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Abigail and Vesta
What do you think of the name Abigail? I used to hate it passionately, but over the last few months I've really started to like it. Do you prefer Abbie or Gail as the nickname for it, or no nickname at all? Any combos you'd like to share?And Vesta, also a name that I never really liked until a few days ago. Now it seems wonderfully creative. What do you think of it? Any combos? The only ones I've come up with are Vesta Claudine Rose, Vesta Julienne Pearl, Vesta Cecilia Rose / Pearl, Vesta Rosamund, Vesta Julitta, Vesta Theodora, Vesta Marlene, Vesta Francine and Vesta Antonina.Thanks!
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I do really like Vesta, very much so.Abigail is a name I simply cannot warm to though.
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Vesta is lovely.
Abigail is dated to me. sorry I'm crap with combosVesta Ariadne Pearl
Vesta Winter Luna
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Vesta Ariadne is great! Thanks :)
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Vesta AriadneVesta Ariadne is a great combo. I picture a woman weaving by a hearth.
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Abigail is a great classic that ages beautifully. That's what I ultimately look for in a name for a child. I like the sound of Abbie better, but it's become so popular right now that Gail feels fresher as a nn. Abigail Sparrow is a stock combo for me. Others: Abigail Mercy (for that Puritan zest), Abigail Miriam and Abigail Wren. (Why do birds come to mind when I think of Abigail? I suppose it reminds me of a nightingale.)Vesta is delicious. I love names from ancient Rome and from mythology. So this is a two for one name for me, association-wise. And the sound is very pretty. It's close to the sound for the Russian word for spring, vesna. Subliminally, the spring association helps me love the name too. Vesta Claudine Rose -- The Rose is unnecessary here. Vesta Claudine is sublime. The flow is nice, and better yet you've inserted another ancient Roman element with Claudius / Claudia in there. The "-ine" on the end (visually) makes me think of the Palatine Hill in Rome. I know the sound of the endings is different between Palatine and Claudine, but visually they remind me of each other. So there are a bunch of positive associations flying around in my brain charging up the neurotransmitters nicely. Vesta Claudine is my favorite of your combinations. Vesta Julienne Pearl -- Julienne always makes me think of julienne potatoes. So I'm not feeling this one at all. I picture potatoes being prepared next to a hearth. That's not a bad association, but not one I'm looking for in a person's name. Sorry.

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This message was edited 1/3/2011, 11:01 AM

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Abigail Sparrow and Abigail Wren are gorgeous!Oh gosh, I never pay any attention to Vesna as a name. It's so beautiful, I really should. I actually started a list of all of the names I don't want to forget, and I'm putting Vesna on it right now. Do you think Vesna Gilbertine is too mis-matched, style wise? Gilbertine is fast becoming my new Mathilde. I keep having this overwhelming urge to use Gilbertine as the middle name for any name I come across. And god forbid it, yesterday or the day before I saw Gilberta here and changed the page before that one stuck.Vesta Claudine is my favorite combo too. The Rose is totally unnecessary, but when I was making the first few Vesta combos I was thinking of ways I could honor my mom in the combo. Hence the Rose in Vesta Claudine Rose (Rose is my mom's middle name) and the Julienne in Vesta Julienne Pearl (my mom's a Juleen). The potatoes thing made me laugh though. =)I love Julitta, simply because it is a less fussy sounding name than Giulietta (my prefered spelling of that name). I love Giulietta, but sometimes I just want something more abrupt and to the point, and that's when I turn to Julitta. Plus you can use the nickname Lita (an old favorite of mine).Thank you for your comments!

This message was edited 1/3/2011, 1:46 PM

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Vesna Gilbertine!I would marry a woman named Vesna Gilbertine -- and I'm gay!Seriously, though, it's a completely unexpected and thus thoroughly refreshing combination. Well done!
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Well thank you very much! ^-^

This message was edited 1/3/2011, 5:13 PM

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Vesna GilbertineOn the surface, exotic, Russian Vesna doesn't appear to have anything in common with quirky, everyone's favorite girl-next-door Gilbertine. But opposites attract sometimes. The flow is certianly nice. Wait. Why am I thinking of jet planes with Vesna? Cesna, that must be it. Gilbertine is now a fighter pilot in my imagination, zipping off to parts unknown in stylish goggles. Fun images.If you like Vesna, you may also like Marna and Morna. If memory serves Marna Liisi (sp?) was a Scandinavian film actress. Or am I imagining that?

