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Names on which you've done a complete 180.
What are some names that you opinion of now is entirely different from how things started out?I have three that come to mind immediately. The first is Caroline (pronounced with a "lien" ending - said "lin," and I picture Carolyn only). I had always found Caroline to be so cold growing up, even a bit snooty - though I thought the nicknames Caro (British) and Carrie (American / Canadian) were cute. But about half a year ago my taste shifted, and I found Caroline genuinely chic rather than… la-di-da.Next is Alice. For a long time, I felt like this was a name I should like, given my tastes, but I didn't. That's because I found Alice to be terribly melancholic and tragic - the ultimate Goth name, essentially. Alice in Wonderland, Go Ask Alice, Alice as a figure in numerous songs (the one by Sisters of Mercy at the forefront of my mind)… definitely too tragic for me. Then, I watched something that had a young woman named Tallis in it, which I found highly intriguing as a feminine name. Since Tallis sounds like Alice with a T, the name familiarized me with Alice by association. And now... well, the combo Alice Caroline is sitting pretty in my Top 10. :-PMost recently, I have become fascinated with Helena (instinctive pronunciation HEL-eh-nə). I have never actually disliked the sound of the name, though I always discounted it in the past in favor of Elaine, Elena (eh-LAY-nə), or Eleanor / Elinor. Why? Well... it began with "Hell." For ages, I just couldn't shake the "Hell" association. (Helen did the same for me, though of the two I vastly prefer Helena.) I can't explain why exactly it stopped bothering me, though I think it helps that I recognize how weird it would be for me to use Elaine or Elena in real life (due to associations).And then there's the name on which I pretty much did a full 360-degree turn: Charlotte. I used to adore Charlotte - in fact, I was pretty certain that in the event I had a daughter, her name would be Charlotte Olivia Florence. (I tend to like the letter O, not sure why.) Then, something happened. Something happened and I grew to loathe Charlotte, just finding the sound absolutely insipid. This lasted for years. Eventually the hatred died down, and I just kind of shrugged at Charlotte. Now I appreciate Charlotte once more, though she's really far to popular for me to consider her as a first name (#3 nationally - steadily rising - and #4 in my state). She's in my stock combo Felicity Charlotte.Edit: one of my 180-turns in the opposite direction is for the masculine name Spencer (all of the above are feminine names). I used to really enjoy Spencer, especially as a teen. Now, however, I find Spencer to be pratish and like the most obnoxious of the rich NYC preps.***Please rate my personal name

This message was edited 2/15/2023, 8:11 AM

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I used to really dislike Beatrice, but now I kind of love it. I don't know if I would actually use it for a child, but I wouldn't be against it either. I think reading Dante (let's be real, also A Series of Unfortunate Events) kind of turned me around on it. I used to think of it as sounding like a name for an old lady, but now I think it sounds a bit romantic and elegant.
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Oh, I have many!!
When I was young, I especially despised Alexis; I knew so many! Now, it’s one of my favorite names.
I also despised Joel, Caylee (all spellings), Colton, Maurice, and Jody…all names that I really like now.
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- Erin - I have suddenly really started liking this name out of the blue, after never really liking it on a girl before.
- Emmeline - I have always really loved this pronounced ending in -leen, but recently I have also started liking it pronounced -line as well :)
- I used to ADORE the name Amelie. I was SURE that this name would be the one I would pick if I ever had a daughter, but then it just kind of faded away for me. It wasn't like I ever hated it, but I no longer LOVE it. I actually forgot it existed until I was thinking about this question, haha. But 2020 me was obsessed with this name. Now, I think it's really pretty, but not the best name out there.
- I also fell in love with the name Maris (pronounced MEHR-is), but then very quickly decided that it sounded too out there for my taste . But for a hot second it was my #1 girls name.
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I used to dislike Sophie/Sophia/Sofia, find it bland and unappealing. I still wouldn’t use it because it’s too popular but I do appreciate the simplicity, internationality and meaning.I used to find Bailey ridiculous until I met someone by the name. Can’t say I like it but I don’t find it as ridiculous. I flipped on Davide: loved it, hated it because of a bully, loved it again when I made a good friend by this name.

This message was edited 2/14/2023, 10:14 PM

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Felicity. I thought it was so catlike and cuddly when I was about 9-12. I wished it was my name. Now I hate it a lot - like too much, extremely. It seems almost rude to me. Tacky and ugly and cloying, like Chastity or Peaches. Meeting a pleasant person named Felicity did nothing to make me hate it less. Apologies to you people who like it (but you have bad taste). Maybe the fact that I liked it before, is kinda why I dislike it so much now? I dunno.Milder flips: Tiffany (dislike to like), Sebastian (hate to positive/neutral), Valerie (like to dislike)

This message was edited 2/14/2023, 8:15 PM

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QuoteApologies to you people who like it (but you have bad taste).
BAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, this made me laugh.I actually should've included Felicity in my OP (separate from the Charlotte entry), but in the exact opposite direction. When I was a kid I hated Felicity, primarily because I thought the TV show (with Keri Russell) was beyond stupid. Didn't grow to love the name until a couple years ago, and it's one of the only virtue names I enjoy.
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I've actually started liking the virtue names, ever since I had the idea of a character with a virtue name who just... is having the absolute worst time. Character's name is Felicity? Cue depression. Name is Verity? Cue living a lie. Mercy? Yeah, it's gonna be a bloody story. I still wouldn't use them on a real person though.
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Peyton. I used to despise Peyton. But then 2 things happened: I met a cute dog named Peyton, and I finally read Peyton Place, the book that started it all, and loved it. So now, I love Peyton. I'd even USE IT, PROUDLY although I don't really know what I'd do with it.There are lots of other names that I've grown to love or hate, but Peyton is probably the most dramatic example.
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Anouk - this one was strange. I suddenly fall in love with it: one day someone mentioned it and I find myself adding it to my PNL.
Artemis - I was sceptical, the name seemed clumsy, inelegantly "rectangular", now I like it.
Nimue - an extravagant name. I disliked it actively. Now I love its unique sound.
Ines - I used to find it dated and boring. Now I find it sweet.
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Both Ines and Inez confuse me. Is it EE-nes(z) or IE-nes(z)?
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I pronounce them with an -ee- and -s-.
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I’ve done a 360 with Harper. I loved it as a teen before it became commonly used. Then it became super common and I started to dislike it. Only recently I’m crushing on it again for some reason.
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Branwen, Gertrude, Muriel & Ramona.
Branwen: I’ve always loved Bronwen & Bronwyn, but I never got on board with Branwen until recently.Gertrude: I used to hate it, but now I’m okay with it, although I love the nickname Gertie more than Gertrude itself.Muriel: Like Gertrude, I used to hate it and found it really “Old lady-ish”, but now I find it charming.Ramona: I didn’t like the “moan” sound, but after watching “Ramona and Beezus” for the first time recently, I love this name.

This message was edited 2/14/2023, 11:06 AM

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Rachel. I used to hate the "ch" sound and thought it was frumpy. Now I think she's cute and friendly.I wouldn't use Nevaeh, but now I know a handful it's not so offensive IRL.My favourite boys name when I first found this site was Evren, I thought it was so cool (Evan isn't common here) but now I think the sound isn't that interesting and it feels very "meh".
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I agree with Nevaeh. I still would never use it, but I like the sound.
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Eleanor.I used to think this was a "fat old lady" name, but I have recently come to love it!
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