Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword move.
See Also
move meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aai f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 彩 (a) meaning "colour", 明 (a) meaning "bright, light", 杏 (a) meaning "apricot", 空 (a) meaning "sky", 絢 (a) meaning "brilliant fabric design, kimono design" or 阿 (a) meaning "flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess", 歩 (a) meaning "walk" combined with 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo"... [more]
Aarohi f Hindi, Sanskrit
Means "rising" in Sanskrit.
Aazhawigiizhigokwe f Ojibwe (Anglicized)
Meaning, "goes across the sky woman" or "the hanging cloud."
Abal f Arabic
Means "wild rose" in Arabic.
Abayie m & f Akan
Means "has come well" in Akan.
Abayomi m & f Yoruba
Means "he came to bring me joy and happiness" or "I would have been mocked" in Yoruba. It is a name given to a child born after a number of unfortunate or near unfortunate circumstances. It is often called in full as Àbáyòmí Olúwaniòjé meaning "I would have been mocked, if not for God".
Abegunde m & f Yoruba
Means "The one who came with the masquerade" in Yoruba.
Abir m Hebrew
Means "strong, mighty" in Hebrew (compare Adir), derived from the root of אבר (ʿabar) "to strive upward, mount, soar, fly" (allegedly the name also means "aroma"; cf... [more]
Aboderin m Yoruba
Means "one who walks in the company of hunters" in Yoruba.
Acala f Indian (Modern, Rare), Sanskrit (Modern, Rare)
Means "immovable, steady; constant; unceasing", from Sanskrit a "without" and cala "moving".
Acarsu f Turkish
Means "stream, river, running water" in Turkish.
Achagul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek acha meaning "mother, grandmother" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Adaleus m Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval French
Old High German adal "noble" + Old Saxon lēkian, Old High German leihhen, leichen "to dance, sport, play".
Adedewe f & m Yoruba
Means "the crown has become small" or "one has arrived small" in Yoruba, from either adé "crown" or "to arrive, come" combined with di "become, change into" and ẹ̀wẹ́ "small, thin"... [more]
Aderinsola f & m Yoruba
Meaning "a crown walks into wealth" or "royalty walks into wealth", from the Yoruba words adé (crown), rìn (to walk), (into) and ọlá (honor, wealth).
Adesina m Yoruba
Means "the crown has opened the way" or "the one who arrives and opens the way" in Yoruba, usually given to the firstborn child in a family.
Adeyemi m & f Western African, Yoruba
Means "the crown suits me" or "one who arrives and befits me" in Yoruba.
Ægileif f Old Norse
The first element Ægi- may be related to Old Icelandic Ægir, "the sea" or "the god of the sea", found in compounds as ægisandr "sea-sand" or the Icelandic place-name Ægisiða... [more]
Aeko f Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 亜依子, 亜衣子 or 安衣子 with 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next", 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka, a) meaning "cheap, contented, low, peaceful, quiet, relax, rested", 依 (i, e, meaning "consequently, depend on, due to, reliant, therefore" and 衣 (i, e, kinu, -gi, koromo) meaning "clothes, dressing, garment."... [more]
Aénȯhéévé'hȧhtse m Cheyenne
Means "flying hawk" in Cheyenne.
Aeolia f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἰολία (Aiolia), itself derived from αἰόλος (aiolos) meaning "moving, swift" (see Aiolos).
Aethlios m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "winning the prize, running for the prize" in Greek.
Agastrophos m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἄγαν (agan) meaning "very, much" and στρέφω (strepho) meaning "to turn, to twist". This was the name of a Trojan soldier in the Iliad.
Ageha f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can be used as 揚羽, 亜夏羽, 亜華羽 or 愛華羽 with 揚 (you, a.garu,, a.geru) meaning "fry in deep fat, hoist," 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next," 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru, a) meaning "affection, favourite, love," 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer," 華 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower, gay, gorgeous, luster, ostentatious, petal, shine, showy, splendour" and 羽 (u, ha, hane, wa) meaning "feathers."... [more]
Agenoria f Roman Mythology
Goddess who endowed a child with the capacity to lead an active (actus) life. Her name is presumably derived from the Latin verb ago, agere, egi, actum, "to do, drive, go."
Aghgyul f Armenian (Rare, Archaic, ?)
According to one online source, this is a rare Armenian name meaning "white rose" from Proto-Turkic *ak "white" and Persian گل (gol) "rose", 'now especially used in villages.'
Agis m Ancient Greek, History
Derived from the Greek verb ἄγω (ago) meaning "to lead, to guide" as well as "to bring, to carry". It is closely related to the Greek verb ἡγέομαι (hegeomai) meaning "to go before, to lead (the way)" as well as "to guide"... [more]
Aguri f & m Japanese
As a unisex name, this name combines 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next," 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka, a) meaning "cheap, low, peaceful, rested" or 阿 (a, o,, kuma) meaning "corner, flatter, nook" with 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time" & 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village."... [more]
Agušaya f Akkadian, Near Eastern Mythology
Means "the whirling dancer", deriving from the Akkadian words gâšum ("to dance") and gūštum ("dance"). Attested as an epithet for Ishtar in the Hymn of Agushaya.
Ahikam m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Derived from 'ach "brother" and qum "to raise" meaning "my brother has risen, raised brother". This is the of a consult in the Bible.
Aiakos m Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain. One source derives the name from the Greek verb ἀΐσσω (aisso) meaning "to run, to dart, to shoot", whilst another source connects the name to the Greek adjective αἰακτός (aiaktos) meaning "lamentable, wailing, miserable"... [more]
Aigustas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the old Lithuanian verb aiti meaning "to go, to walk" combined with the old Lithuanian verb gusti meaning "to get used to, to inure, to accustom oneself" as well as "to learn"... [more]
Aiku f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" or 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo" combined with 空 (ku) meaning "sky", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" or 来 (ku) meaning "to come"... [more]
Aima f Greenlandic
Possibly from Natsilingmiut aimavik "home", Kivalliq aivuq "s/he goes towards", Greenlandic aivâ "fetches it", or Greenlandic airuq "coming home". It may also be a variant of Aumaĸ.
Aiping f & m Chinese
From Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love, affection" combined with 萍 (píng) meaning "wander, travel, duckweed" or 平 (píng) meaning "level, even, peaceful"... [more]
Airlangga m Javanese
Means "jumping water" or "crossing water", from Indonesian air meaning "water" combined with Sanskrit लङ्घन (langhana) meaning "passing over, jumping, crossing". This was the name of the only raja of the 11th century kingdom of Kahuripan in present-day East Java.
Aisvydas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the old Lithuanian verb aiti meaning "to go, to walk" combined with Baltic vyd meaning "to see" (see Vytautas). Also compare other names that end in -vydas, such as Alvydas and Tautvydas.
