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[Games] Cup of Tea's Adoption Agency
Welcome to Cup Of Tea's (bandwagon lol) Adoption Agency.
We hope to match you with children that will match your specific family. FAMILY BACKGROUND:Parent 1:
Brief Description:Parent 2 (opt.):
Brief Description: Current Children (opt.):
Brief Description(s):
Biological, Adopted, Foster, or Surrogate?: Location:
Main Language(s):
Secondary Language(s):
Other Family Info:AdoptionPreferred Number (up to 5, leave blank if no preference):
Gender Preference(s):
Age Preference(s):
Nationality Preference(s):
Religous Preference(s):
Willing to adopt:
Disabled Children?-
Children of rape/incest/other extreme circumstances?-
Delinquent Children?-
Teen Parents or Pregnant Teens?-
Mentally Ill Children?-
Open or Closed Adoption?-Other Requests?:(I used to be Jasper)
Rate my PNL!
TOP 2: Alice and Oscar BOTTOM 2: Casilda and Cohen
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Parent 1:
Name: Ralph Jared Morris
Age: 31
Brief Description: Born and raised in Dearborn, Michigan, Ralph grew up in a middle class family. His father Jared is an accounting consultant and his mother Patricia works as an elementary teacher. His older sister Michaela is a ballet instructor. In high school, he was part of the baseball team, however an injury forces him to quit. While recovering, Ralph discovers his talent in photography. After high school, he attended Rhode Island School of Design, where he earned his MFA in Photography and BA in graphic design. He currently works as a freelance graphic designer. Parent 2:
Name: Apollonia Isidora Piattelli-Morris
Age: 31
Brief Description: Appolonia was born in Tucson, Arizona and spent a small amount of her childhood there before moving to Dearborn, Michigan at age 10. Her father, Giuseppe, owns an Italian-Jewish deli while her mother, Annamaria, works as a librarian. She was 4 brother with her being the middle child. Throughout middle school and high school, Apollonia was very proficient in sports, primarily in softball and volleyball. After high school, she later attends USC and earns a Master's in Communications. She currently works as an executive producer for a popular television series. Current Children (opt.):
Name: Natasha Rosalind Morris
Ages(s): 5
Brief Description: Natasha is a vivacious and outgoing tomboy, who shares more qualities of her mother. She loves being outdoors and plays in a kiddie softball team.

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Parent 1:
Name: Marcella Florence Lynn-Leclerc
Age: 34
Brief Description: Marcella grew up an only child, the beloved daughter of a theatre technician and a renowned actor. She discovered her talent for music at a young age, and released her first album aged 17, to moderate success. A few average-selling albums later, aged 28, she was pretty down about her career. She felt it had ended before it had ever begun, and felt she wasn't as talented or worthwhile as her father had been. When she moved to France, hoping to start a new life, she met Josie, who finally made her feel valued again. They got married 2 years ago in a private ceremony, and Marcella has since released another album, in French, which was received very well. Marcella has always been a fairly reserved person, who puts her heart and soul into everything she does, and makes sure to look before she leaps.Parent 2:
Name: Joséphine 'Josie' Louise Lynn-Leclerc
Age: 32
Brief Description: Joséphine has always been very close to her twin sister Catherine, and was a little horrified when she found out that Marcella grew up without siblings! Josie excelled in school, and studied Mechanical Engineering when she left. After her graduation, she quickly gained an internship with Renault, working on their Formula 1 engine designs, and she's maintained a job there ever since. She met Marcella by pure chance - spilling her coffee all over Marcella whilst hurrying to work. Josie's a pretty chaotic person who's never quite able to organise all her thoughts; she's outgoing, bold, and sometimes less than aware of how her words affect others.

