Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword treasure.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Rongbin m & f Chinese
From Chinese 榮 (róng) meaning "glory, honour" or 熔 (róng) meaning "to melt" combined with 彬 (bīn) meaning "refined, elegant" or 賓 (bīn) meaning "visitor, guest", as well as other character combinations.
Rongdie f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 蝶 (dié) meaning "butterfly".
Ronghua m & f Chinese
From Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, flourish, prosper" or 蓉 (róng) meaning "lotus" combined with 华 (huá) meaning "flower"... [more]
Rongjie f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 洁 (jié) meaning "clean, pure, purify".
Rongjuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful".
Rongling f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 铃 (líng) meaning "bell".
Rongmei f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 美 (měi) meaning "beauty, beautiful" or 媚 (mèi) meaning "charming, attractive".
Rongqiu f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, florish" and 秋 (qiū) meaning "autumn".
Rongxia f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 夏 (xià) meaning "summer" or "great, grand" or 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds".
Rongxian f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 仙 (xiān) meaning "transcendent, immortal".
Rongxiang f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant, sweet smelling, incense".
Rongxiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 榕 (róng) meaning "banyan tree" or 笑 (xiào) meaning "smile, laugh" and 霄 (xiāo) meaning "sky, clouds, mist" or 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour".
Rongxuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful jade, star".
Rongying f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 映 (yìng) meaning "mirror, reflect, shine".
Rongyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl, gem".
Ruiyu f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 蕤 (ruí) meaning "drooping leaves, delicate" or 睿 (ruì) meaning "shrewd, astute, clever" and 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather", 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, virtues" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure".
Sachiho f Japanese
From Japanese 倖 (sachi) meaning "happiness, luck", 幸 (sachi) meaning "happiness", 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand", 彩 (sa) meaning "colour", 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom", 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze", 祥 (sachi) meaning "auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune", 早 (sa) meaning "early, fast", 禄 (sa) meaning "fief, allowance, pension, grant, happiness" or 祐 (sa) meaning "help", 知 (chi) meaning "know, wisdom" or 智 (chi) meaning "wisdom, intellect, reason" combined with 歩 (ho) meaning "walk", 保 (ho) meaning "protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support", 甫 (ho) meaning "for the first time, not until", 穂 (ho) meaning "ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave)", 帆 (ho) meaning "sail" or 宝 (ho) meaning "treasure, wealth, valuables"... [more]
Sadganj f Balochi
Means "a hundred treasures" in Balochi.
Saito m Japanese
From Japanese 宰 (sai) meaning "superintend, manager, rule", 嵯 (sa) meaning "steep, craggy, rugged", 彩 (sai) meaning "colour", 才 (sai) meaning "genius, years old, cubic shaku", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand", 祭 (sa) meaning "ritual, offer prayers, celebrate, deify, enshrine, worship" or 最 (sai) meaning "utmost, most, extreme" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 渡 (to) meaning "transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 糸 (ito) meaning "thread", 仁 (to) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly", 図 (to) meaning "map, drawing, plan, extraordinary, audacious" or 和 (to) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan"... [more]
Sakae f & m Japanese
Japanese, means "prosperity."... [more]
Sakaeko f Japanese
From Japanese 栄 (sakae) meaning "glory, honour" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Saleumxay m Lao
From Lao ສະເຫຼີມ (saleum) meaning "eulogise, exalt, celebrate" and ໄຊ (xay) meaning "rank, power, authority".
Šarrāḫītu f Near Eastern Mythology
Means "the glorified one" in Akkadian, deriving from the verb šarāḫu ("to make proud, to glorify"). Name borne by a goddess whose cult center was based in Uruk. The oldest attestations of her name connect her with the goddess Ašratum.
Segub m Biblical
Segub, meaning “He has revealed Himself as exalted” or “He has protected.” He was the youngest son of King Ahab
Segula f Jewish, Northern African
Hebrew word name, it has several meanings.... [more]
Seok-gyeong m Korean
From Sino-Korean 碩 (seok) meaning "large, big, great", 錫 (seok) meaning "tin", or 石 (seok) meaning "stone, rock" and 卿 (gyeong) "noble", 敬 (gyeong) "respect, honor" or 耿 (gyeong) "bright, shining".
Setayesh  f Persian
From Persian setayesh meaning "the praise, the worship".
Sgula f Hebrew
Means "talisman, virtue, treasure" in Hebrew.
Shaan m & f Arabic
Means "purpose, honour, dignity, rank" in Arabic.
Sharaf m Uzbek
Means "glory, honour" in Uzbek.
Sharaf al-Din m Arabic
Means "glory of the faith" from Arabic شرف (sharaf) meaning "glory, honour, eminence" and دين (din) meaning "religion, faith".
Sharafjon m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek sharaf meaning "glory, honour" and jon meaning "spirit, soul".