Ajayi m & f Yoruba
Means "fought to turn" in Yoruba, traditionally given to children born facing downwards or sideways.
Ajewole m & f Yoruba
Means "the goddess Aje has entered this house" or "wealth has come in" in Yoruba, from ajé "wealth, prosperity" and wọle "enter into" (itself from wọ "to enter" and ilé "house, home").
Ajut f Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
Derived from Canadian Arctic ajujuq meaning "runs away". In Greenland mythology Ajut is the name of the woman who flees from her pursuer and becomes the sun.
Akaitcho m Yellowknife
Direct translation is "big foot" or "big feet" referencing a less literal translation of "like a wolf with big paws, he can travel long distances over snow."
Akashagamini f Hinduism
Means "flew in the sky". It is one of the 108 names of the goddess Durga.
Akasma f Azerbaijani
Means “white climbing rose”
Akeru m & f Japanese (Rare)
From verbs 明ける (akeru) meaning "to dawn, grow light," 開ける (akeru) meaning "to open, unwrap, unlock" or 空ける (akeru) meaning "to empty, remove, make room; to move/clear out," also written as 朱, from ake meaning "scarlet, red," or 暁, from Akatsuki.... [more]
Akifusa m Japanese (Rare)
Aki means "bright","autumn","crystal ball","clear","rising sun",and possibly more. Fusa means "house,building,room". Manabe Akifusa was a daimyo in the Meiji period.
Akiharu m Japanese
From Japanese 旭 (aki) meaning "rising sun" combined with 明 (haru) meaning "bright". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akihide m Japanese
From Japanese 英 (aki) meaning "hero, outstanding", 暁 (aki) meaning "daybreak, dawn, in the event", 顕 (aki) meaning "appear, existing", 現 (aki) meaning "present, existing, actual", 昂 (aki) meaning "rise", 晃 (aki) meaning "clear", 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn", 彰 (aki) meaning "patent, clear", 昌 (aki) meaning "prosperous, bright, clear", 昭 (aki) meaning "shining, bright", 晶 (aki) meaning "sparkle, clear, crystal", 章 (aki) meaning "badge, chapter, composition, poem, design", 聡 (aki) meaning "wise, fast learner", 明 (aki) meaning "bright, light", 耀 (aki) meaning "shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle", 陽 (aki) meaning "light, sun, male", 晟 (aki) meaning "clear", 曉 (aki) meaning "dawn, daybreak, clear", 皓 (aki) meaning "white, clear" or 堯 (aki) meaning "high, far" combined with 秀 (hide) meaning "excel, excellence, beauty, surpass", 英 (hide) meaning "hero, outstanding", 栄 (hide) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor" or 偉 (hide) meaning "admirable, greatness, remarkable, conceited, famous, excellent"... [more]
Akiho f Japanese
From Japanese 旭 (aki) meaning "rising sun" combined with 保 (ho) meaning "to protect; to safeguard; to defend". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akika f Japanese (Rare)
Aki: "rising sun","obvious,clear","brightness,luster","crystal (ball)","autumn","bright,luminous",and others are possible meanings. Ka:"flower,petal","fragrance",and others. Akika Kurata is a pastel artist.
Akinbolade m Yoruba
Means "bravery comes with wealth" in Yoruba.
Akine f Japanese
From Japanese 旭 (aki) meaning "rising sun" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akino f Japanese
From Japanese 旭 (aki) meaning "rising sun" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Akintunde m Yoruba
Means "bravery returns" in Yoruba.
Akitomo m Japanese
Aki could mean "crystal, clear", "bright", "obvious, apparent" or "rising sun" and tomo could mean "wisdom, knowledge", or "companion, friend, partner, both, company".
Akuru f & m Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 渥 (aku) meaning "kindness, moisten", 開 (aku) meaning "open, unfold, unseal", 空 (aku) meaning "sky", 曙 (akuru) meaning "dawn, daybreak", 蒼 (a) meaning "blue" or 明 (akuru, a) meaning "bright, light", 玖 (ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine", 空 (ku) meaning "sky" or 来 (ku) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 来 (ru) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become", 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit" or 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli"... [more]
Alanta f Lithuanian
Derived from Old Lithuanian alėti "to stream merrily; to run (referring to water)". ... [more]
Aldebaran m Astronomy, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Derived from Arabic الدبران (al-Dabarān) meaning "follower" (from دبر (dábar) "to turn one's back"). This is the name of the brightest star in the constellation Taurus, presumably so named because it appears to follow the Pleiades rightward across the night sky... [more]
Alfarinn m Norse Mythology
Has several possible etymologies. Maybe derived from Old Norse alfr ("elf, supernatural being") and ǫrn ("eagle"); alf and arinn ("fire, immolation place"), a word meaning "far, long" and far ("to travel"), or ala ("entire, all") and a word meaning "deserted".... [more]
Álfrós f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Derived from the Icelandic elements alfr "elf" and rós "rose".
Almus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἄλμος (Almos), which is possibly derived from Greek ἄλμα (alma) meaning "grove", which in turn is apparently related to Greek ἄλσος (alsos) meaning "sacred grove"... [more]
Alna f Lithuanian
Either derived from Lithuanian alnė or alnis, dialectal words for elnė "deer" and elnias "roebuck", or a direct adoption of the name of the river Alna (referred to by its Polish name Łyna in English), whose name is derived from Old Prussian... [more]
Altangul f Mongolian (Rare)
Means "golden rose", from Mongolian алтан (altan) meaning "golden" and Tajik гул (gul) meaning "flower, rose", ultimately from Persian گل (gol).
Altansargai f Mongolian
From Mongolian алтан (altan) meaning "golden" and саргай (sargai) meaning "rose, lily".
Aluona f Lithuanian
Direct adoption of the name of the river Aluona whose name is derived from alėti "to flow; to run (referring to water); to trickle; to drip".
Alvan m Biblical
Derived from the Hebrew verb עָלָה ('alah) meaning "to ascend, to rise". Also compare the related name Alvah... [more]
Alvard f Armenian
From Armenian ալ (al) meaning "bright red, scarlet" and վարդ (vard) meaning "rose".
