Irish Mythology Submitted Names

These names occur in the mythologies and legends of Ireland.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Achall f Irish Mythology
Achall, daughter of Cairbre Nia Fer, king of Tara, and his wife Fedelm Noíchrothach, is a minor character from the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. After her brother Erc was killed by Conall Cernach, she died of grief on a hill near Tara, which was named Achall after her.
Achtan f Irish Mythology, Celtic Mythology
The Irish heroine who bore Cormac, the king.
Aeval f Irish Mythology
Anglicized form of Aíbell.
Aimend f Irish Mythology
Irish sun godess. This name appears to be derived from Proto-Celtic aidu-mandā. The name literally means "burning stain," which may have been a byword for the notion of ‘sunburn.’ The Romano-British form of this Proto-Celtic name is likely to have been Aedumanda.
Amergin m Irish Mythology
This was the name of two poets in Irish mythology.
Aoibheall f Irish Mythology, Folklore
Probably from Old Irish óibell "spark, fire". In Irish legend this is the name of a banshee or goddess who appeared to the Irish king Brian Boru on the eve of the Battle of Clontarf (1014). She is still said to dwell in the fairy mound of Craig Liath in County Clare.
Aoibhgréine f Irish Mythology
Derived from Irish aoibh "smile, pleasant expression" and grian "sun". This name belonged to the daughter of Deirdre and Naoise in Longas Mac nUislenn (The Exile of the Sons of Uisnech), a story of the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology... [more]
Aynia f Irish Mythology
Allegedly an Irish fairy queen from Ulster. Her name might be a corruption of Irish Áine with whom she might be identical.
Badb f Irish Mythology, Irish
Means "crow, demon" in early Irish (and may have originally denoted "battle" or "strife"). In Irish myth the Badb was a war goddess who took the form of a crow. She and her sisters, the Morrígan and Macha, were a trinity of war goddesses known collectively as the Morrígna.
Báine f & m Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Irish Mythology
An Irish name meaning "whiteness, pallor". In Irish Mythology, Báine was a princess, daughter of Tuathal Techtmar, ancestor of the kings of Ireland. "Cailín na Gruaige Báine" and "Bruach na Carraige Báine" are the names of two traditional Irish songs.... [more]
Banba f Irish Mythology
One of a trinity of Irish goddesses, with Ériu and Fódla.
Bec f Irish Mythology (?)
Allegedly an older form of Irish beag "small".... [more]
Bécuma f Irish Mythology
Means "troubled lady", from Old Irish "woman" and a second element, perhaps chuma, meaning "grief, sorrow, wound". In Irish legend she was a woman who 'dwelt in the Land of Promise and had an affair with Gaiar, a son of Manannán mac Lir, the sea-god... [more]
Bétéide f Irish Mythology
Means "wanton lady" in Irish Gaelic, from "woman" and téide "wantonness" (see Téide). In Irish legend she is a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, daughter of the goddess Flidais and sister of the witch-like Bé Chuille.
Bodb m Irish Mythology
In Irish mythology, Bodb Derg was a son of Eochaid Garb or the Dagda, and the Dagda's successor as King of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
Brandubh m Irish Mythology
Means "black raven" in Irish. In Irish legend this was a board game played by the heroes and gods. It was also the name of a king of Leinster (whom the 'Annals of Ulster' say died in 604); he was a good friend of Mongán of the Dál nAraidi but coveted Mongán's wife, Dubh Lacha... [more]
Cadhan m Old Irish, Irish Mythology
Gaelic byname meaning "barnacle goose". In Irish legend Cadhan was a hero who slayed a monster with the help of his hound.
Caílte m Irish, Irish Mythology
Older form of Caoilte, possibly derived from Irish caol meaning "slender". In Irish legend Caílte was a warrior of the Fianna and their foremost poet... [more]
Cainnear f Old Irish, Irish Mythology
From Irish caoin meaning "gentle", and der meaning "daughter". This was the name of Queen Medb's daughter in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. Some saints have borne this name as well.