Sharafunnisa f Arabic
Means "glory of women" from شرف (sharaf) meaning "glory, honour" and نساء (nisa) meaning "women"
Shigehiro m Japanese
From Japanese 重 (shige) meaning "main, principal, important" combined with 博 (hiro) meaning "command, esteem". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Shigetoshi m Japanese
From Japanese 栄 (shige) meaning "glory, honor" combined with 利 (toshi) meaning "profit, benefit". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Shinkichi m Japanese
From Japanese 伸 (shin) meaning "expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase", 信 (shin) meaning "faith, truth, fidelity, trust", 心 (shin) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 慎 (shin) meaning "humility, be careful, discreet, prudent", 新 (shin) meaning "fresh, new", 晋 (shin) meaning "advance", 森 (shin) meaning "forest, woods", 申 (shin) meaning "have the honor to, sign of the monkey", 真 (shin) meaning "true, reality", 秦 (shin) meaning "Manchu dynasty", 紳 (shin) meaning "sire, good belt, gentleman", 親 (shin) meaning "parent, intimacy, relative, familiarity, dealer (cards)", 進 (shin) meaning "advance, proceed, progress, promote", 槙 (shin) meaning "twig, ornamental evergreen", 愼 (shin) meaning "care, chastity", 瀋 (shin) meaning "juice, broth" or 眞 (shin) meaning "truth, reality" combined with 吉 (kichi) meaning "good luck"... [more]
Shizuei m Japanese
From Japanese 静 (shizu) meaning "calm, quiet, silent" combined with 栄 (ei) meaning "glory, honor". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Shōn m Japanese (Modern)
Adaptation of Sean or its variants, also in use among the Japanese in recent decades.... [more]
Shoon m Japanese (Modern)
Adaptation of Sean or its variants, also in use among the Japanese in recent decades.... [more]
Shouma m Japanese
From Japanese 尚 (shou) meaning "esteem" combined with 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Shoutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 咲 (shou) meaning "blossom", 匠 (shou) meaning "artisan, workman, carpenter", 商 (shou) meaning "make a deal, selling, dealing in, merchant", 奨 (shou) meaning "exhort, urge, encourage", 将 (shou) meaning "leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about", 小 (shou) meaning "little, small", 尚 (shou) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet", 庄 (shou) meaning "level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet", 承 (shou) meaning "acquiesce, hear, listen to, be informed, receive", 捷 (shou) meaning "victory, fast", 昇 (shou) meaning "rise up", 昌 (shou) meaning "prosperous, bright, clear", 昭 (shou) meaning "shining, bright", 晶 (shou) meaning "sparkle, clear, crystal", 梢 (shou) meaning "treetops, twig", 照 (shou) meaning "illuminate, shine, compare, bashful", 祥 (shou) meaning "auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune", 象 (shou) meaning "elephant, pattern after, imitate, image, shape, sign (of the times)", 鍾 (shou) meaning "spindle, gather, collect", 鐘 (shou) meaning "bell, gong, chimes", 政 (shou) meaning "politics, government", 正 (shou) meaning "correct, justice, righteous", 荘 (shou) meaning "villa, inn, cottage, feudal manor, solemn, dignified", 翔 (shou) meaning "soar, fly", 薔 (shou) meaning "a kind of grass", 鏘 (shou) meaning "tinkling of jade or metal pendants" or 頌 (shou) meaning "eulogy", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big", 多 (ta) meaning "many, frequent, much" or 大 (ta) meaning "large, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son", 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear" or 良 (rou) meaning "good, pleasing, skilled"... [more]
Shuangyu f Chinese
From the Chinese 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost" or 爽 (shuǎng) meaning "bright, clear, cheerful, happy, refreshing" and 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain", 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, flawless gems, virtues", 誉 (yù) meaning "fame, reputation, praise" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure".
Shunta m Japanese
From Japanese 俊 (shun) meaning "sagacious, genius, excellence", 峻 (shun) meaning "high, steep", 春 (shun) meaning "spring", 瞬 (shun) meaning "wink, blink, twinkle", 駿 (shun) meaning "a good horse, speed, a fast person", 旬 (shun) meaning "decameron, ten-day period", 準 (shun) meaning "semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate", 尚 (shun) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet" or 隼 (shun) meaning "falcon" combined with 多 (ta) meaning "many, frequent, much", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" or 汰 (ta) meaning "washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury"... [more]
Shuoyu f Chinese
From the Chinese 朔 (shuò) meaning "the first day of the lunar month" or "north" or 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, virtues", 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade, precious stone".
Shutai f Chinese
From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 泰 (tài) meaning "great, superior, exalted".
Shuxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 新 (xīn) meaning "new, fresh" or 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire".
Sima f Hebrew, Jewish
Derived from Aramaic שים "what is entrusted", this name is usually translated as "treasure, collection of valuable objects".
Simat f Mandaean
Means "treasure" in Mandaic.
Simat-hayyi f Mandaean, Gnosticism
Means "treasure of life" in Mandaic, this is the name of the personification of life in Mandaeism and is also used as a feminine given name in Mandaean communities.
Sinegugu f Zulu
Means "we have treasures" in Zulu.
Sisuda f Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "honour, glory, splendour" and สุดา (suda) meaning "woman, lady, daughter".
Sitthisak m Thai
From Thai สิทธิ (sitthi) meaning "entitlement, right, privilege" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Sōichirō m Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 宗 () meaning either "ancestor, clan" and "esteemed, respectful" or 總 () meaning "overall; altogether" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one" and 郎 () meaning "son" or 朗 () meaning "bright, clear, cheerful".... [more]
Sombath m Lao
Means "treasure, wealth" in Lao.
Somkiat m Thai
From Thai สม (som) meaning "worthy" and เกียรติ (kiat) meaning "honour, glory, fame".
Somsi f & m Thai
From Thai สม (som) meaning "worthy" and ศรี (si) meaning "honour, glory, splendour".
Sonshi f Japanese
Name that was given during the Hēan Period, to an Empress Consort, "藤原 尊子" FUJIWARANOSONSHI, married to "一条天皇" ICHIJŌ the Japanese Emperor Ichijō. The Kanji Character "尊" meaning "Honor" with the Kanji Character "子" meaning "Child"... [more]
Sonshi f Japanese
Name that was given during the Hēan Period, to an Empress Consort, "藤原 尊子" FUJIWARANOSONSHI, married to "一条天皇" ICHIJŌ the Japanese Emperor Ichijō. The Kanji Character "尊" meaning "Honor" with the Kanji Character "子" meaning "Child"... [more]
Sugiharto m Javanese
Derived from Javanese sugih meaning "rich, wealthy" and arta meaning "wealth, money, treasure".
Su-gyeong f Korean
From Sino-Korean 秀 (su) "refined, elegant, graceful" and 敬 (gyeong) meaning "respect, honour".
Suhee f Korean
The meaning of the name Suhee depends on each character in the Hangul alphabet. In Korean, "su" means "elegant" and "hee" means "joy". The overall meaning is "precious" or "treasure"
Suna f Japanese
From Japanese 沙 (suna) or 砂 (suna) meaning "sand", 吹 (su) meaning "blow, breathe, puff, emit", 壽 (su) meaning "longevity, congratulations", 好 (su) meaning "fond, pleasing, like something", 子 (su) meaning "child", 守 (su) meaning "guard, protect, defend, obey", 寿 (su) meaning "longevity, congratulations, one's natural life", 崇 (su) meaning "adore, respect, revere, worship", 州 (su) meaning "state, province", 摩 (su) meaning "chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape", 数 (su) meaning "number, strength, fate, law, figures", 水 (su) meaning "water", 洲 (su) meaning "continent, sandbar, island, country", 清 (su) meaning "pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise", 澄 (su) meaning "lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave", 瑞 (su) meaning "congratulations", 翠 (su) meaning "green", 磨 (su) meaning "grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)", 穂 (su) meaning "ear of grain" or 総 (su) meaning "general, whole, all, full, total" combined with 南 (na) meaning "south", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 捺 (na) meaning "press, print, affix a seal, stamp", 成 (na) meaning "turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach", 梛 (na), type of tall evergreen tree, 為 (na) meaning "do, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of", 鳴 (na) meaning "chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk", 七 (na) meaning "seven", 名 (na) meaning "name", 波 (na) meaning "waves, billows", 納 (na) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store", 莫 (na) meaning "must not, do not, be not", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 那 (na) meaning "what", 凪 (na) meaning "lull, calm", 楠 (na) meaning "camphor tree", 汀 (na) meaning "water's edge, shore, bank", 也 (na) meaning "also", 尚 (na) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet", 水 (na) meaning "water", 夏 (na) meaning "summer", 就 (na) meaning "concerning, settle, take position, depart, study", 懷 (na) meaning "pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom", 直 (na) meaning "straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair", 稔 (na) meaning "harvest, ripen" or 愛 (na) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Surasak m Thai
From Thai สุร (sura) meaning "god, deity, heavenly, celestial" or "brave, valiant" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Suriyasak m Thai
From Thai สุริย (suriya) meaning "sun" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Susak m Thai
From Thai สุ (su) meaning "good" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Suthon m Thai
From Thai สุ (su) meaning "good" and ธน (thon) meaning "wealth, riches, treasure".