Amai f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 舞 (mai) meaning "dance". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amane m & f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a, ama) meaning "second, Asia", 愛 (a, ama) meaning "love, affection", 雨 (ama) meaning "rain", 海 (amane, ama) meaning "sea, ocean", 吾 (a) meaning "I, my, our, one's own", 周 (amane, ama) meaning "circumference, circuit, lap", 星 (ama) meaning "star", 天 (amane, ama) meaning "heavens, sky, imperial", 普 (amane) meaning "universal, wide(ly), generally", 遍 (amane) meaning "everywhere, times, widely, generally", 弥 (amane) meaning "all the more, increasingly" or 和 (amane) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 麻 (ma) meaning "hemp, flax, numb", 万 (ma) meaning "ten thousand", 満 (ma) meaning "full, fullness, enough, satisfy", 茉 (ma) meaning "jasmine" or 舞 (ma) meaning "dance" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound", 弥 (ne) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 峰 (ne) meaning "summit, peak", 寧 (ne) meaning "rather, preferably, peaceful, quiet, tranquility", 嶺 (ne) meaning "peak, summit", 韻 (ne) meaning "rhyme, elegance, tone", 希 (ne) meaning "hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal", 羽 (ne) meaning "feathers", 使 (ne) meaning "use, send on a mission, order, messenger, envoy, ambassador, cause" or 望 (ne) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect"... [more]
Amangeldi m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Means "safety came", derived from Kazakh and Kyrgyz аман (aman) meaning "healthy, safe", ultimately from Arabic أمان (aman), combined with Kazakh келді (keldi) or Kyrgyz келди (keldi) both meaning "came, arrived" (the past tense of Kazakh келу (kelu) or Kyrgyz кел (kel) meaning "to come").
Amaru f & m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heavens; sky" combined with 琉 (ru), 瑠 (ru), both meaning "precious stone; gem, lapis lazuli", 流 (ru) meaning "flow", or 留 (ru) meaning "to detain; to fasten; to stop"... [more]
Ámé'há'e f Cheyenne
Means "flying woman" in Cheyenne.
Amenaghawon f & m Western African, Edo
Literally translated to "the water you shall drink" in Edo, from the proverb Amen na gha won ighi le se omwan rhae, meaning "the water you shall drink will surely come to be", implying that what is destined to be, will be.
Ámeohtséhé'e f Cheyenne
Means "going woman, walking woman" in Cheyenne.
Ami m Nahuatl
Means "hunt" or "hunter", from Nahuatl ami "to hunt for game, to go hunting".
Amikam m Jewish
Means "my people has risen up" in Hebrew. This is a modern name.
Amleset f Tigrinya
Means "she made it return" in Tigrinya.
Amon m Japanese
This name combines 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next" or 阿 (a, o,, kuma) meaning "corner, flatter, nook" with 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate."... [more]
Anabia f Urdu (Modern), Indian (Muslim, Modern)
Many websites falsely claim that this is a word found in the Quran. The accurate Quranic word is أناب (anaba) meaning "to turn", with the implied meaning "to repent and return to Allah". According to the website QuranicNames: 'Anaba can be used as a name, though it is more common to use its noun version of Muneeb for boys and Muneebah for girls'... [more]
Anadyomene f Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology
Means "emerging, rising from the sea", derived from Greek αναδύομαι (anadyomai) meaning "to surface, emerge, rise to the surface". This was an epithet of Aphrodite.
Angbei m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 杯 (bēi) meaning "cup, trophey".
Angdi m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 迪 (dí) meaning "enlighten, advance, progress".
Angerdlánguaĸ f & m Greenlandic
Means "the dear one who has returned home" in Greenlandic.
Angerdlartoĸ m & f Greenlandic
Means "the one returning back home" in Greenlandic.
Angerlarneq f Greenlandic
South Greenlandic name meaning "she who has returned home", originally used as a nickname for someone named after a deceased family member, due to ritual name avoidance (taboos in mentioning names of deceased relatives, even when newborns had been named for them).
Angfan m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 藩 (fān) meaning "fence, boundary, border".
Anggui m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 贵 (guì) meaning "expensive, valuable".
Anghao m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 昊 (hào) meaning "summertime" or "sky, heaven".
Angheng m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 亨 (hēng) meaning "smoothly; progressing".
Angjian m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 坚 (jiān) meaning "hard, firm, strong, resolute".
Angjiong m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 炅 (jiǒng) meaning "brilliance".
Angjue m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 爵 (jué), a feudal title or rank of nobility.
Angjun m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, capable; handsome" or 军 (jūn) meaning "army, military, soldier".
Angkun m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 昆 (kūn) meaning "elder brother".
Anglei m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 磊 (lěi) meaning "pile of rocks" or "great".
Angran m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 燃 (rán) meaning "burn, light fire, ignite".
Angshun m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 顺 (shùn) meaning "obey".
Angwen m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing".
Angxiao m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 孝 (xiào) meaning "filial piety, obedience".
Angxing m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 星 (xīng) meaning "star, planet, point of light".
Angyang m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 扬 (yáng) meaning "scatter, spread" or "praise" or 阳 (yáng) meaning "male; light, sun".
Angye m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, glorious, splendid; firelight, flame".
Angying m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 鹰 (yīng) meaning "eagle, hawk, falcon".
Angyu m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain".
Angzhen m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 臻 (zhēn) meaning "attain, reach" or "utmost, superior".
Angzhuo m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 卓 (zhuō) meaning "profound, brilliant, lofty".
Angzuo m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 作 (zuò) meaning "make, work, write, compose".
Anirbhav m Sanskrit
Anir - Means Spiritual Warrior... [more]
Annageldi m Turkmen
Means "Friday came", from Turkmen anna meaning "Friday" and geldi meaning "came".
Anodos m Greek (Anglicized, Rare, Archaic)
"Ascent" or "Upward Progress" from the Greek οδος with the prefix αν. Used by Plato to refer to enlightenment. Anodos is the central character in the George Macdonald novel "Phantastes"... [more]
Anothai f & m Thai
Means "rising sun" in Thai.
Anqogul f Uzbek
Derived from anqo meaning "anqa (a mythological bird" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Antaeus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀνταῖος (Antaios), which is derived from Greek ἀνταῖος (antaios) meaning "(right) opposite, opposed to, set over against". In turn, it is ultimately derived from the Greek verb ἀντάω (antaō) meaning "to come opposite (to), to meet face to face, to meet (with)"... [more]
Anteng m Chinese
From the Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 腾 (téng) meaning "fly, gallop, run, rise".
Antiphanes m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) "against, in return" and φανής (phanes) "appearing". This was the name of a 4th-century BCE comic playwright of Middle Comedy.
Antiphonus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀντίφονόν (Antiphonon), derived from Greek ἀντίφονος (antiphonos) meaning "in return for slaughter" or "in revenge for blood", from ἀντί (anti) "in return for; for the sake of, for" and φόνος (phonos) "murder, slaughter; blood shed in murder, gore"... [more]
Aochang m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam", 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 倡 (chàng) meaning "guide, leader; lead", 畅 (chàng) meaning "free, smooth" or 昌 (chāng) meaning "light of sun; good, proper".
Aocheng m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam", 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 成 (chéng) meaning "become, succeed" or "completed, finished", 诚 (chéng) meaning "sincere, honest, real" or 丞 (chéng) meaning "assist, aid, rescue".
Aohui m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 珲 (huī) meaning "bright, glorious, splendid".
