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Genevieve or Judith
These are our top two choices If we have another daughter. Each has it's pros and cons, so I'm curious as to what others think. Big sister Miriam Elizabeth Mae
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I think Miriam will be seriously peeved that she didn't get Genevieve. Judith would elicit no jealousy.
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I prefer Genevieve over Judith and with the mn Cecilia.
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Judith! Attractive, down to earth, sweet Judith works with Miriam 10000 times better than snooty, cold, trendy, francophile Genevieve.
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Genevieve! Judith sounds a bit harsh and reminds me of my middle aged cousin.
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Definitely Genevieve, although people will probably always spell it incorrectly.Judith reminds me of The Walking Dead. Also I don't like the nickname Judi.
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Oh, Judith for sure. It has more character. Genevieve is pretty, though. I feel like it makes Miriam more dowdy.
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Well Genevieve is my favorite name, so of course I want to say Genevieve, but I do think that Miriam and Judith sound great together.
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Judith. Genevieve sounds snotty.
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Judith all the way!
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I like Judith better. Genevieve is sweet, but the English pronunciation lacks elegance and it seems lackluster next to Miriam. Judith has the same sturdy Hebrew feel of Miriam.
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I prefer Genevieve, but Judith fits better with Miriam.
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100x Judith. Judith is strong and beautiful, Judith Cecilia is fantastic and I like Judy.
• frilly and trendy
• hard for a child - and her friends - to write and spell: imagine the horrors of all those cards to Jennerveeve etc
• always winds up being boring Gen (at least in my admittedly narrow experience)
• yes, Eve is possible but then why not just call her that
• I have namenerdy beef with it in that it's a clunky anglicisation that sounds much better in its original language.
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Well tbh, neither Genevieve or Judith are faves of mine, but I find Genevieve far more appealing than Judith. Judith to me, is soooo dated and frumpy and the sound of it annoys me too. Miriam and Genevieve would work nicely for sisters. I like the nn Eve or Evie for Genevieve too. Actually the more I think about it, the more I would prefer just Eve, because Miriam and Eve would be beautiful for sisters.
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Genevieve seems to me like a variation of Jennifer plus the currently trending Eve. So you get a daughter Jenny (or Genny if you can stand it) without the dated feel of Jennifer itself.Judith certainly had its day, but not nearly as recently as Jennifer; I don't think there'd be any confusion with all the Julia names, which were never as trendy as Jennifer anyway. And it has the added advantage of being a good biblical match with Big Sister without being too blatant about it, like a David naming his son Jonathan.Judith Cecily Clare would knock my socks off.
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I would choose Genevieve. It's just so beautiful. Judith is a great name too. Both names fit with the style of Miriam, imo, but there's just something about Genevieve that draws me to it.
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i don't like either of them, but Genevieve is way too frilly. I feel like it's a "trying too hard name", something someone would choose when they want others to think they are more fancy than they really are. Not saying that this is the case with you, it's simply the feeling I get from the name. So I'd go with Judith even though I find it harsh and dated. It sounds better with Miriam as well.
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Both are nice, maybe Judith fits better with Miriam.
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You've got a lot of response so I'll keep it short and sweet:Judith-- ugly and super dated. Not vintage or traditional, mind, but dated. As in someone's 48 year-old ultra-conservative orthodox aunt who insists on gifting trendy as-ssen-on-tv items from 10 years ago. I just really don't like this name for some reason.Genevieve - ngl this is one of my favorite names. It's pretty and whimsical and I picture someone with this name as being classy and creative/artistic.
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Ha. It's split about 50/50. I will admit I'm beginning to lean toward GenevieveGenevieve, though
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I love Genevieve, but have never really been a big fan of Judith.
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I have a Genevieve and have considered Judith. Only Dame Judi Dench sweetened Judith for me. I met a young Judith at work and it isn't a pretty or appealing name day to day. Also, it is a Hebrew name, which I wasn't aware of. So Genevieve is my very biased recommendation!
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I would go with Genevieve. It's so pretty, and Judith... isn't. I have a lot of respect for what Judith is, and heaven knows my own list is full of "handsome" girls names, but my gut says Genevieve. It's one of those names that is a pleasure to say aloud. Judith and Miriam are very serious together. I am tickled by the idea of Seriously Named Babies, but Genevieve is still more appealing to me.

This message was edited 1/16/2016, 7:40 PM

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Judith! Because everything that has been said.
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Judith has charm to me that Genevieve just doesn't. Judy is so cute and Genevieve "Gen" just seems like a trendy updated pretentious Jennifer.
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As a sister for Miriam, I like Judith more. Genevieve seems too frilly in comparison.
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I don't like the nickname Jenna so Genevieve is out. I like Judith enough and Judy is cute.
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Definitely Genevieve! Miriam and Genevieve sound absolutely gorgeous together. Judith is old-fashioned and stagnant in comparison.
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Well you know I can't stand Judith. So Genevieve it is. No surprise there. Who cares that it's not in the same style as Miriam?
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I see them in the same style. They both have trendy sounds and are very feminine.I'm surprised, once again, that Genevieve ended up on the list. I brought it up years ago and Alexander dismissed it as an old lady's name. Then he met a little Genevieve and decided he liked it. He's done this with Miriam and Malcolm as well.
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Judith! It's shorter, less frilly, more mature, less popular, more enduring, more fitted to Miriam :)
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Genevieve. I personally find all "Judy" variant names (Judy included) to be really ugly. One reason is because they remind me of Judge Judy (Judith?) and I can not stand her.Genevieve just sounds better.
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Judith!!! It has more character and verve than Genevieve. Judith and Miriam complement one another perfectly!
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With your other daughter's name I'd say Genevieve - probably because they have the same amount of syllables and so flow better...but I love Judith too.You could even go for Genevieve Judith as a fn mn combo!

This message was edited 1/16/2016, 6:19 PM

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Middle name is set - Cecilia. I love the way Genevieve Cecilia flows but I love the sturdiness of Judith.
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Judith Cecilia is incandescent. So beautiful!
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