Su-yeong f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 秀 "refined, elegant, graceful", 水 "water, liquid" or 洙, the name of a river in Shandong, China (su) and 榮 "glory, honor; flourish, prosper", 永 "eternal", or 暎 "sun beginning decline; reflect" (yeong).
Suyindik m Kazakh
Means "admired", derived from Kazakh сүйсіну (suysinw) meaning "to be cheerful, to admire". This is also the name of a traditional Kazakh tribe.
Svæinhæiðr f Old Norse
Ancient Scandinavian with the combination of sveinn "young man, boy" and heiðr "honour".
Tadaaki m Japanese
From Japanese 惟 (tada) meaning "but; however; nevertheless", 維 (tada) meaning "to tie; to fasten; to tie up", 雅 (tada) meaning "elegant", 賢 (tada) meaning "intelligence", 公 (tada) meaning "public; communal", 江 (tada) meaning "creek, bay", 祥 (tada) meaning "happiness, good luck", 真 (tada) meaning "true, reality", 忠 (tada) meaning "loyalty", 直 (tada) meaning "straight" or 董 (tada) meaning "direct, supervise" combined with 輝 (aki) meaning "brightness; lustre; brilliance; radiance; splendour", 昭 (aki) meaning "shining", 明 (aki) meaning "tomorrow, bright", 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn", 哲 (aki) meaning "philosophy, clear", 照 (aki) meaning "illumination, shining", 敬 (aki) meaning "respect, honor, reverence", 晃 (aki) meaning "clear", 彰 (aki) meaning "obvious, clear", 章 (aki) meaning "chapter; section", 義 (aki) meaning "meaning; implication", 顕 (aki) meaning "manifest, display", 昌 (aki) meaning "good, prosper", 誠 (aki) meaning "sincerity", 旦 (aki) meaning "morning, dawn", 亮 (aki) meaning "clear, help" or 諒 (aki) meaning "excuse, forgive"... [more]
Tadasu m Japanese
From the verb 正す/訂す (tadasu) meaning "to correct, rectify, reform, amend," cognate with the verbs 糺す/糾す (tadasu) meaning "to ascertain, confirm, verify" and 質す (tadasu) meaning "to inquire, question" (compare Tadashi which, in that case, is derived from a classical adjective)... [more]
Tae-geun m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 "great, exalted, superior; big" and 根 "root; foundation"
Tae-ha f Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 (tae) "great, exalted, superior; big" and 夏 (ha) meaning "summer, great, grand".
Tae-hyeong m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 "great, exalted, superior; big" and 亨 "smoothly, progressing, no trouble".
Tae-jin m Korean
Combination of a tae hanja, like 泰 meaning "big, large, great; easy, calm," 兌 meaning "change, switch; happiness" or 太 meaning "big, large; heavy," and a jin hanja, such as 鎭 meaning "quellable," 珍 meaning "treasure," 振 meaning "shake," 進 meaning "advance, progress" or 辰, referring to the Dragon as the fifth of twelve earthly branches in the Chinese zodiac.
Tae-min m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 "great, exalted, superior" and 民 "people, subjects, citizens". A famous bearer is South Korean singer Lee Tae-min (1993-).
Tae-sun f & m Korean (Rare)
From Sino-Korean 泰 (tae) "great, exalted" and 順 (sun) "obey, submit to, go along with". Other hanja can be used.
Tae-u m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 "great, exalted, superior; big" and 愚 "stupid, doltish, foolish".
Tae-yeon m & f Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 "great, exalted" (tae), and 連 "join, connect; continuous; even" or 姸 "beautiful" (yeon). A famous bearer is South Korean singer Kim Tae-yeon (1989-).
Tae-yeong m & f Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 "great, exalted, superior" (tae) and 榮 "glory, honor; flourish, prosper", 映 "project; reflect light" or 英 "petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero" (yeong).
Taisuke m Japanese
This name is used as 泰 (tai) "great, exalted, superior", "big" or "Thai, referring to Thailand" combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "cheek, cheekbone" or "assist". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Taito m Japanese
From Japanese 帯 (tai) meaning "band, belt", 戴 (tai) meaning "to respect; to esteem", 泰 (tai) meaning "peaceful, calm", 大 (tai) meaning "big, great" or 民 (tai) meaning "nation, peoples" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 登 (to) meaning "to go up; to climb; to mount; to rise", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly" or 愛 (to) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Taiyao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 泰 (tài) meaning "great, superior, exalted" and 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade".
Taiyi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 泰 (tài) meaning "great, superior, exalted" and 意 (yì) meaning "thought, idea".
Takarako f Japanese
From Japanese 宝 (takara) meaning "treasure, jewel" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Takreem m & f Arabic
Means "honouring" in Arabic.
Takudzwa m Shona
Means "we have been honoured" in Shona.
Tatenen m & f Egyptian Mythology
Means "risen land" or "exalted earth", and also refers to the silt of the Nile River.... [more]
Tatsuki m & f Japanese
As a unisex name, this name can be used as 太月, 汰月 or 竜貴 with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick", 汰 (ta, tai,,, yona.geru) meaning "luxury, select", 月 (gatsu, getsu, tsuki) meaning "month, moon", 竜 (ryuu, ryou, rou, ise, tatsu) meaning "dragon, imperial" and 貴 (ki, tatto.i, tatto.bu, touto.i, touto.bu) meaning "esteem, honour, precious, prize, value."... [more]
Tazim m Arabic
Means "honour" in Arabic.
Thahleel f & m Arabic (Anglicized, Rare)
"Believe in the oneness of Allah (God), believe there is none worthy of worship except Allah (God)"... [more]
Thaik m & f Burmese
Means "treasure trove" or "prophecy, oracle" in Burmese.