Aomi f & m Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ao) meaning "hollyhock, althea", 翠 (ao) meaning "green, kingfisher", 青, 蒼 (ao) meaning "blue", 碧 (ao) meaning "blue, green", 明 (ao, a) meaning "bright", 藍 (ao) meaning "indigo", 粟 (a) meaning "millet", 緒 (o) meaning "cord, strap", 百 (o) meaning "hundred" or 生 (o) meaning "live" combined with 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 巳 (mi), referring to the Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches, 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit, good result, truth", 深 (mi) meaning "deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen", 望 (mi) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 未 (mi) referring to the Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches, 魅 (mi) meaning "fascination, charm", 弥 (mi) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 洋 (mi) meaning "ocean" or 歩 (mi) meaning "walk"... [more]
Aopeng m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 鹏 (péng), the name of a mythological bird or 怦 (pēng) meaning "eager, ardent".
Aoquan m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 泉 (quán) meaning "spring, fountain" or "wealth, money".
Aoxi m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 希 (xī) meaning "hope; rare; expect".
Aoxiang m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam", 奥 (ào) meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" or 傲 (ào) meaning "proud, haughty" and 翔 (xiáng) meaning "circle in the air, soar, glide", 享 (xiǎng) meaning "enjoy" or 祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen; happiness".
Aoyan m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 岩 (yán) meaning "rock, cliff".
Aoyun m & f Chinese
This name is made up of 奧 (ào)/奥 (ào, yù), the simplified version of 奧, meaning "mysterious, obscure, profound" and 運/运 (yùn) meaning "run, luck, fortune, ship, transport," the first meaning added for 运, the simplified version of 運... [more]
Aozhi m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, knowledge, intelligence".
Aozhou m Chinese
From the Chinese 翱 (áo) meaning "soar, roam" and 舟 (zhōu) meaning "boat".
Apemerukoyan-mat-unamerukoyan-mat f Far Eastern Mythology
Means "rising fire sparks woman" or "rising cinder sparks woman" in Ainu. It is the full name of the goddess Kamuy-huci.
Apodemios m Late Greek
Derived from either the Greek noun ἀποδημία (apodemia) meaning "going/being abroad, journey abroad" or from the Greek adjective ἀπόδημος (apodemos) meaning "away from one's country, abroad".... [more]
Aqchagul f Uzbek
Derived from aqcha meaning "money" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Arani f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Nepali, Marathi
Means "sun, mother, wood used for kindling fire by attrition, pain, being fitted or turning round".
Arima m Japanese
From Japanese 存 (ari) meaning "exist, suppose, be aware of, believe, feel" or 有 (ari) meaning "exist" combined with 摩 (ma) meaning "chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape", 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 磨 (ma) meaning "grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)", 馬 (ma) meaning "horse", 麻 (ma) meaning "flax, linen, hemp" or 舞 (ma) meaning "dance"... [more]
Arisu f Japanese, Popular Culture
Japanese transliteration of Alice, in use among the Japanese since the 20th century, particularly in recent decades.... [more]
Arito m Japanese
From Japanese 現 (ari) meaning "present, existing, actual", 彩 (ari) meaning "colour", 在 (ari) meaning "exist, outskirts, suburbs, located in", 有 (ari) meaning "exist" or 可 (ari) meaning "can, passable, mustn't, should not, do not" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 史 (to) meaning "history, chronicle" or 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up"... [more]
Arnrós f Icelandic (Archaic)
Derived from Old Norse ǫrn meaning "eagle" and rós meaning "rose".
Aroa f Japanese
From Japanese 彩 (a) meaning "colour", 路 (ro) meaning "a road, a street" combined with 歩 (a) meaning "walk". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Arogo f Igbo
Means “rise, go up” in Igbo.
Arpârte m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "messenger". From Greenlandic arpappoq meaning "runs" (arpaartoq meaning "runs from house to house to give a message").
Arpina f Armenian
It means “rising of sun”.
Arrosa f Basque (Rare)
Derived from Basque arrosa "rose", this name is considered the Basque equivalent of Rosa 1 and Rose.
Aru m & f Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 在, 亜瑠, 亜琉, 亜留, 明瑠, 明琉, 明留, 有瑠, 有琉, 有留 with 在 (zai, meaning "exist, located in, outskirts, suburbs," 亜 (a, meaning "-ous, Asia, come after, rank next," 明 (myou, min, mei, a.kasu, aka.ramu, a.kari, aka.rui, aka.rumu, aki.raka, a.ku, a.kuru,, a.keru) meaning "bright, light," 有 (u, yuu, meaning "approx, exist, happen, have, occur, possess," 瑠 (ryuu, ru) meaning "lapis lazuli," 琉 (ryuu, ru) meaning "gem, lapis lazuli, precious stone" and 留 (ryuu, ru, todo.maru, todo.meru, to.maru, to.meru, ruuburu) meaning "detail, fasten, halt, stop."... [more]
Aruku m Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 歩 (aruku, aru) meaning "walk", 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit" combined with 來 (ku) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become" or 空 (ku) meaning "sky"... [more]
Arumi f Japanese
From Japanese 歩 (a) meaning "walk", 留 (ru) meaning "to stay" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Árvakr m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Means "early awake, early rising". This is the name of one of Sól's horses in Norse mythology.
Asahiko f & m Japanese
As a male name comes from Japanese 朝 (asa) meaning "morning" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince". Other kanji combinations are possible as well.... [more]
Asalgul f Uzbek
Derived from asal meaning "honey" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Asana f Japanese
From Japanese 旭 (asa) meaning "rising sun", 朝 (asa) meaning "morning" or 麻 (asa) meaning "flax" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 凪 (na) meaning "calm", 和 (na) meaning "peace, harmony" or 南 (na) meaning "south"... [more]
Ásrós f Icelandic
Altered form of Ástrós, from the Old Norse name element áss "god" combined with Icelandic rós "rose" (from Latin rosa).
Ástrós f Icelandic
Derived from Icelandic ást meaning "affection, love, devotion" and rós "rose". This is a modern coinage, perhaps inspired by the similar name Ástríður (the Icelandic form of Ástríðr), in which the first element is a form of Old Norse áss "god", which in proper names becomes Ást- when it precedes the liquid r (this according to the Viking Answer Lady).
Asuhi f Japanese
From Japanese 明日 (asu) meaning "tomorrow" combined with 妃 (hi) meaning "a ruler's wife; queen; empress", 飛 (hi) meaning "to fly" or 陽 (hi) meaning "light, sun, male"... [more]
Asuma m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 明日 (asu) meaning "tomorrow", 明 (asu) meaning "bright, light", 未来 (asu) meaning "future", 遊 (asu) meaning "play" or 飛 (asu) meaning "fly", 洲 (su) meaning "continent, sandbar, island, country" combined with 馬 (ma) meaning "horse", 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 磨 (ma) meaning "grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)", 茉 (ma) meaning "jasmine", 麻 (ma) meaning "flax, linen, hemp" or 海 (ma) meaning "sea, ocean"... [more]
Asura f Japanese
From Japanese 明日 (asu) meaning "tomorrow" combined with 来 (ra) meaning "to come". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aswa m & f Western African
Means "one who moves through darkness toward the light".