This message was edited 1/3/2011, 2:01 PM

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I do like Marna (though I'm not sure about the actress). Morna is also lovely, although the sound does remind me of the word mourning, which certainly gives it a darker quality. Ironic, since the page says it means festive! But it's good irony. The image of a Gilbertine zipping off to parts unknown is absolutely wonderful. Reminds me of Beryl Markham. Maybe they could be siblings, Beryl and Gilbertine. Or Beryl and Vesna for that matter. Thanks! :)
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Virna LisiIt was bothering me and I just looked up the actress. She was (is?) Virna Lisi. So there you go. Oooh. Beryl Markham. Wonderful aviatrix associations if for no other reason than I love saying the word "aviatrix." Beryl and Gilbertine. Yeah, nice sibling set.
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I really don't like Abigail; way too mousy for my tastes. Abbie is okay, but it seems a bit common. Gail would be a preferred nickname for me.I kind of like Vesta. Of your combos, I like Vesta Antonina.
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I like Abigail, though I prefer it in the unexpected middle slot. Gail is a wonderfully retro, oft-neglected nickname.I love Vesta's zippy zest; however, I think I prefer Hestia, the name's Greek equivalent.Vesta Barbro (This isn't very practical, I know.)
Vesta Beatrice
Vesta Beatrix
Vesta Bryony
Vesta Caroline
Vesta Clementine
Vesta Clothilde
Vesta Corisande
Vesta Edith
Vesta Eleanor
Vesta Eliane
Vesta Eloise
Vesta Ermengarde
Vesta Eugenie
Vesta Eulalie
Vesta Florence
Vesta Frances
Vesta Gertrude
Vesta Gwendolen
Vesta Harriet
Vesta Leonor / Leonore
Vesta Lilac
Vesta Liliane
Vesta Lillian
Vesta Lorelei

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Abigail in the middle name spot is lovely.Thank you for sharing so many combos! I love:Vesta Barbro -Barbro is a new name for me. Practical or not this sounds great. :)
Vesta Beatrix -Love this! The V and x makes this so crisp.
Vesta Bryony
Vesta Caroline
Vesta Edith
Vesta Eliane -Might prefer Vesta Elaine. I do sort of like ancient Roman Vesta with retro names. This makes me think of Vesta Mathilde.
Vesta Ermengarde -This combo knocked me over.
Vesta Eugenie
Vesta Eulalie
Vesta Gertrude -This is the kind of person I want to be hanging out with.
Vesta Gwendolen -Very dreamy.
Vesta Harriet
Vesta Leonor / Leonore -Both gorgeous, though I prefer the spelling Lenore with Vesta.
Vesta Lilac -Wow. Really wonderful contrast here.
Vesta Liliane -I love you for this combo alone.
Vesta Margalit
Vesta Marguerite -She sounds regal and colorful.

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Vesta TheodosiaVesta Theodosia is time-portal catnip to me. :-)

This message was edited 1/3/2011, 11:37 AM

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I've never liked Abigail, and especially the Gail part. I find Abbie/Abby cute, but it sort of feels overused to me. Vesta is neat. I've never heard of it. I like Vesta Claudine. What about Vesta Cecily or Vesta Josephine?
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I agree that Abbie feels overused. It's a big stretch, but maybe Aggie could work for Abigail.Vesta Cecily is gorgeous! Thanks :)
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Vesta JosephineVesta Josephine is wonderful. :-) Very home-y.
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I prefer Avigail or (even better Avigayle as Gayle is my mom's name). If Abigail is going to be used I'd rather see Gail/Gayle as a nn because Abby is so over-used here.I like Vesta. It seems so gothic-romance to me. A few combos:
Vesta Helene
Vesta Yvonne (French pronunciation)
Vesta Hiver (ditto above)
Vesta Gayle
Vesta Leonie
Vesta BeatriceOut of yours I like Vesta Francien and Vesta Pearl (no third middle).
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I used to prefer Avigail too, but I'm not sure if I do anymore.Gothic-romance is a great way to describe Vesta! Of your combos I love Vesta Helene (assuming this is said like Ellen?), Vesta Yvonne (love the v heaviness of that combo) and Vesta Gayle. Thanks!
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No prob! Helene can be pronounced several ways but it is closer to Elaine than Ellen.
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Vesta BeatriceVesta Beatrice is terrific. Nice one. :-) Vesta Leonie too.

This message was edited 1/3/2011, 11:34 AM

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