Thaiknanshin f Mythology
Alternate name for Mya Nan Nwe meaning "keeper of the treasure trove".
Thanaphon m & f Thai
From Thai ธน (tá-ná) meaning "money, wealth, treasure" and พร (phon) meaning "blessing".
Thanasak m Thai
From Thai ธน (thana) meaning "wealth, prosperity" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Tharwat m & f Arabic
Derived from Arabic ثَرْوَة (ṯarwa) meaning "plenty" or "wealth, riches, treasure".
Thawatsak m Thai
From Thai ธวัช (thawat) meaning "flag, sign, mark" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Thawisak m Thai
From Thai ทวี (thawi) meaning "increase, add" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Theodoxia f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from the Greek noun θεός (theos) meaning "god" combined with the Greek noun δόξα (doxa) meaning "notion, reputation, honour".... [more]
Thesar m Kosovar (Rare)
Derived from Albanian thesar "treasure".
Tianyu f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful", 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven, celestial" or 甜 (tián) meaning "sweet, sweetness" and 妤 (yú) meaning "beautiful, fair", 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure", 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain", 俞 (yú) meaning "consent, approve", 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather, wing", 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, flawless gem, virtues" or 娱 (yú) meaning "pleasure, enjoyment".
Tiara f Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ti) meaning "heaven", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" combined with 宝 (ra) meaning "treasure". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ticasuk f Inupiat, Inuit
Meaning, "where the four winds gather their treasures from all parts of the world...the greatest which is knowledge."
Tilanjal m Nepali
Meaning "Pure Substance for Worship".
Timagoras m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere". The second element is derived from either the Greek verb ἀγορεύω (agoreuo) meaning "to orate, to speak publicly" or the Greek noun ἀγορά (agora), which can mean "assembly" as well as "market, marketplace".
Timandros m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τιμαω (timao) "to honour, to respect" combined with Greek ανδρος (andros) meaning "of a man".
Timanthes m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour" and ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower, blossom".
Timarche f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τιμαω (timao) "to honour" and αρχος (archos) "master".
Timarchos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" combined with either the Greek noun ἀρχός (archos) meaning "master, leader" or the Greek noun ἀρχή (arche) meaning "origin, source".
Timarete f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour" and ἀρετή (arete) meaning "virtue, excellence"... [more]
Timasios m Ancient Greek
Doric Greek form of Timesios, because it contains τίμασις (timasis), which is the Doric Greek form of the noun τίμησις (timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation".
Timasitheos m Ancient Greek
Doric Greek form of Timesitheos, because it contains τίμασις (timasis), which is the Doric Greek form of the noun τίμησις (timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation".... [more]
Timesileos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun τίμησις (timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation" combined with the Attic Greek noun λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos).... [more]
Timesios m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τιμήσιος (timesios), which can be an adjective that means "honourable, valuable" as well as be the genitive of the Greek noun τίμησις (timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation".
Timesitheos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun τίμησις (timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation" combined with the Greek noun θεός (theos) meaning "god".
Timodemos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek elements τιμαω (timao) "to honour" and δημος (demos) "the people."
Timokles m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek elements τιμαω (timao) "to honour" and κλεος (kleos) "glory."
Timokrates m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek elements τιμαω (timao) "to honour" and κρατος (kratos) "power."
Timokreon m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τιμαω (timao) "to honour" combined with Greek κρέων (kreon) "king" (also compare Kreon).
Timolaos m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek name derived from Greek timao "honor" and laos "people" meaning "to honor the people".
Timomachos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" combined with the Greek noun μάχη (mache) meaning "battle".
Timonax m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" and ἄναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, king".
Timophanes m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" combined with the Greek adjective φάνης (phanes) meaning "appearing".... [more]
Timosthenes m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τιμαω (timao) "to honour" combined with Greek σθενος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength". This name was borne by an ancient Greek navigator and geographer from the 3rd century BC.
Timostratos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" combined with the Greek noun στρατός (stratos) meaning "army".
Timoxenos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" combined with Greek ξένος (xenos) meaning "foreign, strange" as well as "foreigner, guest".... [more]
Timycha f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τῑμή (time) meaning "honour, worship, esteem".
Tingxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 汀 (tīng) meaning "beach, shore" or 婷 (tíng) meaning "pretty, graceful" and 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire".
Tirweald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements tīr "fame, glory, honour" and weald "powerful, mighty" or "authority, leader".
Titomir m Croatian, Serbian
There are two possible explanations for the etymology of the first element of this name. The first is that it is derived from Tito, which is the Serbo-Croatian form of Titus... [more]
Titoslav m Croatian, Serbian
There are two possible explanations for the etymology of the first element of this name. The first is that it is derived from Tito, which is the Serbo-Croatian form of Titus... [more]
Tlotliso f & m Sotho
Means "honour" in Sotho.
Tōko f Japanese
This name combines 塔 (tou) meaning "pagoda, steeple, tower," 憧 (shou, tou, dou, akoga.reru) meaning "admire, adore, aspire to, long for, yearn after," 東 (tou, higashi) meaning "east," 桃 (tou, momo) meaning "peach tree," 桐 (tou, dou, kiri) meaning "paulownia," 灯 (tou, akari, tomoshibi,, hi, ho-) meaning "(a) light, lamp," 登 (shou, chou, to, tou, dou, a.garu, meaning "ascend, climb up," 瞳 (tou, dou, hitomi) meaning "pupil," 藤 (tou, dou, fuji) meaning "wisteria," 透 (tou, su.kasu, su.ku, su.keru,, meaning "filter, penetrate, permeate, transparent" or 陶 (tou) meaning "porcelain, pottery" with 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, -ne) meaning "child, sign of the rat (1st sign of the Chinese zodiac)."
