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[Opinions] Rachel
My partner and I were discussing names for our hypothetical children today. Her Oma's name was Rachel, and I'd really like to honour her by using that as a middle name. However, there are so many possibilities for a first name, I just don't know where to begin! We have the same tastes as far as names go, so I don't foresee any major drama in that respect.What first names would you suggest for a middle name of Rachel? Also, what do you think of Alice Rachel? (Alice is a family name for me.)Thanks!
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Rachel in nice bit needs a long rest. I'd avoid it as a first name. I do like Alice Rachel, though.
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That's funny - Rachel popped into my head the other night and I realised that I do like it but it's too popular for me to use. Great for a middle name spot though especially if it's a family name. I love Alice Rachel - Alice is in my mind a lot lately.Anyway -
Janina Rachel
Prudence Rachel
Clarice Rachel (was going to say Clara Rachel but I see it's being mentioned)
Moira Rachel
Juno Rachel
Hester Rachel
Rosalind Rachel
Elsa Rachel
Evalina Rachel
Josephine Rachel
Bertha Rachel
Venetia RachelAnd though they were mentioend already I have to confirm my love for
Katherine Rachel
Elizabeth Rachel
Charlotte Rachel
Naomi Rachel( I can take or leave Naomi usually but this is a great combo:))
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Rosalind Rachel is excellent. I really like Elsa Rachel, too.Thanks!
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So many great combos! :) I LOVE Susannah Rachel, but Jemima Rachel is brilliant. I love that so much.Joanna Rachel is growing on me. I like that sound of it.Thank you so much!
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Alice Rachel is a keeper imo. I think it's very nice. I also really like:Emily Rachel
Emma Rachel
Tabitha Rachel
Ivy Rachel
Lucy Rachel
Josephine Rachel
Julia Rachel
Heidi Rachel
Holly Rachel
Gwendolyn Rachel
Guinevere Rachel
Felicity Rachel
Daisy Rachel
Sadie Rachel
Ava Rachel
Amy Rachel
Chloe Rachel
Natalie Rachel
Molly Rachel
Matilda Rachel
Madeleine Rachel
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Thanks for all the great suggestions!I love:Ava Rachel
Emma Rachel
Emily Rachel
Lucy Rachel
Sadie Rachel
Molly Rachel
Matilda RachelLovely. :)
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Gah! You have me torn with Alice Rachel!I mean, Alice is my favorite name in the world and Rachel... isn't. I actually despise Rachel, it being my own name. But, I have to admit-- Alice Rachel has nice flow. I don't think I can think of a better combo if using Rachel is a necessity. But here are some combos off the top of my head:Josephine Rachel
Evelyn Rachel
Genevieve Rachel
Matilda Rachel
Odessa Rachel
Sylvia Rachel
Persephone Rachel
Lillian Rachel
Isis Rachel
Felicity Rachel
Dorothy Rachel
Claudia Rachel
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LOVE Dorothy Rachel. Just love it. Sylvia Rachel is great as well. Matilda Rachel is sweet.I would like Claudia Rachel, but my friend just named her daughter Claudia Caitlyn, so that's out. :)Thanks!

This message was edited 10/5/2008, 7:41 PM

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Naomi Rachel is just lovely. It's really too bad that Esther Rachel runs together or I'd latch onto it. (How did I get from Esther to Naomi? you say. Well, I don't quite know myself, but I think Esther Naomi was a favourite combo at one time, lol.)Clara Rachel is beautiful. Just lovely. And I just love Clara.Aviva Rachel is too gorgeous for words. Charlotte Rachel is beautiful, too. I'm really, really liking this one. Definitely going to the top of the list.I like Anneliese, but I might use the Dutch form, Annelies, since it's closer to my partner's name. :)Your correct, though, Rachel makes a lot of great combos!

This message was edited 10/5/2008, 7:33 PM

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Aviva Rachel and Charlotte Rachel were some of my favorites too. Glad I could help!
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Clara RachelWhy didn't I think of that one? I love R heavy names. :-D I think about 1/4 of my boys' favorites begin with an R. I'll have to keep that one in mind for myself.
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Heh. My name was *this* close to being Cara Rachel, but my parents decided the Rs ran into eachother and switched it around to be Rachel Cara.
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Alice Rachel could work since Alice isn't overdone.
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I think Alice Rachel is a bit choppy but I wouldn't use that as an excuse to dismiss it. It's otherwise a sweet and classy sort of name.Just to mention it, my favorite combo using it as a first name is Rachel Miriam (although I prefer Rachael myself). With it as a middle name I might suggest:Susannah Rachel
Evelyn Rachel
Mamie Rachel
Lorraine Rachel
Marcella Rachel
Deirdre Rachel
Denisa Rachel
Priscilla Rachel; I like Priscilla in the abstract but always envision it being a bit unwieldy in real life.
Sabina Rachel
Simona / Simone Rachel
Aleida Rachel
Elaine Rachel
Leonora Rachel
Moriah Rachel
Cherith Rachel
Anita Rachel

This message was edited 10/5/2008, 6:56 PM

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*gasp* I have an insurmountable love for the name Susannah. Susannah Rachel is BEAUTIFUL. Up until now, Charlotte Rachel occupied the top spot, but now it is Susannah Rachel. Thank you!

