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Harlow vs. Monroe
You have to choose one for a girl, and you can't say "neither". If you say "neither", I will punish you.So, which do you choose and why? What would you use as a middle name? Thanks. :) **After supposedly dying on January 30, 2007 after eating tainted pancakes, she returned several times as an angel and was revealed to be alive on May 17, 2011. )**
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Harlow because of Jean Harlow. It sounds very old Hollywood, Southern glamorous because of her.Harlow Zoriana
Harlow Shamira
Harlow Rossana
Harlow Oksana
Harlow Maile
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I really do like Harlow. It gives me spooky town by the ocean in New England vibes. I have no idea where those vibes came from, but I'm here for it. Monroe just reminds me of James Monroe and it's a mediocre association.EDIT: Just realized it's for a girl. For a girl, I'll go with neither.

This message was edited 10/5/2021, 6:01 AM

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Harlow would be my choice between the two. For whatever reason, it sounds more nature and place based. I can imagine my young daughter Harlow catching frogs in a creek and having a rock collection that I would discover mounded in her closet.Monroe sounds more urban. Maybe it is the combination of President Monroe and Marilyn Monroe, but it feels more like a carefully curated existance than one that developed naturally. It isn't a bad name (for a very surnamey first name with famous figure ties), but I do like it less than Harlow. Marlowe / Marlow appeals to me more than either Harlow or Monroe, but I wouldn't use it either.For a middle name, I would choose something traditionally feminine.
Harlow Eve
Harlow Minerva
Harlow Elizabeth - Yes, Elizabeth is used a lot as a middle name, but I think they sound nice together and the combo takes on a more literary feel then either name has on its own.
Harlow Yvonne

This message was edited 10/4/2021, 7:20 PM

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Harlow. It sounds closer to a nature name (Willow, Meadow), even if technically they're both place names. And I could pretend to myself it was inspired by The Faerie Queene (Arlo / Aherlow).Monroe is a US president. It seems more like Taylor, Grant, Reagan, Madison, Nixon would be for a girl (not my thing at all). Marilyn might remind me of the actress, but the surname alone doesn't.Harlow Matilda
Harlow Petra
Harlow Veda
Harlow Vashti
Harlow Seraphina
Harlow Eudora
Harlow Raquel
Harlow Lindita
Harlow Ethel
Harlow Glenda
Harlow Delia
Harlow Zemfira
Harlow Sabrina
Harlow Femke
Harlow Femke FionaHarlow Gloriana Galadriel

This message was edited 10/4/2021, 6:48 PM

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I see that I'm not the only one who feels that Harlow is closer to nature. Harlow Veda and Harlow Sabrina are cute.
Harlow Gloriana Galadriel is ridiculously over the top, and I love it! I want to meet someone with this name. I bet she'd be a lot of fun.
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I think Harlow Sabrina was my favorite. Harlow GG was too fun not to say, though. :)
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I once got high with my friend and we designed this sitcom that starred girls named Shiloh and Harlow, except they had valley girl accents and pronounced them Shallow and Hollow. There was some kind of twist that I forget...Anyway, from this family of names I would prefer Harper and Margot. Monroe is my answer, because it's a family name. You could call her Minnie or Roe.Monroe Mary
Monroe Frances
Monroe Dahlia
Monroe Daisy
Monroe TiffanyMan it is hard to pair
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I think I'd rather be named Harlow than Monroe. I don't know. Harlow just seems to have a more gothic vibe that I enjoy. They're both ok. I don't hate them, but I don't like them either.
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These are both awful.
Monroe, I suppose, because I hate the Har sound in Harlow even more.
Monroe Grace.
And she will go by Gracie. If that’s not allowed, she goes by Roe.
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NEITHER. Monroe with a gun to my head. Harlow makes me think of the word "whore" for no good reason. Monroe Winifred
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The reason is that it resembles Harlot, except it has the "o" sound as in "ho." It also has the letters WHOR in it.
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There is a good reason! Jean Harlow, all platinum-blonde and salacious, met British aristocrat Margot Asquith and pronounced her name mar-got. And without blinking, Margot Asquith corrected her: "The t is silent, as in Harlow", which has to be the most sophisticated put-down in Anglophone history.
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You said "neither", technically you must be punished....
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Punish me? Well don’t promise me with a good time…Harlow, if I had to choose. I find Monroe irredeemably ugly. Harlow is nms but it’s not bad.Harlow Vivian, off the top of my head.
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I wouldn’t actually use it (and I know my SO would be like, “NOPE”) but I actually like Harlow quite a bit. I even like the story of Jean Harlow pronouncing the T in Margot Asquith’s first name and Margot Asquith responding with, “The T is silent, as in Harlow”. I’m such a contrarian (or something) that that makes me like Harlow more. I would choose Harlow Adeline Cecilia.

This message was edited 10/4/2021, 11:34 AM

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The funny thing is, Jean Harlow wasn't even promiscuous. She had a sexy image, but she never considered herself a very sexual person. I like Harlow Adeline. Not a huge fan of Cecilia in the combo, but Harlow Adeline is nice.
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Oh, of course, and no judgement from me whether she was promiscuous or not! I just think it’s funny and honestly quite witty of Asquith, even if her attitude sucked. I almost did Harlow Cecilia but it wasn’t as cohesive as I thought, but Harlow Adeline was and I thought I might as well stick Cecilia on there too.
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Oh, I didn't think you were judging. I'm just a Jean Harlow fangirl. It IS a funny story. :)
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Harlow sounds/looks too much like Harlot and for that reason I would choose Monroe, even though I don't love it. Can I choose Marlowe instead? But if not,Monroe Josephine
Monroe Ivy
Monroe Eliza
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Harlow, definitely.I actually don't mind Harlow, it's kind of cute.I dislike Monroe, it feels more celebrity trendy and makes me think of Marilyn Monroe's early passing and also of Marilyn Manson even though he is not even using the name. But Marilyn Monroe and Marilyn Manson are now kind of connected in my head and I think he is the reason why Marilyn didn't make a comeback.Jean Harlow had a bad ending as well, unfortunately, but I feel like Harlow isn't nearly as associated with her as Monroe is with Marilyn.
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I'll punish you right back! This is a pre-emptive strike: I'd choose Jean rather than Marilyn. So there! Cos, I don't do lnfns.
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I would pick Jean, too.
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