Atageldi m Turkmen
Means "father came" from Turkmen ata meaning "father, ancestor" and geldi meaning "came".
Atamahina m & f Tongan
Means "rising of the moon" in Tongan.
Atari m & f Obscure (Modern)
From the Japanese word 当たり (atari) meaning "a hit, a good move" (specially in the game of Go). Atari is the name of an American videogame company that released the video game console Atari 2600 in the year 1977... [more]
Atomu m & f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Japanese derivation of the English word atom.... [more]
Atsuto m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 敦 (ton, tai, dai, chou, atsu.i) meaning "industry, kindliness", 厚 (kou, atsu.i, aka) meaning "thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless" or 篤 (toku, atsu.i) meaning "fervent, kind, cordial, serious, deliberate" with 斗 (to, tou) meaning "Big Dipper, sake dipper", 人 (jin, nin, -to, hito, -ri) meaning "person" or 翔 (shou,, to.bu) meaning "fly, soar."... [more]
ʻAukai m Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "seafarer" in Hawaiian, derived from the elements ʻau "travel" and kai "sea".
Auseto m Chuukese
Means "come to me" in Chuukese.
Averruncus m Roman Mythology
In ancient Roman religion, Averruncus or Auruncus is a god of averting harm. Aulus Gellius says that he is one of the potentially malignant deities who must be propitiated for their power to both inflict and withhold disaster from people and the harvests.... [more]
Aveta f Celtic Mythology
A Gaulish goddess of birth and midwifery known from figurines and inscriptions found in the area of modern-day France, Germany and Switzerland.... [more]
Avio m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name related to aviorpoq "sound", "ring", "twitter", "buzzing" (in the ears), "whistle". The notion that buzzing in the ears (aviutitsineq or avequllattaaneq) as a plea for food from a deceased is known thoughout most of Greenland... [more]
Áwákaasomaahkaa m Siksika
Means "running antelope" in Siksika.
Ayámpia m Aguaruna
From the Awajun verb ayampat meaning "look back, turn".
Ayana f Indian
Allegedly derived from Sanskrit ayana "going" (with the inteded meaning of "way").
Ayinde m & f Yoruba
Means "we gave praises and he came" in Yoruba.
Ayita f English (Modern, Rare, ?), African American (Rare), Western African (Rare)
The origins of this name are uncertain. Though it is popularly claimed to mean "first to dance" in Cherokee, this appears to be untrue.... [more]
Aynan m Yakut
Means "travel" in Yakut.
Ayomidele m & f Yoruba
Means "my joy has come home" in Yoruba.
Ayoze m Guanche, Spanish (Canarian)
Derived from Guanche *ayuhsah meaning "he (who) arrives". Ayoze or Yose was a Guanche chieftain from Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands, at the time of Jean de Béthencourt's arrival to the island... [more]
Ayuka f Japanese
This name combines 歩 (fu, bu, ho,, aru.ku) meaning "walk" or 鮎 (den, nen, ayu, namazu) meaning "freshwater trout, smelt" with 花 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower," 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good," 果 (ka, ha.tasu,, -ha.tasu, ha.te, ha.teru, -ha.teru) meaning "fruit," 香 (kyou, kou, ka, kao.ri, meaning "incense, perfume, smell," 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer," 華 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower" or 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add, include, join."... [more]
Ayuko f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 阿 (a) meaning "flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 茜 (a) meaning "madder, red dye, Turkey red", 鮎 (a) meaning "freshwater trout, smelt", 安 (a) meaning "relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful", 杏 (a) meaning "apricot", 香 (a) meaning "fragrance", 彩 (a) meaning "colour", 肖 (ayu) meaning "resemblance", 暖 (a) meaning "warmth", 天 (a) meaning "heavens, sky, imperial", 歩 (ayu) meaning "walk", 明 (a) meaning "bright, light", 有 (a) meaning "exist", 和 (a) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 亞 (a) meaning "rank, follow" or 晏 (a) meaning "late, quiet, sets (sun)", 右 (yu) meaning "right", 百 (yu) meaning "hundred", 悠 (yu) meaning "permanence, distant, long time, leisure", 有 (yu) meaning "exist", 由 (yu) meaning "reason, cause", 夕 (yu) meaning "evening", 優 (yu) meaning "tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness", 弓 (yu) meaning "archery bow", 夢 (yu) meaning "dream", 友 (yu) meaning "friend", 祐 (yu) meaning "help", 柚 (yu) meaning "citron", 宥 (yu) meaning "soothe, calm, pacify", 裕 (yu) meaning "abundant, rich", 侑 (yu) meaning "urge to eat" or 魚 (yu) meaning "fish" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child", 呼 (ko) meaning "call, call out to, invite" or 虹 (ko) meaning "rainbow"... [more]
Ayumiko f Japanese
From Japanese 歩 (ayumi) meaning "walk" or 鮎 (ayu) meaning "ayu, sweetfish", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit, good result, truth" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child" or 小 (ko) meaning "small, little"... [more]
Ayuna f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 鮎 (ayu) meaning "freshwater trout, smelt", 安 (a) meaning "relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful", 杏 (a) meaning "apricot", 空 (a) meaning "sky", 彩 (a) meaning "colour", 朱 (a) meaning "vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody", 渉 (ayu) meaning "ford, go cross, transit, ferry, import, involve", 歩 (ayu) meaning "walk", 明 (a) meaning "bright, light", 有 (a) meaning "exist" or 晏 (a) meaning "late, quiet, sets (sun)", 佑 (yu) meaning "help, assist", 優 (yu) meaning "tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness", 友 (yu) meaning "friend", 由 (yu) meaning "wherefore, a reason", 夕 (yu) meaning "evening", 結 (yu) meaning "tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten" or 夢 (yu) meaning "dream" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 那 (na) meaning "what", 南 (na) meaning "south" or 名 (na) meaning "name"... [more]
Ayuo m Japanese
From Japanese 鮎 (ayu) meaning "ayu, sweetfish" or 歩 (ayu) meaning "walk" combined with 生 (o) meaning "live" or 郎 (o) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Ayuto m Japanese
From Japanese 歩 (ayu) meaning "walk" combined with 采 (to) meaning "collect, gather", 士 (to) meaning "samurai, warrior", 知 (to) meaning "to know" or 都 (to) meaning "capital (city)"... [more]
Azira m & f Arabic
This name means "a rising star" in Arabic. Traditionally a female name, but sounds similar to the fictional character Aziraphale from Neil Gaiman's series Good Omens, so it's conceivable it can be used for both.