Tomai m Greek
A masculine name meaning "Honoring Thomas"
Tomoki m Japanese
From Japanese 委 (tomo) meaning "committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard", 花 (tomo) meaning "flower", 皆 (tomo) meaning "all, everything", 共 (tomo) meaning "together, both, neither, all, and, alike, with", 具 (tomo) meaning "tool, utensil, means, possess, ingredients, counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture", 丈 (tomo) meaning "length", 誠 (tomo) meaning "sincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity", 曹 (tomo) meaning "office, official, comrade, fellow", 大 (tomo) meaning "big, great", 知 (tomo) meaning "know, wisdom", 智 (tomo) meaning "wisdom, intellect, reason", 朝 (tomo) meaning "morning", 悌 (tomo) meaning "serving our elders", 伴 (tomo) meaning "consort, accompany, bring with, companion", 朋 (tomo) meaning "companion, friend", 睦 (tomo) meaning "intimate, friendly, harmonious" or 友 (tomo) meaning "friend" combined with 紀 (ki) meaning "chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period", 綺 (ki) meaning "figured cloth, beautiful", 生 (ki) meaning "life, genuine, birth", 基 (ki) meaning "fundamental", 輝 (ki) meaning "radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle", 樹 (ki) meaning "tree", 貴 (ki) meaning "precious, value, prize, esteem, honor", 己 (ki) meaning "self", 器 (ki) meaning "utensil, vessel, receptacle, implement, instrument, ability, container, tool, set", 幾 (ki) meaning "how many, how much, how far, how long, some, several", 機 (ki) meaning "loom, mechanism, machine, airplane, opportunity, potency, efficacy, occasion", 季 (ki) meaning "seasons", 記 (ki) meaning "scribe, account, narrative", 甲 (ki) meaning "armor, high (voice), A grade, first class, former, instep, carapace", 来 (ki) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become", 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice", 希 (ki) meaning "hope, beg, request", 毅 (ki) meaning "strong", 規 (ki) meaning "standard, measure", 城 (ki) meaning "castle", 暉 (ki) meaning "shine, light", 葵 (ki) meaning "hollyhock", 亀 (ki) meaning "tortoise, turtle" or 禧 (ki) meaning "fortunate, auspicious"... [more]
Tongchen f Cham
From the Chinese 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion" and 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure, valuables".
Torfheiður f Icelandic (Archaic)
Possibly formed from Torfi or Old Norse torf "turf, sod" combined with heiðr "bright, clear; honour" or heiðr "heath"... [more]
Towşan f Turkmen (Rare)
Derived from Turkmen towşan "hare", ulitmately from Proto-Turkic *tabɨĺgan "hare". Towşan Esenowa (1915 - 1988) was a Turkmen Soviet poetess, writer, playwright and translator. She was an "Honored Poetess of the Turkmen SSR" (1939) and "People's Writer of the Turkmen SSR" (1974).
Tugdual m Breton (Rare)
Derived from Breton tut "people" and uual "brave; bold; noble; exalted" or tad "father".
Tukufu m Swahili
Means "exalted" in Swahili.
Udomsak m Thai
From Thai อุดม (udom) meaning "plentiful, abundant, highest, best" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Üllo m Estonian, Medieval Baltic
Derived from Livonian ilo "joy", this name was mentioned in the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia in its Latinized form Ylo. The form Üllo was eventually revived through 19th-century literature; folk etymology has associated the name with Estonian ülev "exalted" and üllas "noble" ever since.
Üneterdene f & m Mongolian
Means "precious jewel" in Mongolian, from үнэт (ünet) meaning "precious, valuable" and эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure".
U-yeong m Korean
From Sino-Korean 祐 "divine intervention, protection" and 榮 "glory, honor; flourish, prosper".
Vakoka m & f Malagasy
Means "inherited treasure" or "tradition" in Malagasy.
Vandana f Indian, Hindi, Marathi
From Sanskrit वन्दना (vandanā) meaning "praise, commendation" or "prayer, worship".
Varytimos m Greek (Rare)
From the Ancient Greek adjective βαρύτιμος (barytimos) meaning "very costly, of great value", a word used in the New Testament (itself composed of βαρύς (barys) "heavy, deep" and τιμή (time) "value, esteem").
Veneranda f Italian, Spanish, Galician, Latvian
Feminine form of Venerando. It belonged to a semi-legendary saint of the early Christian era, also known as Venera... [more]
Viradecdis f Germanic Mythology
From wiro- "truth" and dekos "honor", interpreted to mean "the truth-honored". The name of a Celtic/Germanic deity.
Visar m Albanian
Derived from Albanian visar "treasure".
Voninahitra m & f Malagasy
Means "glory, honour" in Malagasy.
Wanbao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel, precious, rare".
Wanchaloem m Thai
From Thai วัน (wan) meaning "day" and เฉลิม (chaloem) meaning "glorify, extol".
Wanjing f Chinese
From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" or 晚 (wǎn) meaning "night, evening" and 靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify, calm", 静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle", or 敬 (jìng) meaning "respect, honour".
Wasu m Thai
Means "wealth, riches, treasure" in Thai, ultimately from Sanskrit वसु (vasu) (see Vasu).
Watthanasak m Thai
From Thai วัฒนะ (watthana) meaning "development, progress" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Wenxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns" or 玟 (wén) meaning "streaks in jade, gem" and 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire", 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance" or 昕 (xīn) meaning "dawn, early morning".
Weorðgifu f Anglo-Saxon, Medieval English
Possibly derived from Old English weorþ "worth, deserving, honoured, esteemed" and giefu "present, gift".
Wilaisak m Thai
From Thai วิไล (wilai) meaning "beautiful, pretty" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Wimonsak m Thai
From Thai วิมล (wimon) meaning "chaste, pure, clean" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Wirasak m Thai
From Thai วีร (wira) meaning "brave, heroic" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Wish m & f English
Meaning "a desire, hope, or longing for something or for something to happen". From Middle English wisshen, from Old English wȳscan ‎"to wish", from Proto-Germanic *wunskijaną ‎"to wish", from Proto-Indo-European *wun-, *wenh₁- ‎"to wish, love"... [more]
Wuraola f Yoruba
Means "gold of wealth" or "shining treasure of wealth" in Yoruba.
Xazina f Uzbek
Means "wealth, treasure trove" in Uzbek.
Xi f & m Chinese
Originally meaning is cloth, which also means rare, modern meanings are "hope", "strive", "admire".
Xian m & f Chinese
From Chinese 现 (xiàn) meaning "present, current, appear, manifest", 弦 (xián) meaning "string, chord", 先 (xiān) meaning "first, before", 宪 (xiàn) meaning "law", 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined, skillful", 贤 (xián) meaning "virtuous, good, worthy", 咸 (xián) meaning "all, completely, savoury, salty" or 羨 (xiàn) meaning "envy, admire, covet"... [more]
Xiangbao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant, sweet smelling, incense" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel, precious, rare".
Xiangrong f Chinese
From the Chinese 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant, sweet smelling, incense" and 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper".
Xianmo f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 羡 (xiàn) meaning "admire, praise, envy" and 墨 (mò) meaning "ink".
Xianyu f Chinese
From the Chinese 纤 (xiān) meaning "fine, delicate, graceful" and 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure".
Xiaomu f Chinese
From the Chinese 晓 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak" and 慕 (mù) meaning "long for, desire, admire".