This message was edited 10/5/2008, 7:38 PM

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I love Alice Rachel. beautiful about:Emmeline Rachel
Caroline Rachel
Virginia Rachel
Pearl Rachel
Victoria Rachel
Mary Rachel
Charlotte RachelMy favorite is Alice Rachel.
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Thank you. I really like Alice Rachel, too, and it seems a lot of others have good things to say about it. :)Charlotte Rachel is fabulous. As I said in another post, I love it.Caroline Rachel is growing on me. Caroline and Rachel both seem like 'hard' names to me, so I don't know about putting them together. I'll keep it in mind, though.Virginia Rachel is great, though I might opt for Virginie Rachel.Emmeline Rachel is wonderful. :)Thanks!
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I love Alice, too. I never realized how difficult it would be to find a first name to go with Rachel as a middle name! I've only known Rachels as first names. Out of Amazing's suggestions, I think I like Elizabeth Rachel best, but I prefer the "z" spelling (family name for me). The "s" spelling is nice too though, since it has a softer sound.Hannah Rachel is nice, too. Wow, that's a lot of H's!
How about Mary Rachel?
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I like Hannah, but I have a cousin named Hannah so that's out. :)I really like Mary Rachel, however we have a rather bad association with Mary. It's a rather silly and stupid association, and Mary's such a nice name...I don't know. Mary's a name we'd have to mull over.Elizabeth is out, but Elisabeth could be a contender.Thanks. :)
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Ooooo, Iris Rachel is beautiful. I can't take my eyes off it. Definitely going on the list.Lucinda Rachel is gorgeous. I've always loved Lucinda.Willa is a name I've been giving a lot of thought to lately. Willa Rachel sounds very nice.Sylvie Rachel - love it.I like Cecilia Rachel, but I'm in love with Celia Rachel or even Cécile Rachel (but I think in her native tongue, Cécile and Rachel would rhyme).Thanks!

This message was edited 10/5/2008, 7:22 PM

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"Will Rachel what?"Just saying... My 1st husband's last name is Briese, it is German and pronounced "Breezy." His eldest sister was nearly named "Wendy" until his parents actually saw it on the birth certificate and then said it aloud. They immediately changed it to Yvonne lol My last name is Sweet, and I have cousins who are named Candy, Cookie, Taffy, and Sissie. Say THOSE aloud a few times and you'll see why I get so cautious around name combinations that start to sound like silly phrases, even if the names are wonderful without each other.All of these other combinations are pretty good ideas. :)
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'Will' was a typo. It's suppose to be Willa.
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LOL! omg, I'm so sorry... Well, Willa Rachel is nice, but not my favorite of your choices.And unfortunately, people really do make those mistakes when naming their kids--forgetting about how the names sound together, or worse yet, doing it on purpose like my Sweet family did!
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Very true.I read an article close to Christmas time last year about a family that had the last name Christmas with various members named White and Merry, etc. It was wild. :)
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Alice Rachel is very pretty! Other suggestions:Amelia Rachel
Josephine Rachel
Katia Rachel
Danica Rachel (my cousin's name)
Penelope Rachel
Sophia Rachel
Saoirse Rachel
Vivian Rachel
Veronica Rachel
Emmeline Rachel
Daisy Rachel
Elysia Rachel
Corinna Rachel
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Daisy Rachel is cute. Very bright and sunny. :)The is the second time I've seen Vivian Rachel suggested, and it's growing on me. I do like the option of using Vivi.Emmeline Rachel is cute. We'd discussed Emma Rachel; Emmeline is adorable.Thank you. :)
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Vivian Rachel and Emmeline Rachel are both very nice, as is Emma Rachel. Considering the fact that "Rachel" means "a ewe" I would avoid giving her a first name which may sometimes be food to sheep, so no Daisy Rachel ;)
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My name is Rachael. Represent!Anyway, FN suggestions? Let me see...Alice Rachel (very pretty and classic)
Elisabeth Rachel
Vivian Rachel
Lydia Rachel
Helena Rachel
Genevieve Rachel
Sophia Rachel
Julia Rachel
Penelope Rachel
Evelyn Rachel
Katherine Rachel
Charlotte Rachel
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Ohhh, Charlotte Rachel is very pretty. I love Evelyn Rachel, too. I don't know if it's contender-worthy, but I do like it a lot.I like Katherine Rachel, but my name is Catherine.Elisabeth Rachel is gorgeous. My niece's middle name is Elizabeth, but I don't think there would be a problem using Elisabeth and as a first name.Thanks!
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People who read my posts will soon tire of hearing me repeatedly mention this, but I am biased toward the name Charlotte, and I would advocate it as a first name. It is my own daughter's name. :)
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Your daughter has a very wonderful name. :) It's simply beautiful.
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Thank you :)
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You're welcome. :)
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