German Chancellors and Presidents

This list is comprised of German Chancellors and Presidents. The Chancellor is the head of the government. Germany was unified in 1871, with the Prussian statesman Otto von Bismarck becoming the first Chancellor.

The President is the official head of state. The office was established in 1919 during the Weimar Republic and re-established in 1949 in West Germany.

In German the Chancellor was originally called Reichskanzler meaning "imperial chancellor". Since 1949 the title is Bundeskanzler meaning "federal chancellor" (the first female chancellor, Angela Merkel, has the title Bundeskanzlerin). Likewise, the President was originally Reichspräsident and then Bundespräsident after 1949.

Georg3 chancellors3
Gustav2 chancellors, 1 president3
Heinrich1 chancellor, 1 president2
Helmut2 chancellors2
Joseph2 chancellors2
Kurt2 chancellors2
Walter1 president, 1 chancellor/president2
Wilhelm2 chancellors2
Adolf1 chancellor1
Angela1 chancellor1
Bernhard1 chancellor1
Chlodwig1 chancellor1
Christian1 president1
Constantin1 chancellor1
Frank1 president1
Franz1 chancellor1
Friedrich1 chancellor/president1
Gerhard1 chancellor1
Hans1 chancellor1
Hermann1 chancellor1
Horst1 president1
Joachim1 president1
Johannes1 president1
Karl1 president1
Konrad1 chancellor1
Leo1 chancellor1
Ludwig1 chancellor1
Lutz1 chancellor1
Maximilian1 chancellor1
Olaf1 chancellor1
Otto1 chancellor1
Paul1 president1
Philipp1 chancellor1
Richard1 president1
Roman1 president1
Theobald1 chancellor1
Theodor1 president1
Willy1 chancellor1