Xiaorong f Chinese
From the Chinese 笑 (xiào) meaning "smile, laugh" and 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour".
Xiaoxian f Chinese
From the Chinese 晓 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak", 笑 (xiào) meaning "smile, laugh" or 绡 (xiāo) meaning "raw silk" and 鹇 (xián) meaning "silver pheasant", 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined", 贤 (xián) meaning "virtuous, worthy, good" or 羡 (xiàn) meaning "envy, admire, praise".
Xiaoxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 小 (xiǎo) meaning "small" or 笑 (xiào) meaning "smile, laugh" and 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic" or "distant fragrance", 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire" or 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous".
Xichen f Chinese
From the Chinese 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure".
Xinbi f Chinese
From the Chinese 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire" or 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance" and 馝 (bì) meaning "fragrance" or 璧 (bì) meaning "piece of jade with hole".
Xinchen f Chinese
From the Chinese 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance" and 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure".
Xingrong f Chinese
From the Chinese 星 (xīng) meaning "star, planet" or 杏 (xìng) meaning "apricot, almond" and 蓉 (róng) meaning "hibiscus" or 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper".
Xinlan f Chinese
From the Chinese 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire", 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance", 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous, delighted", or 昕 (xīn) meaning "dawn, early morning" and 蓝 (lán) meaning "blue", 斓 (lán) meaning "multicoloured", 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid", 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" or 澜 (lán) meaning "overflowing, waves, ripples".
Xinmiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous" or 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water" or 渺 (miǎo) meaning "endlessly long, boundless".
Xinran f Chinese
From the Chinese 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly, pledge, promise" and 燃 (rán) meaning "light fire, ignite".
Xinrong f Chinese
From the Chinese 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance" or 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul" and 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour" or 蓉 (róng) meaning "hibiscus".
Xinrui f Chinese
From the Chinese 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance" or 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire" and 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious" or 蕤 (ruí) meaning "drooping leaves, delicate".
Xinyao f Chinese
From the Chinese 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous, delighted", 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 昕 (xīn) meaning "dawn, early morning", 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire" or 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance" and 杳 (yǎo) meaning "obscure, dark, mysterious, deep" , 窈 (yǎo) meaning "obscure, secluded, refined", 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade", 钥 (yào) meaning "key, lock", or 谣 (yáo) meaning "folksong, ballad".
Xinyue f Chinese
"Xin" (心)in Chinese could mean "heart", "feeling". And "Yue" (玥)means "treasure", "magical beads", or "moon".
Xuanyu f Chinese
From the Chinese 萱 (xuān) meaning "day lily", 渲 (xuàn) meaning "add repeated washes of colour" or 玄 (xuán) meaning "deep, profound" and 煜 (yù) meaning "bright, shining, brilliant", 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain", 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 妤 (yú) meaning "beautiful, fair, handsome".
Yadana f Burmese
Means "treasure, gem, jewel" in Burmese, ultimately from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna).
Yakiko f Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 夜 (ya) meaning "night, evening", 貴 (ki) meaning "precious, esteem" and 子 (ko) meaning "child".
Yanchen f Chinese
From the Chinese 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" and 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure".
Yanrong f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper".
Yaoyi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 姚 (yáo) meaning "handsome, elegant" and 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable, esteemed".
Yashovardhan m Indian
From Sanskrit यश (yaś) meaning "fame, glory, honour" combined with वर्धन (vardhana) "growth, prosperity, success."
Yasuki m Japanese
This name combines 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka) meaning "cheap, contented, low, peaceful, quiet, relax, rested", 康 (kou, yasu) meaning "ease, peace" or 泰 (tai, yasu) meaning "calm, easy, peace, peaceful, Thailand" with 貴 (ki, tatto.i, touto.i) meaning "esteem, honour, precious, prize, value", 輝 (ki, kagaya.ku) meaning "gleam, radiance, shine, sparkle, twinkle", 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber trees, wood", 喜 (ki, yoroko.bu) meaning "rejoice, take pleasure in" or 紀 (ki) meaning "account, annals, chronicle, geologic period, history, narrative."... [more]
Yeong-gyun m Korean
From Sino-Korean 榮 (yeong) meaning "glory, honor; flourish, prosper" combined with 均 (gyun) meaning "equal, even, fair".
Yeongin m Korean
From Sino-Korean 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal","fine, excellent", 榮 (yeong) meaning "glory, honor", 永 (young) meaning "eternal", or "flourish, prosper" and 寅 (in) meaning "tiger" or 人 (in) meaning "person, human".
Yeong-jae m Korean
From Sino-Korean 榮 "glory, honor; flourish, prosper" and 宰 "to slaughter; to rule".
Yeong-ju f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 永 "long, perpetual, eternal, forever" or 榮 "glory, honor; flourish, prosper" (yeong), and 姝 "a beautiful girl", 主 "master, chief owner; host; lord" or 柱 "pillar, post; support; lean on" (ju).
Yeongman m Korean
From Sino-Korean 永 (yeong) "long, perpetual, eternal, forever" or 榮 (yeong) "glory, honor; flourish, prosper" and 萬 "ten thousand; innumerable".
Yeong-min m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泳 (yeong) "dive; swim" or 榮 (yeong) "glory, honor; flourish, prosper", and 民 (yeong) "people, subjects, citizens" or 敏 (min) "fast, quick, clever, smart" .
Yeong-sik m Korean
From Sino-Korean 永 (yeong) "long, perpetual, eternal, forever" or 榮 (yeong) "glory, honor; flourish, prosper" and 植 (sik) "plant, trees, plants; grow".
Ye-seul f & m Korean (Modern)
Combination of the first syllable of adjective 예쁘다 (yeppeuda) meaning "pretty, lovely, beautiful; adorable; nice" and the first syllable of Seulgi... [more]
Yibao f Chinese
From the Chinese 意 (yì) meaning "thought, idea" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel; precious, rare".
Yichen m & f Chinese
From Chinese 易 (yì) meaning "exchange, change", 轶 (yì) meaning "excel, surpass", 依 () meaning "rely on" 义 () meaning "justice, righteousness" or 奕 (yì) meaning "grand, great, elegant, graceful" combined with 辰 (chén) meaning "early morning, dragon of the Chinese zodiac", also referring to the fifth of the twelve earthly branches, 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure, gem", 晨 (chén) meaning "early morning, daybreak" or 臣 (chén) meaning "minister, official"... [more]
Yihe f Chinese
From the Chinese 仪 (yí) meaning "ceremony, rites, gifts, admire" and 和 (hé) meaning "harmony, peace" or 赫 (hè) meaning "bright, radiant, glowing".
