call him Luke.
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Do many kids know about Lucifer? I think here they don't. They know about the devil but not about the name, that comes later (in puberty) when they read more about it etc in school. But I live in a super non-religious area so people would come into contact with Lucifer in religious education class and in elementary school they only told us about the good stuff (of all religions, not just Christian religions) and later on it was more about analyzing and Lucifer came up then. When they say something about the devil it is usually "the devil" and not Lucifer. But in elementary school it is more about the nice parts, Mary, Joseph and the birth of Jesus - well any nice kid friendly story basically.Yes, at least there are nickname options and at least in the US it's relatively easy to change a name (here it is pretty much impossible). And yes, Luke works.
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younger kids might not register it, sure, but I think plenty of preteens and up will and still be plenty juvenile to mock someone's name, especially with a target like this.

This message was edited 5/20/2021, 7:07 PM

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Rather than offended, I think most people religious or not would react with "What the Hell?" (pun intended)
Many people might assume that it was a name that he gave himself as a bad boy wanna be. It isn't a name that inspires people to take him seriously. As hilarious as a lawyer or banker named Lucifer would be, it isn't the image that most would want to have.
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Yes, most of them. But I guess some people who are superstitious would take the "nomen est omen" approach and not want to hire him. But yes, a lawyer named Lucifer would indeed be hilarious. I hope he will choose this career path hahaha
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It seems very disingenuous of the mom to claim that "we don't have that association with the devil here" when obviously she does have that association or she wouldn't feel the need to explain. I wonder how many times she does that little spiel? If you live in a society where a significant portion of the population is going to recognize you named your kid for an evil entity and "the father of lies," it really doesn't matter whether you personally believe he exists because everyone is still going to understand a very obvious in the face reference.

This message was edited 5/20/2021, 11:17 AM

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I agree tbh
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I actually love the name, so as a Christian its a shame its associated with the devil.
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As an atheist, I don't see a problem with Lucifer. The devil is kind of comical to me, especially with Tom Ellis's portrayal. His only crime was loving God more than humans anyway, and considering the state of the world, can you blame the guy? He stood up to God. That seems like a nice quality.I like seeing names like Lucifer, Lilith, Delilah, and Jezebel get reclaimed. Although all of them are far too religious for my liking.
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As a Christian, I can say that your version of the story and the Biblical version are totally different. His crime wasn't loving God more than humans, his crime was wanting to be more powerful than God so God took him down a peg and cast him out. And, as a Christian, I don't think standing up to God is a nice quality but I can see how if you are an atheist you might see it that way.
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I was referring to the television portrayal of him. And yes, I think it is a nice quality to think critically and not blindly submit to authority.
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We may be getting a shade into off-topic territory at this point. Just a thought.
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I don't think its off topic, as it has to do with the background of the name. I also want to point out that I was not arguing with sambchop, just stating my understanding.
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I was just a little weary it was going to turn into a religious debate which was not the intention of the post
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In my opinion you can go crazy all you want on the middle name but to give that name to a child is borderline cool but odd to be honest. Everybody associates Lucifer with the devil. Religious or not. And I’m unaffiliated. To each their own but personally hell no. With that being said, for some reason Lucifer doesn’t sound very attractive to be honest. It is kinda cool though. It fits a pet better than human IMO.

This message was edited 5/20/2021, 9:24 AM

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Indeed, it would make a comical cat name like in Cinderella
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That's dumb. You don't need to follow a religion yourself to know that millions of people are going to associate this name with pure evil. Why would you do that to your kid? I wouldn't even consider using a name from a different religion with negative connotations, and honestly not with positive connotations either (maybe some mythology names but even names like Bodhi weird me out.) Just use Lucian or Lucius or something. Naming a real child Lucifer is simply cruel.
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Yikes!I'm not super religious myself. But I 100% associate Lucifer with the devil. Not sure how a person could be a part of society and not make that connection. You don't even have to believe in it, per se.
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exactly. It's not about ideology just a negative association that can't be overlooked
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Haha, what an alarming statement!I think that lady is either very naive, or likes attention. Imagine having to have that conversation almost everywhere you go! Having to explain the name like that. The fact that she tries to play it off with an eyeroll is interesting. You might as well own it! Make up a story about making a dark pact with a stranger at a crossroads at midnight or something, c'mon. Anyway, I like the name Lucifer. I actually quite like it for a girl too, because it's like Lucy + Jennifer = Satan? I'm into that. Possibly best for a fictional girl. Or a hamster.
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Hahaha a hamster named Lucifer I love it. Yeah if I used such a name I myself might make up a story about making a packt with a cloaked dark stranger at midnight myself haha
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