Cairenn f Irish Mythology
In medieval Irish legends, this name was borne by the mother of Niall of the Nine Hostages, a concubine of King Eochu (or Eochaid). She was treated harshly by his jealous wife Queen Mongfind, but later rescued by her son.
Cessair f Irish, Irish Mythology
Allegedly means "affliction, sorrow". According to Irish legend Cessair was a granddaughter of Noah who died in the great flood. The name also belonged to a Gaulish princess who married the Irish high king Úgaine Mór in the 5th or 6th century BC.
Cethlenn f Irish Mythology
Possibly means "crooked tooth". In Irish myth she was the wife of Balor of the Evil Eye, king of the Fomorians and by him the mother of Ethniu (or Eithne, Ethlenn).... [more]
Ciabhán m Irish Mythology
From Irish ciabhar meaning "locks, head of hair". In Irish mythology Ciabhán was the mortal lover of Clíodhna. It is often anglicized as Keevan.
Ciarnait f Irish Mythology
Feminine form of Ciarán.
Cochrann f Irish Mythology
Perhaps from Cróchnait, which was derived from Irish cróch "saffron, red" (from Latin crocus) combined with a diminutive suffix. In the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology Cochrann is a daughter of Cathair Mór, king of Leinster, and the mother of Diarmaid and Oscar; in ballads the character is known as Cróchnat.
Colla m Scottish, Irish, Irish Mythology
This is said to have been the name of three warrior brothers who founded the Irish kingdom of Airgialla and whose descendents ruled the Scottish kingdom of Dal Riada. ... [more]
Creidhne m Irish Mythology
Creidhne was a goldsmith in Irish Mythology. He was the son of Brigid and Tuireann.
Deichtine f Irish Mythology
Possibly from Old Irish deich, meaning "ten", and tine meaning "fire" or tíre, "land, country". This was the name of the mother of Cuchulainn, whom she conceived with Lugh.
Derbforgaill f Old Irish, Irish Mythology
From Gaelic Der bForgaill, which apparently meant "daughter of Forgall". It may be an earlier form of Dearbháil or Deirbhile... [more]
Dérgréine f Irish Mythology
Means "tear of the sun", composed of Old Irish dér "tear" and grían "the sun" (genitive gréine; compare Aoibhgréine). In Irish legend Dér Gréine was the daughter of Fiachna Mac Retach, who married Laoghaire Mac Crimthann of Connacht.
Dian Cécht m Irish Mythology
Derived from Old Irish dían meaning "swift" and cécht meaning "power". Name borne by one of the Tuatha Dé Dannan, who was the grandfather of the god Lugh.
Duibhne m & f Irish, Irish Mythology
Possibly means "ill-tempered, surly", derived from dub "black".
Eachna f Irish Mythology, Old Irish
Probably derived from Old Irish ech "horse" combined with a diminutive suffix. In Irish mythology, Eachna was a daughter of a king of Connacht, famed for her skill at chess.
Éile f Irish Mythology
Name of the sister of queen Méadbh(from irish mythology)
Eisirt m Irish Mythology
Servant of king Iubdan and one of the Otherworld's most significant bards.
Eremon m Irish Mythology
In Irish mythology Eremon (also known as Heremon) participated in the Milesian conquest of Ireland.
Fainche f Irish (Rare), Irish Mythology
Derived from Irish fuinche meaning "scald-crow" or "black fox". It occurs in Irish myth as the name of the daughter of Dáire Derg and mother of the three Fothads by a warrior called Mac Nia... [more]
Ferdia m Irish Mythology
From Fer Diad, which is of uncertain meaning. The first element is Gaelic fear "man"; the second element could be related to dïas "two persons" ("man of the pair") or an element meaning "smoke" ("man of smoke")... [more]
Ferdiad m Irish Mythology
Irish name likely meaning "warrior of the pair". In Irish mythology, Ferdiad was the best friend and foster brother of Cú Chulainn, whom he is eventually forced to fight and subsequently killed by.