Yiluan f Chinese
From the Chinese 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable, esteemed" and 娈 (luán) meaning "lovely, beautiful, docile".
Yimiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, esteemed, admirable" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Yimu f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy" and 慕 (mù) meaning "long for, desire, admire".
Yingbao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, lustrous" or 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, petal, leaf" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel; precious, rare" or 葆 (bǎo) meaning "reserve, preserve".
Yingxin f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gems, crystal" or 盈 (yíng) meaning "filled with, full of, overflowing" and 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous" or 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire".
Yingyi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 盈 (yíng) meaning "filled with, full of, overflowing" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy" and 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable, esteemed" or 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy".
Yiping m & f Chinese
From Chinese 一 () meaning "one", 益 () meaning "profit, benefit", 夷 (yí) meaning "foreigner, flat, level, smooth", 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable, esteemed, chaste" or 怡 () meaning "joy, harmony" combined with 平 (píng) meaning "level, even, peaceful" or 萍 (píng) meaning "duckweed, wander, travel"... [more]
Yixiang f Chinese
From the Chinese 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable, esteemed", 亿 (yì) meaning "hundred million, many" or 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy" and 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant, sweet smelling, incense".
Yixin f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful" or "harmony, pleasure, be glad", 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable, esteemed", 宜 (yí) meaning "suitable, right, proper", 依 (yī) meaning "rely on, be set on, obey a wish" or 艺 (yì) meaning "art, talent, ability" and 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous, delighted", 昕 (xīn) meaning "dawn, early morning", 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul" or 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance".
Yiying f & m Chinese
Derived from the Chinese 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful" or "harmony, pleasure, be glad", 依 (yī) meaning "rely on, be set on, obey a wish", 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable, esteemed", 忆 (yì) meaning "remember, memory" or 翊 (yì) meaning "flying, assist, help, respect" and 潆 (yíng) meaning "tiny stream, swirl around", 赢 (yíng) meaning "win, gain, profit", 莺 (yīng) meaning "oriole, green finch", 英 (yīng) meaning "hero" or "flower, leaf, petal", or 映 (yìng) meaning "mirror, reflect, shine", 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gems, crystal", 盈 (yíng) meaning "filled with, full of, overflowing" or 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous".
Yiyue f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful" or "harmony, pleasure, be glad", 依 (yī) meaning "rely on, be set on" or "obey a wish", or 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable, esteemed" and 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Yizhe f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 仪 (yí) meaning "ceremony, rites, gift, admire" and 哲 (zhé) meaning "wise, sage".
Yoichi m Japanese
This name combines 与 (yo, ata.eru,, kumi.suru, tomoni) meaning "bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift, godsend", 世 (sei, se, sou, yo, sanjuu) meaning "generation, world, society, public", 代 (tai, dai, ka.eru, ka.waru,, -gawa.ri, -ga.wari, shiro, yo) meaning "age, change, charge, convert, fee, generation, period, rate, replace, substitute", 余 (yo,, ama.ri,, anma.ri) meaning "too much, myself, surplus, other, remainder", 四 (shi, yo, yo'.tsu, yo.tsu, yon) meaning "four", 與 (yo, ata.eru,, kumi.suru, tomoni) meaning "participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause" or 誉 (yo,, ho.meru) meaning "glory, honour, praise, reputation" with 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, kazu) meaning "one" or 市 (shi, ichi) meaning "city, market, town."... [more]
Yongbao m Chinese
From Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "perpetual, eternal" or 咏 (yǒng) meaning "sing, hum, chant" combined with 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel, precious, rare", 保 (bǎo) meaning "protect, maintain", 豹 (bào) meaning "leopard, panther" or 暴 (bào) meaning "sudden, violent, cruel"... [more]
Yoshikage m Japanese (Rare)
This name can combine 義 (gi, yoshi) meaning "morality, righteousness, justice, honour," 吉 (kichi, kitsu, yoshi) meaning "good luck," 佳 (ka, yoshi) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good," 良 (ryou, (-)yo.i, (-)i.i, yoshi) or 好 (kou, i.i,, su.ku, yo.i, yoshi), both meaning "good," or 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii, yoshi) meaning "beauty" with 景 (kei, kage) or 影 (ei, kage), both meaning "shadow, figure."... [more]
Yoshimune m Japanese
This name can be used to combine 吉 (kichi, kitsu, yoshi) meaning "good luck," 義 (gi, yoshi) meaning "morality, righteousness, justice, honour," 良 (ryou, (-)yo.i, (-)i.i, yoshi) meaning "good," 慶 (kei, yoroko.bu, yoshi) meaning "joy, delight, rejoicing, congratulation," 芳 (hou, kanba.shii, yoshi) meaning "perfume, fragrance" or 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii, yoshi) meaning "beauty" with 宗 (shuu, sou, mune) meaning "principle, aim."... [more]
Yoshine f Japanese
"Beautiful, Excellence, Morality, Justice, Honour, Righteousness, Good Luck," and Ne means "Sound, Noise."
Yoshinobu m Japanese
From Japanese 由 (yoshi) meaning "cause, reason", 栄 (yoshi) meaning "glory, honor", 佳 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful, good", 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 圭 (yoshi) meaning "jade pointed at top" or 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous" combined with 伸 (nobu) meaning "extend, stretch"... [more]
Yougnkyeong f Korean
From Sino-Korean 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal","fine, excellent", 榮 (yeong) meaning "glory, honor", 永 (young) meaning "eternal", or "flourish, prosper" and 敬 (gyeong) "respect, honor" or 慶 (gyeong) "congratulate, celebrate".
Young-Ae f Korean
From Sino-Korean 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal" or "fine, excellent" or 榮 (yeong) meaning "glory, honor" or "flourish, prosper" combined with 愛 (ae) meaning "love". Other hanja combinations are possible.
Youngseok m Korean
From Sino-Korean 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal","fine, excellent", 榮 (yeong) meaning "glory, honor", 永 (young) meaning "eternal", or "flourish, prosper" and 碩 (seok) meaning "large, big, great", 錫 (seok) meaning "tin", or 石 (seok) meaning "stone, rock".
Young-woo f Korean
From the Sino-Korean 榮 (young) meaning "glory, honour" or 瑛 (young) meaning "jade", combined with 雨 (woo) meaning "rain" or 宇 (woo) meaning "house, eaves, universe"... [more]
Yuai f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" or 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter".
Yuanbao f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard", 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" or 圆 (yuán) meaning "circle, round, complete" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel; precious, rare".
Yucai f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 彩 (cǎi) meaning "colour".