Azshara f Popular Culture (Archaic)
Believed to be inspired by the name Asherah, Azshara is the name given to one of World of Warcraft's most notable characters - Queen Azshara. ... [more]
Baalaaditya m Kannada
Means "risen sun" in Kannada.
Baalaark m Kannada
Meaning "Rising Sun".
Babiker m Northern African, Arabic
Sudanese name possibly derived from the given name Bakr or from Arabic بَكَرَ (bakara) meaning "first born" or "to be early, to rise early".
Bacigül f Azerbaijani
From the Azerbaijani bacı meaning "sister" and gül meaning "flower, rose".
Badamgül f Azerbaijani
From the Azerbaijani badam meaning "almond" and gül meaning "flower, rose".
Bâdegül f Turkish
Derived from Turkish bâde meaning "almond" and gül meaning "rose".
Bądzsław m Polish (Archaic)
Derived from będzie "will be, going to" and sław "fame, glory".
Bądzsława f Polish
Derived from będzie meaning "will be, going to" and sława meaning "fame, glory".
Bägül f Turkmen
Means "rose" in Turkmen.
Baisheng m Chinese
From the Chinese 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, numerous, many" and 生 (shēng) meaning "life" or 升 (shēng) meaning "rise, go up, advance".
Balik m & f Balinese
Means "turn, return, again" in Balinese. This name is traditionally added to the end of first, second, third, and fourth-born names (for example, Wayan Balik would be the name given to a fifth-born child, followed by Made Balik, Nyoman Balik, and Ketut Balik for the sixth, seventh, and eighth-born child, respectively).
Balius m Lithuanian (Modern, Rare)
Means "ball", "dance / dancing party", "masquerade" in Lithuanian.
Banchop m Thai
Means "join, meet, come together" in Thai.
Bangchao m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 超 (chāo) meaning "jump over, surpass".
Bangjin m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 进 (jìn) meaning "advance, make progress".
Bangteng m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 腾 (téng) meaning "fly, gallop, rise".
Baoxu m Chinese
From the Chinese 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, defend" and 旭 (xù) meaning "rising sun, brilliance, radiant".
Bara f Japanese
From Japanese 薔薇 (bara) meaning "rose". Other kanji or kanji combinations can also form this name.
Baraha f Japanese
From Japanese 薔薇 (bara) meaning "rose" combined with 羽 (ha) meaning "feathers". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Baraka f Japanese
From Japanese 薔薇 (bara) meaning "rose" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower, blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Barako f Japanese
From Japanese 薔薇 (bara) meaning "rose" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Barayu f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 羽 (ba) meaning "feathers" or 薔薇 (bara) meaning "rose" and 蘭 (ra) meaning "orchid", 歌 (ra) meaning "song, poetry", 夜 (yu) meaning "night; the evening" 佑 (yu) meaning "help, assist"
Bargigul f Uzbek
Derived from barg meaning "leaf" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Barnogul f Uzbek
Derived from barno meaning "youthful, beautiful" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Barragul f Uzbek
Derived from barra meaning "lamb" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Baxtigul f Uzbek
Derived from baxt meaning "happiness" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Bayenkhu f Tumbuka
Means "where will they go?" in Tumbuka.
Bayramgul f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek bayram meaning "holiday" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Bec f Irish Mythology (?)
Allegedly an older form of Irish beag "small".... [more]
Bediako m Akan
Means "came to engage in wars" in Akan.
Beg'amgul f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek beg'am meaning "carefree" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Beitong m & f Chinese
From Chinese 北 (běi) meaning "north" combined with 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermillion", 统 (tǒng) meaning "command, control, unite, unify", 同 or 仝 (tóng) both meaning "same, identical, together", or 通 (tōng) meaning "pass, travel, go through"... [more]
Bejide m Yoruba
Means "(one that) come(s) with rain" in Yoruba.
Bellerose f French
Means "Beautiful rose" in French.
Bennu m Egyptian Mythology
From Egyptian bnw, related to wbn "to rise in brilliance" or "to shine". Bennu is an ancient Egyptian deity linked with the Sun, creation, and rebirth. He may have been the original inspiration for the phoenix legends that developed in Greek mythology.
Bergrós f Icelandic
Combination of the Old Norse name elements borg "stronghold, fortification, castle" or bjǫrg "help, deliverance" and rós "rose" (ultimately from Latin rosa "rose").
Beritda m Ngas
BERITDA in Ngas language of plateau state means."""it turns out to be good?... [more]
Betigül f Turkish
Derived from Turkish beti "shape, figure, build" and gül "rose". It is often interpreted to mean "as beautiful as a rose".
Beya m Zulu
Means “they go” in Zulu.
Bhaiṣajyasamudgata m Buddhism
From Sanskrit भैषज्य (bhaishajya) meaning "curativeness, healing, remedy" and समुद्गत (samudgata) meaning "risen, appeared, begun". This is the name of a bodhisattva associated with healing and medicine in Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition.
Biidaaban f Ojibwe
Loosely translated from Anishinaabemowin (the Ojibwe language) it is a name meaning "daybreak," "the approach of dawn," "dawn is coming." ... [more]
Billingr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse billingr "twin" or from Ancient Germanic bhi- "two-, double-" and -ingr, a suffix denoting "belonging to" or "descended from". In Norse mythology this is the name of both a dwarf and a giant, the latter of whom is the father of a girl Odin wants to seduce.
Bimla f Punjabi
Means "rose" in Punjabi.
Binna f & m Korean (Modern)
From the stem of verb 빛나다 (binnada) meaning "to shine," effectively a combination of Bit and verb 나다 (nada) meaning "to be born; to appear, arise; to break/come out; to grow, spread."
Birgül f Turkish
Means "one rose", from Turkish bir ''one'' and gül ''rose''.
Biwu f Chinese
From the Chinese 馝 (bì) meaning "fragrance" and 舞 (wǔ) meaning "dance".
Bobbejaan m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
One might think that this name is a blend of the name Bob with Jaan, but that is not the case. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the use of this rare first name originated with the Flemish singer and musician Bobbejaan Schoepen (1925-2010)... [more]
Bodisere f Ijaw
Means "she likes to come to the world" in Ijaw.
Bohyun f Korean
From Sino-Korean 甫 (bo) meaning "begin; man, father; great" or 普 (bo) meaning "wide, large" and From Sino-Korean 亨 "smoothly, progressing, no trouble" or From Sino-Korean 賢 "virtuous, worthy, good; able" Other hanja combinations are possible
Bola f Yoruba
Short form of Bolanle, meaning "wealth coming". It is composed of bo ("come, coming") plus ǫlà ("riches, wealth").