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Olivie Mailys, Rainier Samson, and Florence Claire.Olivie Mailys is a 15-year-old expectant mother. She is 6 months along, with a baby boy she intends to name after whoever adopts her. She is a lively girl, but she does take medication for depression. She plans to study hard and go to college to be able to one day support her son on her own.Rainier Samson (9) and Florence Claire (4) are her younger siblings. Rainier is blind, but still loves to read (Braille, of course) and he is an avid astronomy geek. Florence dreams of being a dancer, and hopes that her new family can help boost that dream. Olivie speaks French and some English, but her younger siblings only speak French. The children were raised Christian, but are not practicing. We hope these lovely children become great members of your family.
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Parent 1: 

Name: Max Jones 
Age: 36

Brief Description: Max has always loved children and has a great heart for understanding and caring for them. He knows what is currently cool and has a friendly personality.
Parent 2 (opt.):

Name: Sharon Jones (Golden)

Age: 31

Brief Description: Sharon was Max's girlfriend in college and is now his wife. She is a very sweet and loving person who would love to have some children to raise with Max. Current Children (opt.):
Brief Description(s): 
Biological, Adopted, Foster, or Surrogate?:
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Careers: Max is an author and painter. Sharon is a makeup artist and model
Main Language(s): English

Secondary Language(s): None

Religion(s): Christian

Pet(s): None

Disabilities/Conditions?: Max has cerebral palsy and can only walk with assistance, so he uses a wheelchair most of the

Other Family Info:
Preferred Number (up to 5, leave blank if no preference):
Gender Preference(s): 
Age Preference(s): 10 and under

Nationality Preference(s): 

Religous Preference(s): 

Willing to adopt: 
Siblings?- Yes

Multiples?- Yes

Disabled Children?- Yes

Children of rape/incest/other extreme circumstances?- Yes

Delinquent Children?- No

Teen Parents or Pregnant Teens?- No

Mentally Ill Children?- Yes

Open or Closed Adoption?- Either is fine
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Emilia Anastazja and Anka TeodozjaEmilia and Anka are 4 and 7-year-old girls who were originally born in Poland, but were transferred to the U.S. where they were taught English. The girls tend to go by the English nicknames Millie and Anna. Emilia is a shy, laid back 4-year-old wth bright eyes. She is always attached to her older sister. Anka is the more loud, snappy sister. She is very expressive, but she is a bit of a trouble maker. We hope Emilia and Anka transition well into your family!
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FAMILY PROFILEProspective Parent 1: Eva Catherine (Hodgkins) Shields [37]
Eva grew up the adored child of two laid-back professors and was always very close with her younger brother, Pierce. As she grew up, Eva became more and more stressed leading her to lose the enjoyment in life. When she met Ben she was able to feel completely relaxed and his presence allowed her to feel truly happy once more. They fell completely in love and they got married at 32. Now Eva works as history professor like her parents and she loves how her job allows her to balance work and family. She and Benjamin are determined to continue to make new traditions with each other and their children and want to get as much as possible out of life.
Three Hobbies: Gardening, Exercise, Baking
Three Character Traits: Perfectionistic, Determined, OptimisticProspective Parent 2: Benjamin HerbertBen” Shields [38]
Ben was adopted from Puerto Rico by loving parents when he was two years old and has been determined to adopt ever since. He grew up an only child but surrounded by friends and extended family who loved him. From day one he was a bit of a goofball and class clown and he’s never stopped telling jokes and playing fun. In college he met Eva and fell head over heels for her despite her naturally disliking him and he worked hard to get her to like him back. Years after they married, Ben is completely overjoyed to have two lovely kids and an amazing wife, but he always wanted to adopt and he figures this is his time.
Three Hobbies: Cooking, Stand-up comedy, Building stuff

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Eduard Cruz!Eduard Cruz is the 3-month-old son of Graciela Ines. Graciela would like to keep at least a little contact with Eduard, because she does love him. She was unprepared for motherhood, and the father ran. Graciela is a 22 year old teacher in training. Eduard is a happy baby, and he has been hitting every milestone on point.
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Parent 1
Name: Michael Lewis Murdock
Age: 32
Brief Description: Michael’s family background is very complicated, and he doesn’t like to talk about it. He is the only son of his mother and father, but he has a younger half-brother whom he has no contact with (by choice). His father died when he was young, and his mother was rarely home. He’s currently working as a dog trainer, though he’s currently also taking classes to become a veterinarian.

