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Wdyt of this boys name? I like it and actually prefer it to Adrian. What about the French version Hadrien? Middle names?Hadrian Jude
Hadrian James
Hadrian Philip
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Hadrian really is handsome. I like it a lot, somehow it's shinier than Adrian. It has a different sort of texture. Hadrian Jude feels really cool. Very hipster. Hadrian could be another Atticus (remember when people were obsessed with Atticus?? Ah, memories). Hadrian Phillip is very grand, they look great together. Hadrian looks good with kingly names beside it, but the sort that are a bit more down to earth perhaps, likeHadrian Alexander
Hadrian Malcolm
Hadrian Louis
Hadrian David
Hadrian Peter
Hadrian Nicholas
Hadrian Basil Hadrien is ok, it's fun too, but Hadrian feels more rounded out. The -ien ending makes me think of lean, anemic sorts of things.
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I like it (although I do prefer Adrian). Not quite enough to consider it for a future child, but I would encourage others to use it if they liked it.
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I prefer Adrian but it's still good
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I'm the exact opposite. I FAR prefer Adrian. Hadrian Phillip is best from your short list.Other ideas:Hadrian Paul
Hadrian Carl
Hadrian Gregory
Hadrian Felipe
Hadrian Toby
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I love the Wall; perhaps some ancestor of mine had a hand in building it, a couple of millennia ago! But as a modern name, I vastly prefer Adrian. Anyway, although the H is sounded in the name of the Wall, it was silent in Latin, so sounding it is a sure sign that one's son was named after a wall.
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Yes thats my first thought when I here the name
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Don't like it at all
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I think it's cool! I recently read Marguerite Yourcenar's book Les Mémoires d'Hadrien which warmed me to it. Hadrian Adler? Hadrian Anders?
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Hadrian's gorgeous—it's statelier than Adrian, which I also like. Hadrian Philip is very handsome.Hadrian Alec
Hadrian Sacha
Hadrian Tibor
Hadrian Louis
Hadrian Maxwell
Hadrian Linus
Hadrian Silas
Hadrian Oscar
Hadrian Pascal
Hadrian Luther
Hadrian Sigmund
Hadrian Emrys
Hadrian Ambrose
Hadrian Aksel
Hadrian Lyall
Hadrian Lovel
Hadrian Osbert
Hadrian Laurence
Hadrian Waldo
Hadrian Igor
Hadrian Boris
Hadrian Oleg
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