Bolade m & f Yoruba
Means "comes with wealth" in Yoruba.
Bonagiunta m & f Medieval Italian, Literature
Derived from the Italian adjective buono meaning "good" as well as "fair" combined with giunta, the feminine past participle of the Italian verb giungere meaning "to arrive". As such, the name is basically a reference to the safe arrival of a newborn.... [more]
Bonugul f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek bonu meaning "lady" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Bo'rigul f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek bo'ri meaning "wolf" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Bosheng m Chinese
From the Chinese 伯 (bó) meaning "older brother" and 胜 (shèng) meaning "victory, excel" or 升 (shēng) meaning "arise, go up, advance".
Bozgul f Tajik
Means "falcon rose" From боз (boz) meaning "falcon" and гул (gul) meaning "flower, rose" (see gol)
Breaca f Medieval Cornish (Latinized)
Latinized form of Breage, from Cornish bregh "brave". The 5th-century Cornish saint Breage is also known as Breaca or Bray. Breage is also probably the source of the medieval Cornish name Braya.... [more]
Brindabella f Indigenous Australian
Locational name, from the Brindabella mountain range on the border of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Usually said to be from a local language, meaning "two hopping mice" - hopping mice are native Australian mice... [more]
Bryluen f Cornish (Modern)
Derived from from Old Cornish breilu "rose" (vocative) combined with the singulative suffix en. This is a modern Cornish name.
Bunma m & f Thai
Means "arrival of merit" from Thai บุญ (bun) meaning "merit" and มา (ma) meaning "move, come, arrive".
Burilish f Uzbek
Means "turning point, sudden change" in Uzbek.
Busəgül f Azerbaijani
From the Azerbaijani busə meaning "kiss" and gül meaning "flower, rose".
Buwozi m & f Ijaw
Means "a child whose feet came out first before the head during birth" in Ijaw.
Buyisiwe m Zulu
Means “returned” in Zulu.
Bwerani m Chewa
Means "come" or "come back" in Chewa.
Byx m Old Norse
Old Norse byname, from Old Norse byxa meaning "to jump".
Caian m Quechua
Means "Down", "Son of the Sun". It can also have a meaning of "the tomorrow that will always come" - for the ancient Quechua had a circular-time notion.
Călin m Romanian
Directly taken from Romanian călin "guelder rose (a type of flower)".
Campa Huitz m Nahuatl
Means "where does he come from?" in Nahuatl.
Cassima f Popular Culture
This name was created for a character in King's Quest, a computer-based adventure game series developed by Sierra Entertainment.... [more]
Çengzêr f Kurdish
From Kurdish çeng meaning "leap" or "handful, palm" and zêr meaning "gold, golden".
Çetulo f Bandial
Means "died coming" in Bandial. This is considered a 'death prevention' name.
Chaimu f Japanese
From Japanese 茶 (cha) meaning "tea", 衣 (i) meaning "clothing, garment" combined with 舞 (mu) meaning "dance". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Chakotay m Popular Culture
Means "man who walks the Earth but who only sees the sky" in the language of the fictional Anurabi tribe. Chakotay was the name of the first officer in 'Star Trek: Voyager'.
Chamara m Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit चमर (chamara) meaning "yak" or "fly-whisk".
Chamroeun m & f Khmer
Means "increase, prosper" or "advance, progress" in Khmer.
Changjin m Chinese
From the Chinese 昌 (chāng) meaning "light of sun; good, proper" and 进 (jìn) meaning "advance, make progress".
Changqi m Chinese
From the Chinese 昌 (chāng) meaning "light of sun; good, proper" and 起 (qǐ) meaning "rise, stand up, go up; begin".
Changxu m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 昌 (chāng) meaning "light of sun; good, proper" and 旭 (xù) meaning "rising sun; brilliance; radiant".
Chaonan f Chinese
From the Chinese 超 (chāo) meaning "jump over, surpass" and 囡 (nān) meaning "daughter".
Chaoran m & f Chinese
From Chinese 超 (chāo) meaning "surpass, leap over" and 然 (rán) meaning "correct, right". Other character combinations can form this name as well.
Chaoreum m & f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the verbal noun of verb 차오르다 (chaoreuda) meaning "to rise, fill up," effectively a combination of the stem of verb 차다 (chada) meaning "to fill" and verb 오르다 (oreuda) meaning "to go up."
Chariklo f Greek Mythology
Possibly means "graceful spinner" from Greek χάρις (charis) meaning "grace, kindness" and κλώθω (klotho) meaning "to spin, to twist by spinning"... [more]
Chavazelet f Hebrew
Means "lily" in Hebrew, presumably taken from the phrase חבצלת השרון (Chavatzelet HaSharon) "rose of Sharon" found in the Old Testament book the Song of Solomon. (In Israel, Solomon's "rose of Sharon" is popularly accepted to have been the sand lily, which grows in the Sharon plain in coastal sands, though technically the flower has not been identified.)
Cheja f Kaguru
Means "we came" in Chikaguru.
Chengchao m Chinese
From the Chinese 成 (chéng) meaning "become; succeed; completed, finished" or 承 (chéng) meaning "bear, hold; inherit, receive; succeed"and 焯 (chāo) meaning "clear and thorough" or 超 (chāo) meaning "leap over, surpass".
Chengdi m Chinese
From the Chinese 程 (chéng) meaning "journey" and 迪 (dí) meaning "enlighten, advance, progress".
Chengjin m Chinese
From the Chinese 承 (chéng) meaning "bear, hold; inherit, receive; succeed" or 晟 (chéng) meaning "clear, bright; splendor, brightness" and 进 (jìn) meaning "advance, make progress" or 金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money".
Chengluan f Chinese
From the Chinese 乘 (chéng) meaning "rise, ascend" and 鸾 (luán), a mythological bird.
Chengxiang m Chinese
From the Chinese 晟 (chéng) meaning "clear, bright; splendor, brightness" and 翔 (xiáng) meaning "soar, glide, circle in the air".
Chengxu m Chinese
From the Chinese 程 (chéng) meaning "journey" and 旭 (xù) meaning "rising sun; brilliance; radiant".
Chengyue m Chinese
From the Chinese 成 (chéng) meaning "become; succeed; completed, finished" or 承 (chéng) meaning "bear, hold; inherit, receive; succeed" and 越 (yuè) meaning "exceed, go beyond" or 樾 (yuè) meaning "shade of trees".
Chenji m Chinese
From the Chinese 晨 (chén) meaning "early morning, daybreak" and 及 (jí) meaning "and" or "extend, reach, come up to".
