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Make a life with a name! Name is Alexander Robert Woodcross
1)which contry is he from?
2)what is his age?
3)eye colour, hair colour and skin tone?
4) parent/s name?
5) amount of siblinngs and the names?
6)bff,single or not,Enemie, and crush/ bf/gf?
7)does he need glasses or not, if does contacts or glasses?
8)any illnesses or disabiltys?
9)hobbies, school life if in school, and job if she has one?
10) any other infomation that you want to add

This message was edited 9/24/2023, 10:25 AM

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He's 41, from the United States. He's got a sister named Nicole Tabitha who is 48, a twin brother named Zachary Brian, a sister named Catrina Julie who is 37, and a brother who is 34 named Gabriel Matthew. His mom is named Rhoda Cornelia Wycliffe and his dad is named David Timothy Woodcross.He has blondish hair, hazel-green eyes, and a medium/olive skin tone. His husband died several years ago in a mass shooting, and he's dating a police officer named Monica, but he might break up with her soon. He has an adopted daughter named Adelaide who is seven. Alex was home schooled then in the army for 4 years, completed a bachelor's degree, and now he works as a court interpreter. He likes fishing and spending time with his daughter, plays bass ukulele, and volunteers occasionally.

This message was edited 9/26/2023, 8:14 PM

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1) Which country is he from?
England.2) What is his age?
823) Eye colour, hair colour and skin tone?
Blue eyes, white hair (used to be light brown) and white.4) Parent/s name?
Robert Jonathan Woodcross and Martha Jane Woodcross (maiden name: Keller), both deceased.5) Amount of siblinngs and the names?
5 siblings (he is the oldest):
-Arthur John Woodcross (80 years old)
-Philip Allan Woodcross (deceased, would've been 79 years old)
-Carol Evelyn Woodcross (married name: Oldman) (75 years old)
-Richard Frank Woodcross (73 years old)
-Elaine Katherine Woodcross (married name: Byrd) (72 years old)6) Bff, single or not, enemie, and crush/ bf/gf?
Bff: William Thomas Oldman (his sister's husband, and his friend since high school).
He was married to Teresa Woodcross (maiden name: Rubio Santos) but she died on a car accident 13 years ago. He's never had a relationship again.7) Does he need glasses or not, if does contacts or glasses?
He needs glasses and uses them instead of contacts.8) Any illnesses or disabiltys?
He's in a wheelchair because he lost the ability to walk in the same accident in which is wife died.9) Hobbies, school life if in school, and job if he has one?
He enjoys reading the newspaper and going to the library once in a while to read a book. He used to work as an English teacher when he was living in Spain.10) Any other infomation that you want to add
He traveled to Gijón, in Spain when he was a college student and fell in love with the city. He went back to live there when he finished college and worked there in several schools and academies as an English teacher. He met his wife in one of the schools were he worked (she was another teacher there). He retired at 65 and four years later (when his wife died) he moved back to England.
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which contry is he from? India
2)what is his age? 36
3)eye colour, hair colour and skin tone? blue olive
4) parent/s name?
5) amount of siblinngs and the names? 1 Philip
6)bff,single or not,Enemie, and crush/ bf/gf? single
7)does he need glasses or not, if does contacts or glasses? glasses
8)any illnesses or disabiltys? unknown
9)hobbies, school life if in school, and job if she has one? -
10) any other infomation that you want to add -What’s the point of this here? nothing to do with opinions….
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Yeah it probably should be in name games instead huh 🤔
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1. England
2. 83
3. White, blonde hair, blue eyes
4. Mary Woodcross (neé Metcalfe) James Woodcross, Step mum: Vivian Woodcross (neé Murphy)
5. Step sisters: Diana and Karen
6. He was married to Carol Jones, but she died of hemeroyds. He has a couple of lads down the club to hand out with, but his enimes are the chelsea supporters. With carol, they had 3 kids, Jack, dead, Shannon, who lives in the USA and Allan who likes to go down the pub for a pint with him
7. No glasses
8. He supports Arsenal
9. He used to work as an accountant before retiring when he was 73. His favourite hoppy is going down the pub for a pint with his mates and watching the footabll. He also enjoys watching football games
10. Hes a true brexit geezer, he likes beer, football, supports arsenal likes eating at Tobys and likes beer
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1. United Kingdom
2. 17
3. Blue eyes, brown hair, pale skin
4. Elizabeth and James Woodcross
5. 2 siblings (Charles and Amelia Woodcross)
6. Michael Chambers (best friend), well-liked with everyone, Freya Shenton (crush)
7. Does not wear glasses/contacts
8. Congenital heart defect
9. Enjoys science, participates in engineering club at school
10. Just throw in a few details
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