Féthnaid f Irish, Irish Mythology
Of uncertain origin and meaning.... [more]
Fial f Irish Mythology
Means "generous, modest, honorable" in Irish. In Irish myth this was the name of Emer's elder sister, "also a goddess", whom Cúchulainn supposedly rejected because of her relations with Cairbre Nia Fer... [more]
Findabhair f Irish, Irish Mythology
Popularly claimed to be an Irish cognate of Gwenhwyfar (see Guinevere), it may actually mean "fair-browed" from Old Irish find "white, fair" and abair "a brow" (or "eyelash")... [more]
Finegas m Irish Mythology
Finn Eces (Also known as Finneces, Finegas, or Finnegas) is a legendary Irish poet and sage, according to the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology.
Finneces m Irish Mythology
A legendary Irish poet and sage, according to the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology.
Finvarra m Irish Mythology
Finvarra, also called Finvara, Finn Bheara,Finbeara or Fionnbharr, is the king of the Daoine Sidhe of western Ireland in Irish folklore. In some legends, he is also the ruler of the dead. Finvarra is a benevolent figure, associated with horses, who ensures good harvests and rewards mortals with riches
Fionnabhair f Irish Mythology
From the Old Irish finn "bright, fair" and siabhre "phantom, fairy", making it a cognate of Guinevere. Alternatively, it could derive from find "white, fair" and abair "brow; eyelash".... [more]
Fionnula f Irish, Irish Mythology
Variant of Fionnghuala (see Fionnuala). A known bearer of this name is the Irish actress Fionnula Flanagan (b. 1941).
Flidais f Irish Mythology
Meaning uncertain, allegedly "doe". Flidais was an Irish goddess of forests, hunting and wild animals, especially stags and deer - by which her chariot was drawn. She is the chief figure in the 'Táin Bó Flidhais', one of the lesser known cattle raid tales which makes her the wife of Ailill Finn and lover, later wife, of the hero Fergus mac Róich.
Fódla f Irish Mythology
One of a trinity of Irish goddesses, with Banba and Ériu.
Forgall m Irish Mythology
Perhaps related to Irish forgella "testifies". In Irish legend he was the father of Emer, nicknamed "the cunning, dextrous, wily". The Wily Lord of Lusca tried to prevent his daughter marrying Cúchulainn and, rather than face the champion's wrath, leapt to his death from the ramparts of his fortress.
Fraoch m Irish Mythology
Means "wrath" or "fury" in Irish. Fraoch is a Connacht hero in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology, the hero of the 'Táin Bó Fraoch', Cattle Raid of Fraoch (which has been claimed to be the main source of the English saga of 'Beowulf')... [more]
Glaisne m Irish, Irish Mythology
Possibly derived from Irish glaisin meaning "woad", a plant used to make blue dye, or the related glas meaning "green, greenish; grey".
Grian f Irish Mythology
Grian (literally, "Sun") is the name of an Irish figure, presumed to be a pre-Christian goddess, associated with County Limerick and Cnoc Greine ("Hill of Grian, Hill of the sun").
Heremon m Irish Mythology
Irish Eireamhón. Possibly anglicised as Irving.
Irial m Irish Mythology, Irish (Rare)
Irial Fáid was a legendary High King of Ireland.
Leabharcham f Irish Mythology
Means "crooked book" from Gaelic leabhar "book" and cham "crooked" (a byname probably referring to posture). In Irish legend this was the name of the wise old woman who raised Deirdre in seclusion, and who brought together Deirdre and Naoise.
Lendabair f Irish Mythology
Derived from Irish leannán meaning "lover, sweetheart". Perhaps the second element is siabhre "spirit, fairy" (compare Findabhair).
Liath Luachra f & m Irish Mythology
Means "gray of Luachair" in Irish. It was the name of two characters in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology, which both appear in The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn.