Parent 2
Name: Eleanora Arielle Murdock
Age: 32
Brief Description: Eleanora is the youngest of two. Both her parents died when she was in her teens, so she is sympathetic to the plight of orphaned children. A kind, open woman, Eleanora works as a nurse.

Current Children
Names: Evander Ross Murdock; Thalia Rose Murdock
Agess: 9 and 6
Brief Descriptions: Evander is a quiet child, much like his father was, and likes to accompany Michael to work - he loves animals of all kinds. Thalia is a bright child, and loves nature. She often drags her family on nature hikes.
Biological, Adopted, Foster, or Surrogate?: Biological

Location: West Virginia, USA
Careers: Michael is a dog trainer (for now), Eleanora is a nurse.
Main Language: English
Secondary Language(s): None
Religion(s): None
Pet(s): Three dogs: Tom, Sophie, and Link
Disabilities/Conditions?: None


Preferred Number: 2
Gender Preferences: Any
Age Preferences: 3-9
Nationality Preferences: The Murdocks prefer children from English-speaking countries.
Religious Preferences: None
Willing to adopt:
Siblings?- Yes
Multiples?- No
Disabled Children?- Yes, but not highly severe disabilities.
Children of rape/incest/other extreme circumstances?- Yes
Delinquent Children?- No
Teen Parents or Pregnant Teens?- No
Mentally Ill Children?- Yes
Open or Closed Adoption?- Closed
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Eileen Fiona and Rory SeanEileen Fiona is a lovely 7-year-old girl from Ireland who has been in the orphanage her entire life. Her mother was raped at age 14, and gave birth to her at 15. Despite her sad circumstances, Eileen lights up the room with her extreme energy and love for life. She does, however, have mild dyslexia that prevents her from reading as well, so she has been held back in school. Rory Sean is a 3-year-old boy from the same orphanage as Eileen. She sort of 'adopted' him as her little brother. He is selectively mute, as far as the orphanage knew, and only talks to Eileen. He is super shy but very passionate about his collection of superhero stuffed toys. I hope the these lovely faces brighten up your home!

This message was edited 6/17/2017, 6:16 PM

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Parent 1:

Name: Maria Charlotte (Davies) Wilson
Age: 27

Brief Description: Maria is a lovely young lady who has always wanted to have a huge family but after her teenage pregnancy... she has decided to adopt! Her hobbies include hiking, swimming and she especially enjoys playing racket games like badminton and tennis. Overall, Maria is a very athletic woman. Parent 2 (opt.):

Name: Oliver Benedict Wilson
Age: 30

Brief Description: Oliver is a very kind man with an incredible amount of respect for his wife and daughter. He never really thought about parentage throughout his childhood; now however he is delighted to have the wonderful opportunity to adopt. His hobbies include ten-pin bowling, watching movies and photography. Current Children (opt.):

Name(s): Jasmine Fleur Wilson

Ages(s): 10

Brief Description(s): Jasmine is an intelligent girl and school work comes easy for her. She barely has any friends but is ok with that. Jasmine lives a happy life and her hobbies include ballet, diving and climbing.

Biological, Adopted, Foster or Surrogate?: Biological Location: London, England

Careers: Maria is a sports coach and she goes around to the different schools in her area giving sport lessons. Oliver is a wedding photographer and takes beautiful pictures for newly-wed couples all over London. 

Main Language(s): The entire family are all fluent in English.

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Caroline Joy and Margaret Elise!Caroline Joy and Margaret Elise are 5-year-old twins from right there in London. They were born to a pair of hardworking middle-class citizens who tragically died in a car accident, leaving the girls with no other place to go besides the orphanage. Both girls are very outgoing. Caroline enjoys theater, and has starred in many junior plays, while Margaret's hobbies are more reserved. She enjoys art, and regularly creates pieces well beyond the talents of other 5 year olds. I hope that Caroline and Margaret fit well into your family!
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