Yuchen f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" and 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure, valuables" or 晨 (chén) meaning "early morning, daybreak".
Yuguan f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 鹳 (guàn) meaning "stork, crane".
Yuhan f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" and 菡 (hàn) meaning "lotus buds" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" and 寒 (hán) meaning "cold, wintry".
Yuhuang f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 凰 (huáng) meaning "female phoenix".
Yujie f & m Chinese
From Chinese 玉 () meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 钰 (yù) meaning "gold, jade, treasure" or 宇 () meaning "house, eaves, universe" combined with 洁 (jié) meaning "clean, pure", 杰 (jié) meaning "heroic, outstanding" or 阶 (jiē) meaning "stairs, steps"... [more]
Yujin f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of gems".
Yujing f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify", "calm, peaceful".
Yumeng f Chinese
From the Chinese 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain", 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure", 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" or 煜 (yù) meaning "bright, shining, brilliant" and 梦 (mèng) meaning "dream", 萌 (méng) meaning "bud, sprout" or 朦 (méng) meaning "condition or appearance of the moon".
Yupanqui m Quechua
Means "he who honours his ancestors" in Quechua.
Yuqian f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 茜 (qiàn) meaning "madder" or "reeds".
Yuqiao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure", 玉 (yù) meaning "jade", 愉 (yú) meaning "cheerful, happy" or 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather" and 翘 (qiào) meaning "lift, elevate", 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever", 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud" or 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble".
Yuqin f Chinese
From Chinese 玉 () meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 钰 (yù) meaning "treasure, solid metal", or 育 (yù) meaning "raise, rear, nourish" combined with 琴 (qín) meaning "zither, lute", 芹 (qín) meaning "celery", or 钦 (qīn) meaning "respect, admire"... [more]
Yuran f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 妤 (yú) meaning "beautiful, handsome" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly, pledge, promise" or 燃 (rán) meaning "light fire, ignite".
Yushan f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 珊 (shān) meaning "coral".
Yushen f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 莘 (shēn) meaning "long, numerous", also the name of a medicinal plant.
Yushu f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 妤 (yú) meaning "beautiful, fair, handsome" and 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" or 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl".
Yushuang f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" and 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost; crystallized", 双 (shuāng) meaning "set of two, pair" or 爽 (shuǎng) meaning "bright, clear, cheerful, happy, refreshing".
Yushuo f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 烁 (shuò) meaning "glitter, shine, sparkle".
Yutang f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure", 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, virtues" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade, precious stone, fair, beautiful" and 棠 (táng) meaning "wild plums".
Yutao f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 桃 (táo) meaning "peach, marriage".
Yuwan f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 湾 (wān) meaning "bay, cove".
Yuxia f Chinese
From the Chinese 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather, wing", 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain", 昱 (yù) meaning "bright light, sunlight, dazzling" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds" or 夏 (xià) meaning "summer".
Yuxian f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure", 煜 (yù) meaning "bright, shining, brilliant", 愉 (yú) meaning "cheerful, happy", 誉 (yù) meaning "fame, reputation, praise" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" and 仙 (xiān) meaning "transcendent, immortal" or 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined".
Yuxiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" and 肖 (xiào) meaning "like, resemble", 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 潇 (xiāo) meaning "sound of beating wind and rain" or 霄 (xiāo) meaning "sky, heaven", "mist, clouds", or 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" and 笑 (xiào) meaning "smile, laugh".
Yuxiu f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 秀 (xiù) meaning "beautiful, elegant, excellent, luxuriant, refined".
Yuyan f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" or 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem", "glitter of gems", 滟 (yàn) meaning "billowing, overflowing", 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" or 雁 (yàn) meaning "wild goose".
Yuyao f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure", 誉 (yù) meaning "fame, reputation, praise", 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather, wing" or 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" and 杳 (yǎo) meaning "obscure, dark, mysterious", 窈 (yǎo) meaning "obscure, secluded", 谣 (yáo) meaning "folksong, ballad" or 姚 (yáo) meaning "handsome, elegant".
Yuyi f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade", 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable", 意 (yì) meaning "thought, idea", 漪 (yī) meaning "ripples, swirling", or 宜 (yí) meaning "appropriate, fitting, suitable".
Yuyin f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 银 (yín) meaning "silver" or "money, wealth" or 殷 (yīn) meaning "many, great, abundant, flourishing".
Yuying f & m Chinese
From Chinese 玉 () meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 钰 (yù) meaning "gold, jade, treasure" or 煜 (yù) meaning "brilliant, bright, glorious, shining" combined with 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero", 莹 (yíng) meaning "lustre of gems" or 瀛 (yíng) meaning "ocean, sea"... [more]
Yuyuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" and 瑗 (yuàn) meaning "jade ring" or 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard".
Yuyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological magical pearl, mysterious gem", 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 越 (yuè) meaning "go beyond, exceed".
Yuyun f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" and 芸 (yún) meaning "rue" or "art, ability, talent, craft", 韫 (yùn) meaning "hide, conceal" or 云 (yún) meaning "clouds".
Zarnishon f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek zar meaning "gold" and shon meaning "honour, glory".
Zeeshan m Urdu
From Arabic ذُو (ḏū) meaning "possessor of, owner of" and شَأْن (šaʾn) meaning "honour, dignity, rank".
Zhenbao m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel; precious, rare".
Zhenrong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 真 (zhēn) meaning "clearly, really" or "real, true, genuine", 贞 (zhēn) meaning "faithful, loyal, virtuous, chaste" or 蓁 (zhēn) meaning "abundant, luxuriant vegetation" and 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour" or 蓉 (róng) meaning "hibiscus".
Zichen f Chinese
From the Chinese 孜 (zī) meaning "be as diligent as possible" and 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure".
Ziyu m & f Chinese
From Chinese 子 () meaning "child" or 自 (zì, zí) meaning "self, onself" combined with 毓 (yù) meaning "rear, nourish, nurture", 瑜 (yú) meaning "excellence, flawless jewel, lustre of gems", 玉 () meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 舆 (yú, yù) meaning "cart, carriage, palanquin", 虞 () meaning "concerned, anxious", 钰 (yù) meaning "gold, jade, treasure" or 鱼 (yú) meaning "fish"... [more]
Zoram m Mormon
Zoram has five plausible etymologies, though only the first etymology given below is attested in an ancient Semitic source (see below). The first three of the five are only slightly different from each other: "The Rock is the (divine) kinsman," "Rock of the people," and "Their Rock." These three plausible etymologies will be discussed in that order, with the first discussion supplying most of the basic information... [more]