Chenmei f Chinese
From the Chinese character 辰 (chén) or 晨 (chén), both meaning "morning" combined with 梅 (méi) meaning "plum, apricot", 莓 (méi) meaning "berry, strawberry", 玫 (méi) meaning "rose, gemstone", or 美 (měi) meaning "beauty"... [more]
Cheyvyne f Koryak
Means "walking", "wandering" in Koryak.
Chiari f Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 千亜理, 千亜里, 千愛里, 智愛梨 or 知愛利 with 千 (sen, chi) meaning "thousand," 智 (chi) meaning "intellect, wisdom," 知 (chi, shi.raseru, meaning "know, wisdom," 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next," 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru, a) meaning "affection, love," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree" and 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit, gain."... [more]
Chiejina m & f Igbo
Means "let the night not come" in Igbo.
Chigenda m Kaguru
Means "let us go" in Chikaguru.
Chikomborero f & m African
Means"Blessings. comes from Zimbabwe
Chimalcozauh m Nahuatl
Possibly means "yellow shield" or "shield turned yellow", from Nahuatl chimalli "shield" and cozahui "to turn yellow".
Chimalpahin m Nahuatl
Means "runs swiftly with a shield" in Nahuatl, from chimalli "shield" and paina "to run fast".
Chimaltemoc m Nahuatl
Means "descending shield" in Nahuatl, from chimalli "shield" and temo "to descend, to fall".
Chisaki f Japanese
From Japanese 茅 (chi) meaning "reeds, rushes, grass", 咲 (chi) meaning "blossom", 小 (chi) meaning "small, little", 千 (chi) meaning "thousand", 知 (chi) meaning "to know", 地 (chi) meaning "earth; ground", 智 (chi) meaning "knowledge, wisdom" or 直 (chi) meaning "straight", 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand", 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thin silk", 颯 (sa) meaning "the sound of the wind", 桜 (sa) meaning "cherry blossom" or 早 (sa) meaning "already, now" combined with 咲 (saki) meaning "blossom", 着 (saki) meaning "arrive, wear", 季 (ki) meaning "youngest brother", 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice", 樹 (ki) meaning "tree; plant", 芸 (ki) meaning "technique, art, craft, performance" or 希 (ki) meaning "hope, rare"... [more]
Chiseko f Japanese
From Japanese 千 (chi) meaning "thousand", 知 (chi) meaning "wisdom" or 智 (chi) meaning "knowledge, wisdom", 世 (se) meaning "generations", 勢 (se) meaning "forces, energy, military strength", 征 (se) meaning "to go on a long journey", 成 (se) meaning "to become", 聖 (se) meaning "holy, sacred" or 是 (se) meaning "justice, right" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child"... [more]
Chiyori f Japanese
From Japanese 一 (chi) meaning "one", 千 (chi) meaning "thousand", 知 (chi) meaning "know, wisdom" or 智 (chi) meaning "wisdom, intellect", 世 (yo) meaning "generation, world, society, public", 代 (yo) meaning "world, society, age, generation, era of rule" or 陽 (yo) meaning "light, sun, male" combined with 愛 (yori) meaning "love, affection", 依 (yori) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 縁 (yori) meaning "affinity, relation, connection, edge, border, verge, brink", 寄 (yori) meaning "draw near, stop in, bring near, gather, collect, send, forward", 尚 (yori) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet", 頼 (yori) meaning "trust, request", 和 (yori) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 順 (yori) meaning "obey, order, turn, right, docility, occasion", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic" or 里 (ri) meaning "village"... [more]
Cho-mae f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Sino-Korean 草 (cho) meaning "grass" combined with 莓 (mae) meaning "strawberry", 梅 (mae) meaning "plum", or 玫 (mae) meaning "rose, gemstone". ... [more]
Chomphu f Thai
Means "rose apple" in Thai.
Chongdeng m Chinese
From the Chinese 崇 (chóng) meaning "esteem, honor, revere, venerate" and 灯 (dēng) meaning "lantern, lamp" or 登 (dēng) meaning "rise, climb".
Chongqi m Chinese
From the Chinese 崇 (chóng) meaning "esteem, honor, revere, venerate" and 起 (qǐ) meaning "rise, stand up, go up; begin".
Chōshin m Japanese
This name combines 朝 (chou, asa) meaning "Korea, dynasty, epoch, morning, period, regime" with 信 (shin) meaning "faith, fidelity, trust, truth,", 進 (shin,, susu.meru) meaning "advance, proceed, progress, promote," 申 (shin, saru, mou.shi-, meaning "have the honor to, sign of the monkey (ninth sign of Chinese zodiac)," 心 (shin, kokoro, -gokoro) meaning "heart, mind, spirit" or 晋 (shin, meaning "advance."... [more]
Chuanchao m Chinese
From the Chinese 传 (chuán) meaning "summon, propagate, transmit" and 超 (chāo) meaning "leap over, surpass".
Chuanjin m Chinese
From the Chinese 传 (chuán) meaning "summon, propagate, transmit" and 进 (jìn) meaning "advance, make progress" or 金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money".
Chuanxu m Chinese
From the Chinese 传 (chuán) meaning "summon, propagate, transmit" and 旭 (xù) meaning "rising sun; brilliance; radiant".
Chunxiang f Chinese
From Chinese 春 (chūn) meaning "spring", or 纯/純 (chún) meaning "pure, clean, simple" combined with 香 (xiāng) meaning "incense, fragrant", 祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen", 翔 (xiáng) meaning "soar, glide", or 向 (xiàng) meaning "direction, towards"... [more]
Cihuanemi m Nahuatl
Derived from Nahuatl cihuatl "woman" and nemi "to dwell, to live (as)" or "to walk, to go about (like)", perhaps meaning "effeminate man" or "womaniser".
Cihuanen f Nahuatl
Meaning uncertain. The first element is cihuatl, "woman", and the second may be derived from either nen, meaning "in vain, for nothing, useless", or nenqui, which can mean either "a resident of someplace; to have lived" or "to go from here to there; wasting time".
Ciwangul f Kurdish
Combination of Ciwan and Kurdish gula meaning "rose".
Clamor m German (Rare)
From Latin clāmor "clamor, loud cry, a shout", taken from the liturgical prayer 'Clamor meus ad te veniat' meaning "Let my cry come to thee".
Cocol m Nahuatl
Meaning uncertain. Probably derived from cocolli, which can mean "quarrel, dispute, anger", "pain, illness", "plant tendril" (which would derive from colli "something bent, twisted, curling"), or "a responsibility, charge, burden".
Cojiñí f Romani (Caló)
Derived from Caló cujiñí, meaning "rose". This name is used as a Caló equivalent of Rosa 1.
Corsa f Medieval Italian
Diminutive of Accorsa, itself derived from Latin accursia "aided; helped". The name coincides with the Italian word corsa "a run; a race (the competition)" as well as with corsa, the feminine form of corso, "Corsican; woman from Corsica".