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Make Triplets - 2000s!
Names randomly selected from the 2000-2009 Top 100. Choose one name from each list to make sets of triplets.1. Addison, Aiden, Andrea, Antonio, Makayla, Matthew, Mia, Noah, Ryan, Sophia
2. Alexandra, Angelina, Claire, Ella, Gabriel, Jack, James, Lily, Miguel, Seth
3. Amelia, Brooklyn, Bryan, Cody, Ian, Jaden, Kyle, Kylie, Mackenzie, PaigeOur only limits are the ones we place on ourselves.
—Cordelia, 2012
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Antonio, Gabriel, Amelia
Matthew, Alexandra, Kylie
Mia, Jack, Paige
Noah, Seth, Jaden
Ryan, Ella, Brooklyn
Sophia, Lily, Kyle
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Addison, James, Cody
Aiden, Ella, Ian
Andrea, Miguel, Bryan
Antonio, Gabriel, Mackenzie
Makayla, Alexandra, Brooklyn
Matthew, Claire, Amelia
Mia, Seth, Jaden
Noah, Lily, Paige
Ryan, Jack, Kyle
Sophia, Angelina, Kylie
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Sophia, James, and Amelia
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Addison, Ella, Jaden
Aiden, Lily, Kyle
Andrea, Claire, Ian
Antonio, Miguel, Amelia
Makayla, Gabriel, Bryan
Matthew, James, Cody
Mia, Jack, Paige
Noah, Seth, Kylie
Ryan, Alexandra, Mackenzie
Sophia, Angelina, Brooklyn
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Noah, Seth, & Kyle
Addison, Claire, & Jaden
Ryan, Seth, & Kyle
Addison, James, & Jaden
Noah, Claire, & Kyle
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Addison, Ella & Brooklyn
Aiden, Jack & Kylie
Andrea, Alexandra & Amelia
Antonio, Miguel & Ian
Makayla, Seth & Jaden
Matthew, James & Kyle
Mia, Claire & Paige
Noah, Lily & Mackenzie
Ryan, Gabriel & Cody
Sophia, Angelina & Bryan
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Ryan, Jack, & Mackenzie
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Ryan Matthew
Jack Gabriel
Amelia Paige
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My shot!Addison, Claire, Brooklyn
Aiden, Jack, Mackenzie
Andrea, Seth, Bryan
Antonio, Miguel, Kyle
Makayla, Angelina, Jaden
Matthew, James, Ian
Mia, Ella, Kylie
Noah, Gabriel, Paige
Ryan, Alexandra, Cody
Sophia, Lily, Amelia
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