Líban f Irish Mythology
From Old Irish , meaning "beauty, brilliance", and ban "of women". This was the name of a few mythological figures, including a supernatural woman in the Ulster Cycle, and a more legendary woman who supposedly transformed into a mermaid.
Líobhan f Irish Mythology
Form of the Gaelic name Lí Ban, meaning "beauty of women". It belonged to two characters in Irish myth, one a mermaid captured in Lough Neagh in 558, according to the 'Annals of the Four Masters' (see also Muirgen).
Macha f Irish, Irish Mythology
Possibly from Proto-Celtic *makajā "plain (level country)". In Irish legend this was the name of a war goddess, sister of the Morrígan and the Badb... [more]
Midir m Irish Mythology
Meaning uncertain. In early Irish literature he was the sídhe lover of Étaín.
Mongfind f Irish Mythology
Older form of Mongfhionn, derived from Irish mong "hair" and fionn "white; bright". ... [more]
Morrígu f Irish Mythology
Meaning "great queen" or "phantom queen."
Neachtan m Irish, Irish Mythology
The name of the Irish god of water, cognate to Neptune.
Neit m Irish Mythology, Celtic Mythology
Neit likely came from the Proto-Celtic *nei-t-, meaning “impassioned” or “fighting.”... [more]
Nemain f Irish Mythology
In Irish Mythology, Nemain is the fairy spirit of the frenzied havoc of war, and possibly an aspect of Morrígan. Nemain can mean "venomous" relating it to the Proto-Celtic "nemi" meaning "dose of poison," or the Old Irish "nem" or "neimi" meaning "poison."
Niab f Irish Mythology
An older form of Niamh.
Ogma m Irish Mythology
Ogma (modern spelling: Oghma) was a god from Irish and Scottish mythology & a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He was often considered a deity and may be related to the Gallic god Ogmios. According to the Ogam Tract, he is the inventor of Ogham, the script in which Irish Gaelic was first written... [more]
Oifa f Irish Mythology
Form of Aoife used in Joseph Jacobs's translation of the Irish legend the Children of Lir for the jealous third wife of Lir.
Orba m Irish Mythology
According to Irish legends and historical traditions, Orba was a son of Éber Finn. He and his brothers Ér, Ferón and Fergna were joint High Kings of Ireland for half a year after they killed their cousins in the Battle of Árd Ladrann... [more]
Plúr na mBan f Irish Mythology
Means "the flower of women", deriving from the Anglo-Norman element flur ("flower, blossom"), and the Irish element na mban ("of the women"). Name borne by the daughter of Oisín and Niamh in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology.
Riphath m Biblical, Irish Mythology, Irish, Scottish
Name of Gomer second-born son in Genesis ch. 10. Irish/Scottish oral tradition (Leber Gabala Eirinn) lists him as the ancestor of the Scots (including the Irish). They too call him the second son of Gomer... [more]
Sétanta m Irish Mythology
“Given name of the folk hero, Cúchulainn”. This birth name was imparted by the deity, Lug, prior to the conception of the demigod child by the mortal mother, Deichtine.
Sionna f Irish Mythology (?)
Allegedly an Anglicization of Sionainn.
Tailtiu f Irish Mythology
Tailtiu is the name of a presumed goddess in Irish Mythology.
Téide f Irish Mythology (?)
Allegedly a wife of Finn MacCúmhaill.... [more]
Tethra m Irish Mythology
In Irish myth, king of the Fomorians, as well as the sea god and god of the otherworld. He was killed in the first battle of Mag Tuireadh. Since then he rules Mag Mell.
Uathach f Irish Mythology
From Irish úathach meaning "terrible, dreadful". In Irish legend she was the daughter of Scáthach and fellow teacher at her school for warriors.
Uirne f Irish Mythology
Means "sharp mouth". Name borne by the sister of Fionn Mac Cumhail in the Fenian Cycle.